First Quarter News | April 24, 2020
News from Across the Ruthman Companies
Welcome to The Ruthman Reporter, a quarterly newsletter bringing you the latest news and projects from Ruthman divisions around the globe.

 A message from Ruthman Companies Vice President and Owner, Thomas G. Ruthman
As we settle into our new normal, I’m enormously proud of the way our divisions and employees have faced the unprecedented challenges of the Covid-19 Pandemic.

As the scale of the outbreak became clear, our facilities swiftly implemented the safety recommendations of the CDC and adjusted their working practices to protect the health of our most important asset-our employees. We continually review and update these provisions as new government guidelines are issued.

We are fortunate to have been well-prepared to weather a disruptive global health crisis and do our part to support the continued operation of infrastructure critical businesses. Our world-wide facility footprint ensures manufacturing continuity. A diverse supply chain and robust on-hand inventory gives us confidence in our order fulfillment capabilities.

Our sales, engineering, and customer support staff have embraced new ways to collaborate with our customers and each other, taking full advantage of remote working tools. It’s pushed us all to be more creative and flexible in our thinking.

As I write this, the government is beginning to discuss an end to the stay at home measures, and the CDC is issuing guidelines for returning to work. While this is hopeful, we are realistic that there are certain to be more challenges ahead as the economic repercussions continue to unfold. We will face it together as a team. With courage, not fear, we will continue to practice good judgement and do what is needed to keep our employees and our businesses safe, secure and productive.
Ruthman Companies Grows National Sales Team
Jim Adams, Western Regional Sales Manager
Victor Hernandez, Southwestern Regional and Latin America Sales Manager
While our Ruthman Companies National Sales Team is currently home-bound, they’re still hard at work making sure customers have the pumps needed to keep their critical businesses running, and helping them to plan for post shut-down projects.

The first quarter of the year brought some exciting additions to our team–Jim Adams as Western Regional Manager, covering the Western States of the US and Victor Hernandez as Southwest and Latin America Regional Manager for the Southwest US States and Latin America.
Engineering Story: How Gusher Vertical Sealless Pumps Eliminate Failure Headaches
Gusher 7550 Pumps Provide Drop-In Replacement of Underperforming Pumps
We hear stories all the time from the field: in numerous facilities and applications, Gusher has provided drop-in replacement pumps that completely eliminate pump problems that had plagued owners for years.

What prompts so many facilities to make the switch? Robust construction and design features that minimize pump wear, coupled with custom engineering that eliminates retrofit construction concerns.

Join Us for Virtual Training
While there’s no substitute for sharing our pump knowledge in person, the current travel constraints have inspired us to launch an online training series.

Pump 101: The basics of pump operation, selection and troubleshooting was very well attended and is now available online.

Pump 102: Advanced centrifugal pump selection is scheduled for  Friday, April 24 at 1 pm EDT. 

In addition to these general sessions, our sales team is available for customized virtual training sessions. on any pump or valve topic you and your team may need.
Engineering Story: Ruthman Pumps & Service Keeps Dairy Operation Running Safely
Our RPS division has been working on a long-term service project for Dairy Farmers of America, rehabbing a Pennsylvania dairy’s Gusher 7600 Series horizontal pumps. Working closely with distributor Anderson Industrial Machine, the pumps are brought to our full-service Cincinnati repair facility, where they are cleaned and any parts with cavitation damage are re-machined.

The pumps are re-assembled and reset to all factory tolerances and each pump is condition-point tested in our Dry Ridge, KY test tank to ensure performance accuracy. As these pumps are part of the system that ensures proper pasteurization, verifying performance under real-world conditions is critical. Pumps not running at the correct gpm and psi could compromise food safety.
Fulflo Expands CSA Registration to Cast Iron Valves
Fulflo’s cast iron valve line was recently granted CSA registration, joining the previously registered cast steel and stainless steel valve ranges.

The CSA registration certifies that the products comply with ANSI/ASME codes and authorizes Fulflo to sell its full line of valves in all Canadian provinces.
New PSI Website
Process Systems Inc has just gone live with an updated website, showcasing its line of Process Systems and Deming Vertical Turbine Pumps. Key info has been brought up to date and the look and feel has been modernized.

The new site is the first step in a planned redesign which will bring expanded content and user functionality.

Engineering Story: Gusher Self-Priming Pumps Bound for Paint Shop Install
Gusher Keeps Production Moving with Large Self-Priming Pump Shipment

Our manufacturing has continued on pre-pandemic pace, including these Gusher self-priming pumps for Giffin paint systems. The order was sold through Great Lakes Pumps & Supply for installation at two FCA Chrysler facilities.

Twenty Gusher SPP Series Pumps are bound for new Jeep Cherokee and Jeep Wagoneer facilities in the Detroit, Michigan area. The Gusher pumps will form an integral part of the paint shops being built by Giffin, pumping waste from the e-coat and phosphate paint systems to industrial waste. 

In case you missed it...Flashback Feature
This issue, we're flashing back to a 2019 Fluid Power Journal article contributed by Fulflo Hydraulic Valves GM, David Locaputo. In it, David takes a look at the key role valve selection plays in these systems. On Busy Airfields, Hydraulic Valve Selection Matters enumerates the advantages of guided piston valves. With unique flow and stability characteristics, these valves provide reliable performance without chatter.

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