As we settle into our new normal, I’m enormously proud of the way our divisions and employees have faced the unprecedented challenges of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
As the scale of the outbreak became clear, our facilities swiftly implemented the safety recommendations of the CDC and adjusted their working practices to protect the health of our most important asset-our employees. We continually review and update these provisions as new government guidelines are issued.
We are fortunate to have been well-prepared to weather a disruptive global health crisis and do our part to support the continued operation of infrastructure critical businesses. Our world-wide facility footprint ensures manufacturing continuity. A diverse supply chain and robust on-hand inventory gives us confidence in our order fulfillment capabilities.
Our sales, engineering, and customer support staff have embraced new ways to collaborate with our customers and each other, taking full advantage of remote working tools. It’s pushed us all to be more creative and flexible in our thinking.
As I write this, the government is beginning to discuss an end to the stay at home measures, and the CDC is issuing guidelines for returning to work. While this is hopeful, we are realistic that there are certain to be more challenges ahead as the economic repercussions continue to unfold. We will face it together as a team. With courage, not fear, we will continue to practice good judgement and do what is needed to keep our employees and our businesses safe, secure and productive.