April| Avril 2019
Alumni headline
This month's highlights:
  • 📱 Alumni Picnic: June 8, 2019 RSVP
  • Class Reunion: Promo 2009
  • Senior Brunch: Alumni Participation RSVP
  • Alumni Interview: Morgan du Plessix & Stephane Kouame '15
  • Student Internships: Aidez nos Ă©lĂšves Ă  trouver des stages
  • NEW! Can you help current students choose a College/University?
  • and more...
Alumni Relations | Advancement Department

Is there a teacher or staff member you would like us to invite on your behalf? Let us know by e-mail or by RSVP .
CLASS OF 2009 - 10 ANS APRÈS !

QUAND ? Le weekend du 7-9 juin 2019. Contactez Marta Lemerle Scandiffio et Sophie Bouet pour plus d'informations.
Rochambeau alumni, you are invited! Join us for this special occasion as we celebrate our Terminale students and welcome them as our newest alumni. Take advantage of a guided tour of the campus, visit some of your favorite teachers, and say "bon courage" to our seniors!
Alumni Interview:
Morgan Du Plessix & Stephane Kouame '15
by Rochambeau Students, Samantha & Daniel Pressman (6Ăšme/7th Grade)
Morgan du Plessix is on her fourth year of undergrad studies in Sustainable Business and International Relations at NYU in New York. As a previous intern for UBS, the Swiss investment banking company, Morgan will return as an Incoming Wealth Management GTP Analyst in NY this Summer.
Stephane Kouame is on his third year of undergrad studies at McGill University in Quebec, Canada. He is a Physics and Chemistry major. Passionate about soccer and commended for his talent, Stephane is a Forward for the McGill Men's Soccer Team.

" We really enjoyed meeting and getting to know Morgan and Stephane while gaining valuable insights about time management, the balance between school and social lives, career paths, and, more. Being able to discuss what their experience was like at Rochambeau a few years ago, their lifelong friendships, and their daily usage of French outside of Rochambeau made us appreciate our school even more. " - Samantha & Daniel
"How has Rochambeau helped build your character in the world?"
"What or whom did you appreciate the most during school?"
Laetitia Morrisson '05
Did you read our last Alumni Profile story?

Laetitia is KaBOOM!'s Senior Manager in Partnership Development. She is a Fellow of the "Princeton AlumniCorps Emerging Leaders" program. She holds a Masters in Public Relations and Corporate Communications from Georgetown University after obtaining her Bachelor's in Media Studies from the Catholic University of America.

Now living in the Washington D.C. area, Laetitia is originally from CĂŽte D'Ivoire.
Ask Alumni: College Connections

Would you be willing to connect with current Rochambeau students who may have questions about the universities you have attended? YES!

Your experiences can help 9th-12th grade students (3eme-Terminale) navigate their academic choices and enhance their college experience.
Please fill out this brief form
and we'll share your information with our Director of University Counseling.
*Special Request* We have a particular inquiry this month for students/graduates from the following schools: Bryn Mawr, Dickinson, Franklin & Marshall, Lafayette, College of Holy Cross, and St. Mary's College of Maryland. Can you help? Email Andrea Fort.
Host a 10th grade student for a professional 2-week experience 🎓
Offre l'opportunitĂ© aux Ă©lĂšves de seconde d’effectuer un stage de dĂ©couverte en entreprise de deux semaines.

  • Dates: 28 mai au vendredi 7 juin
  • Contact: Karine Gaultier, ConseillĂšre d'orientation

Vous ĂȘtes l'exemple de la rĂ©ussite de nos Ă©lĂšves dans la vie active !
De Istanbul à Oulan-Bator à vélo

Arif Fdani '14 (Élùve 2007-2011)

"L e projet de Arif Fdani et 3 amis français qui ont dĂ©cidĂ© de se lancer Ă  la dĂ©couverte du continent eurasiatique Ă  dos de vĂ©lo jusqu’aux confins de la Mongolie."

Leur objectif?
  1. Rencontrer des entrepreneurs français expatriés porteurs de projets innovants.
  2. Contribuer des interviews et des informations au livre: "Le guide de l'entrepreneur", co-Ă©crit avec l'Ă©quipe Rocket Bike.
  3. Rendre visite aux écoles français pour promouvoir l'entrepreneuriat et la valeur de la langue française dans le monde.
  4. Parcourir plus de 10 000 kilomÚtres dans une dizaine de pays, entiÚrement à vélo, afin d'y laisser aucune empreinte carbone.

Insights into a world of luxury...
Currently, a Beauty Think Tank Consultant with CHANEL, Christine Noumba Um '14 is forging a career in the luxury sector, and is growing talent in creative digital production and content writing. Thought-provoking and informative, she's got things to say:
University Research Day

Des 250 projets prĂ©sentĂ©s, le projet de Pierre-Alexandre Le Ber '17 , dont une analyse Ă©conomique du plan de taxation sur les Ă©missions de Carbone de l’ex-prĂ©sidente de la Federal Reserve (Janet Yellen) a Ă©tĂ© retenu parmi 30 finalistes lors du "University Research Day" Ă  la Catholic University of America in Washington D.C.

" Ces compĂ©tences en recherche qui ont commencĂ© Ă  se dĂ©velopper dĂšs le TPE, m’ont permis d’ĂȘtre acceptĂ© Ă  un semestre Ă  Oxford University, ou j’effectuerai des « tutorials », soit de la recherche individuelle, sur le commerce international dans l’Union EuropĂ©enne. " FĂ©licitations Pierre-Alexandre !
Alumni Relations | Rochambeau, the French International School