'The House that Twilight Built' is Building New Lives for Young Women in Cambodia
As GO Campaign enters our 15th year of giving opportunity, we have the joy of hearing stories about where some of the children who were affected by GO grants are now.

In 2010, a generous grant funded by GO Ambassador Robert Pattinson built a school dormitory for a GO partner in Cambodia, dubbed ‘The House that Twilight Built’. The housing gave underprivileged young women in LHA’s Program Advancing Girls’ Education (PAGE) the opportunity to finish high school and pursue their education, careers, and even more opportunities. Prior to a program like PAGE, many women were forced to drop out of school due to economic and safety reasons.

Sreyna was one of 7 children in her family. She dropped out of high school in 2009 because her family could not afford to continue her education. Thanks to the PAGE program and secure housing made available by the brand new dormitory, she returned to school in 2010. Sreyna finished high school in 2012, and pursued both vocational training from a local nonprofit and a Bachelor’s Degree on a scholarship from the PAGE program. She graduated in 2020 and now has a family of her own and works and volunteers with nonprofits in the region to help give vulnerable children the same opportunities she received.
GO Grant Gets Young Moms Back on Their Feet During Covid-19
150 young moms and their children in Southern California were able to not only survive the pandemic, but thrive in the face of it. The support and resources they received were made possible by a GO Campaign grant and the leadership of Local Hero Dianna Smiley.
Oprah Highlights a GO Local Hero!

Local Hero Sam Prater's work at the Opportunity House, a 50-bed shelter for college students experiencing homelessness, is featured in the July issue of O Magazine! Oprah even gave a special shout out to Sam on Instagram!
GO Gala 2021 Sponsorship

The 2021 GO Gala will be here before we know it, and we are starting to welcome sponsors! GO Gala sponsors are an incredible part of what makes our work possible year after year, and we would love your company be a part of what we do.
Scott Fifer on The MINDset Game Podcast

Scott Fifer joins host Vered Kogan to share inspiring stories of Local Heroes improving the lives of vulnerable children, and reveals what it takes to create positive change in communities around the world.
Meet Our Local Heroes!

These are the community leaders that we are invested in supporting. They are dedicated to creating the opportunities the children in their communities deserve, and their love is what makes us GO.
Meet Some Members of GO Campaign's Youth Advisory Board!
The GO Campaign Volunteer Youth Advisory Board brings together young visionaries who care about the world we live in and want to make a positive change in their communities and around the world. Monthly meetings offer leadership skills and opportunities to expand knowledge of the nonprofit field. Meet some of them below!