CBRL news January 2020
Happy new year to all CBRL members and friends and welcome to our January newsletter.

The start of the year marks the start of CBRL’s membership year. For just £50 a year or £20 for a student membership you will receive a print copy and online subscription to one of our journals, you can apply for CBRL funding and stay at our reasonably priced hostel accommodation in Amman and Jerusalem. 

This year has got off to a flying start with events in both London and Amman. The Cultural Corridors of Peace project that CBRL is a partner on culminated in an exhibition in London entitled, ARAB B EDOUIN: No Future Without Past. A delegation of Bedouin from across the Levant attended the opening and we were honoured to be joined by H RH Princess Badiya bint El Hassan for the event after her father, HRH Prince Hassan bin Talal, acted as patron for the Bedouin gathering that took place in October last year.

Our first lecture of 2020 was given by Robert Bewley, Director of the Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa project (EAMENA) on the theme of discovery, documentation and the destruction of cultural heritage in the MENA region. Taking place at King's College London, this lecture was a tribute to our dear friend and colleague, Andrea Zerbini. Today, Sarah Elliott, British Ac ademy Early Career Fellow at Bournemouth University in partnership with CBRL, is giving a CBRL-sponsored seminar at Cambridge's McDonald Institute on her research that looks at enviro-ethnoarchaeology and archaeology.

This January, for the first time, CBRL joined together with other British International Research Institutes (BIRI) to joint sponsor the student poster prizes at this year's British Association of near Eastern Archaeology (BANEA) conference that took place in Oxford.

And finally, earlier this week, CBRL Amman co-hosted a three-day Knowledge Symposium on the theme of 'belonging' in partnership with the British Academy. You can read more about this event here.

We hope you enjoy reading about our news this month and we look forward to seeing you at one of our event or our institutes in the future!

From all at CBRL
The Nahrein network's visiting scholars programme, of which CBRL is a partner, is now open. Academics, cultural heritage professionals, and NGO workers based in Lebanon, Iraq, Iran and Turkey are invited to apply for funding to visit the UK for 1-2 months for training and research. Deadline is the 15 th  February. More details here. 
Earlier this week, over forty scholars from the UK and from across the Levant came together in Amman for an innovative three-day symposium to discuss the theme of 'Belonging.' The event was jointly organised and hosted with the British Academy. Read more about the event here.
We were thrilled that Bedouin from Jordan, Palestine and Lebanon were able to travel to London for the opening of this exhibition that marked the culmination of the current phase of the Cultural Corridors of Peace project . Follow the Jordanian delegation as they discover London as well as the exhibition opening night through these fantastic photos, most of which are taken by Khadija Alfaqeer, the project's officer for Jordan. See more here.
News from the field
2019 CBRL Fellow Mirjam Twight draws on her fieldwork with Iraqi and Syrian refugees in Jordan to prov ide an ethnographic exploration of the ways that refugees living in prolonged displacement use technology. Read more.
2019 Sam Lieu Travel Grant recipient, Christos Papadopolous,describes the second phase of his fieldwork rese arch that included a trip to Pylos to develop a comparative data set to chart the biological distance between the prehistoric Cypriots & the Bronze Age Greeks. Read more here.
People at CBRL
CBRL’s Honorary Treasurer, Pat Sucher, will be stepping down in March after shortly over a year of service. If you know of someone who may be interested in this position, please do spread the word. To find out more about the role, please see here .  
Upcoming events
28 February - SOAS, University of London

with Salman Abu Sitta (Palestine Land Society)
This lecture is in partnership with SOAS Centre for Palestine Studies and the Palestine Exploration Fund.
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