July 2021 Newsletter

Happy 4th of July Holiday to our clients, colleagues and friends in the US and around the world!

We hope you enjoy some of our most recent publications that are featured in this newsletter, on topics relayed to Data monetization and startup valuations - two areas that are top of mind for a lot of our clients.

Foresight is proud to sponsor a panel of women IP pioneers who have had interesting and unusual careers in IP. This webinar is hosted by IPWatchdog on July 13th, 2021. Next month, on August 27th, we are happy to be speaking for the CHIZAI group of Japanese IP lawyers in Silicon Valley, on the topic of IP valuation for startup investors. Both events are free so please some join us!

Efrat Kasznik & The foresight Team
Message from Efrat
Foresight Articles & Blogs
The role that intellectual property (IP) plays in startup valuations is a critical issue for startups and investors alike. It can guide the IP strategy of a startup, as well as impact investment decisions and valuation considerations. 

This article, authored by Foresight president, Efrat Kasznik, and recently published on the IPEG Blog, aggregates five of the most common questions that have routinely come up during Efrat's 25 years of working as a startup advisor and IP valuation expert in Silicon Valley, particularly in the software industry. It can be used as a playbook for startups embarking on managing their IP portfolio to grow corporate value.
The role of the organization as a “steward of data” should not be misconstrued as an injunction on data monetization. On the contrary: data has the potential to enhance corporate value in significant ways, and data assets should be viewed as an integral part of the modern IP portfolio (as digital intangibles). Using the Economists' analogy of data as the new fuel, the engines of data analytics are already revving up, we just need to properly address roadblocks such as privacy and security.

]n this article, authored by Foresight president, Efrat Kasznik, and recently published by The Licensing Journal, presents a novel framework for mapping out the various business models associated with active data monetization. This is a dynamic model, updated frequently based on experience gained through client projects and observations in the market. 

What does a “typical” career in IP entail, and how are women faring as IP professionals? These are a few of the important questions that will be addressed by our panel of successful women who have made a mark in the IP field by taking risks and pursuing career paths that are bold and visionary. With Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) being recognized as key goals for business and society, this panel is very timely and relevant.  

Foresight is proud to sponsor this webinar, hosted by IPWatchdog and Moderated by Gene Quinn, the founder of and one of the top IP strategists in the world. Join us as we follow the paths of four Women IP Trailblazers, who not only “talk the talk” but actually “walk the walk”, having paved a path for others to follow. Foresight President, Efrat Kasznik, who heads the only woman-run IP valuation firm in the country, will discuss her experience as an IP valuation expert, Silicon-Valley entrepreneur and Stanford lecturer, and how these experiences have shaped her decision to start Foresight Valuation Group.More Info

Intellectual property assets (IP Assets) have been the driving force behind high-tech startups, but often times investors fail to understand their unique value as strategic business assets. Investors tend to focus on the defensive value of IP Assets, as it relates to protecting the company’s own products, but that is a very narrow point of view that entirely misses the full value of these assets for investors. This problem gets exacerbated as more and more startups turn to leverage their IP Assets for both equity and debt funding.

In this seminar, hosted by the Bay Area CHIZAI (IP) Group, Foresight President, Efrat Kasznik, will present Foresight's proprietary Startup IP Valuation Model, which is an IP valuation framework that has been developed in order to improve the understanding and communications between startups and their investors. Along with the model, the speaker will share case studies from her 25 years of experience as an IP valuation expert in Silicon Valley, as well as a Stanford Lecturer on IP valuation at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. More Info
732 San Rafael Place, Stanford, CA 94305 | 650-561-3374