
One of United Way’s goals is encouraging the community to live a healthy lifestyle and maintain a safe and healthy environment. Health is one of the four main community impact areas at United Way, and many programs are in place to make this goal a reality. The Community Investment Fund supports wellness and prevention programs, substance abuse and mental health programs, and increased access to health insurance and nutritious food. By putting programs in place to encourage healthy living, community members are more likely to live healthy and fulfilling lives. 

Read below some of the success stories that our health partners have had:
Please note all names have been changed:

Jasmine, a three-year-old female, started therapy at the Child Advocacy Center due to allegations of witnessing domestic violence. Her trauma symptoms included: nightmares, exaggerated startle responses to loud noises, separation anxiety from her dad, and increased aggression in daycare. She was in therapy for approximately two and half months. Her dad reported a decrease in trauma symptoms and Jasmine is doing well. Using Child-Centered Play Therapy techniques, she was given the freedom to express her feelings in regards to the domestic violence and the opportunity to process recent familial changes. - Provided by the Child Advocacy Center


Annie has been in BrainPower for over a year. She came to BrainPower because of interpersonal concerns and troubles with anger and emotional regulation. Annie was consistently having arguments and emotional outbursts. Her counselors have successfully implemented talk and play therapy interventions to help Annie process her concerns and build relational and coping skills. Most recently, Annie has seldom had outbursts at Girls Place and has demonstrated growth in several of the goal areas. For example, one of Annie’s goals is to develop an increased understanding of empathy. In one recent session, she expressed that she felt sorry for someone in her family because they had moved around a lot when they were a child and recognized that those transitions can be difficult. This session is an encouraging sign that she has increased empathy for those around her. Annie has also developed an ability to cope with her emotions that she did not have when she began counseling. She now is able to process and work through friendship troubles or bad days at school and still function in other areas as well as identify what may have been the cause of her distress. Annie has benefited immensely from her time in BrainPower. - Provided by Girl's Place, Inc.