The Ohio State University
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Rabies surveillance and vaccination efforts in Ethiopia raises $2,962
As part of Ohio State’s campus wide campaign, Day of Giving, that took place on March 22, GOHi received $2,962 from 45 donors. Rabies is still a major problem in developing countries including Ethiopia, and the rabies mass vaccinations campaigns led by Ohio State, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Ethiopian agencies have trained more than 80 veterinarian professionals and vaccinated over 10,000 animals. If you are interested in donating to GOHi projects, please visit GOHi's giving page to learn more.
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GOHi External Advisory Board member spotlight
His Excellency Afework Kassu, MSc, PhD, is the State Minister of Science and Higher Education, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. He served as vice president of research at the University of Gondar during which he established a strong partnership between Ohio State GOHi and the University of Gondar. He went on to become the Ethiopian State Minister for Science and Technology in 2016 and currently serves as the State Minister of Science and Higher Education.
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One Health Latin America Coalition forming
One Health Latin America is a network of professionals from many Latin American countries, working with a One Health focus. New groups from Latin American countries are invited to participate.
April 1-8
National Public Health Week at Ohio State
Students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends of the College of Public Health at Ohio State are invited to celebrate the week with a lineup of events emblematic of their work in public health.
April 12
Global Health Inequities and Infectious Diseases Workshop
The workshop will take place at the University of Pittsburgh Law School on April 1, 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m.
September 24-26
Save the dates: 5th International Congress on Pathogens at the Human and Animal Interface (ICOPHAI)
The theme: New challenges of applying one health approach in a changing environment. User registration and online abstract submission open soon.