April 2019 

Mission and money: Are yours in alignment? 
ATS Senior Director of Administration and CFO Chris Meinzer offers a practical approach to ensuring that all your resources are working toward your school's goals. Read more.
A year of listening to ATS members: update on redeveloping the Standards and Procedures 
The process has gathered input from more than 700 participants at nearly 200 schools. Read more. 

Eliza Smith Brown to leave ATS 
After 11 years as director of communications and external relations, she will move on to a new chapter at the end of May. Read more.   
Second annual Competency-Based Theological Education conference offers registration discount for ATS schools 
The conference will showcase the latest research and approaches to this innovative model. Register now!
Deans gather in Newport Beach  
to explore 
New Practices for Changing Times 
More than 80 participants received tools, information, and insights. Among the words of wisdom: "take one step beyond caution." Read more.

ATS partners with Asian-descent 
leaders to form community of 
and collaboration 
A planning team began a series of conversations with ATS two years ago that led to the establishment of this new affinity group. Read more. 
Generations in Dialogue program
seeks applications 
Scholars in their first five years will be selected to join a cohort for four intensive weekends focused on the sociology of religion and funded through the Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies at the University of Southern California.
Apply now.  

Friendship Press seeks biblical scholars to update the NRSV
Eleven section leaders will be selected from among those who apply or are nominated. Read more. 

The United Methodist Church invites participation in a survey about online education 
The survey seeks to assess the need, perceptions, benefits, and limitations of online education and gather feedback to improve the UMC Cyber Campus website. Take ten minutes to participate.


ATS is here to serve you, and we welcome your feedback.

Please send your comments, story ideas, or updated contact information to

Eliza Smith Brown, Director of Communications and External Relations.  

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The Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (ATS) is a membership organization of graduate theological schools. ATS Programs and Services offers educational events and resources to assist member schools with best practices, development of peer networks, production of research, and exploration of data. The Commission on Accrediting of ATS accredits the schools and approves the degree programs.