April 13, 2017   
Chamber Calendar of Events!

April 20, 2017:
Chamber AGM & Lunch Meeting  - Mayor Brian Bowman
Holiday Inn Airport West

May 4- 5, 2017
MB Chambers of Commerce  AGM
Assiniboia Chamber is pleased t o be host chamber for this  conference. Join fellow chambers  at the conference or special  events.
Opening Reception May 4, 2017
Journey to Churchill Exhibit 
6pm - 10pm. 
Sponsored by: 

May 18, 2017
Lunch Meeting
Centreport - Live, Work, Play, Learn
with Diane Gray
Assiniboia Downs. 

Member Referral Program

You Can WIN a Winnipeg Blue Bomber Game Day Ticket Package

Know of a business that could benefit from chamber membership? Send us a note, call the office or stop by. Advise us of the key contact, name of business and email/phone number, we'll do the rest.

There is no better time to submit a referral than now, not only will you support Your Chamber, you could be off to enjoy two tickets to a set of two or three games through the season.  

Referrals received in the months of 

April - May will receive draw entries for game tickets in June/July.

June - July referrals receive draw entries for  game tickets in July/ August. 

August referrals receive draw entries for game tickets in September.

September referrals receive draw entries for game tickets in October.   

Assiniboia Chamber Members - Affinity Partner Offers   (For Members Only!)
Enhance your social media presence through the pre-designed SPARK service packages provided by The Marketing Department. Get on-line and capture new business. Contact Aaron at TMD

First Data -  
Merch a nt services  (credit card payment processing) They will beat your current program costs or provide a MasterCard gift card. A few minutes is all it takes and a review of your current monthly billing. For more info
1 Week Remains - Register Now
Assiniboia Chamber AGM & Keynote Address by Mayor Bowman. 
Luncheon - April 20, 2017. 

The Annual General Meeting of the Assiniboia Chamber will take place Thursday April 20, 2017 at the Holiday Inn Airport West. This year's AGM is combined with our regular April luncheon and will feature Mayor Brian Bowman as our guest speaker.

Join the chamber as Mayor Bowman addresses issues about the city and in particular issues within the Assini boia Cha mber service t erritory.  An ideal opportunity to hear fro m our mayor in a smaller group setting.

Reserve early, seating is limited.  

Thursday, April 20, 2017
11:30am  Registration
12:00PM  AGM
12:25pm  Luncheon & Speaker
Holiday Inn Airport West
2520 Portage Avenue  

Members $35 Future Members $50.00

T hank you to our event Sponsor:
Mike McLenehan CPA, CGA
McLenehan and Associates Chartered Professional Accountants 
2017 - 18 Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce
Board of Director Nominees
Since our initial notice of The Assiniboia Chamber AGM the nominating committee has completed the incoming slate of directors as follows:

Colleen Sklar - PMCR
Gerald Danais - ZoomFone
Neil Fishman - Holiday Inn Airport We st
Adam Kilfoyle - Heartland CPA's
AaronNewnham - The Marketing Dept.
Ron Turner - RBC

Join us on April 20 as we confirm these nominees at the AGM with swearing in by Mayor Bowman.
Manitoba Chambers of Commerce 86th AGM 
May 4- 5, 2017  

The Assiniboia Chamber is pleased to be the host chamber for the upcoming MB Chambers of Commerce AGM.  The Assiniboia Chamber is hosting the opening reception Thursday May 4 at the Journey to Churchill Exhibit and the AGM wraps up with a gala dinner on Friday May 5. 

Chamber members are invited to attend all or part of the conference. 

MB Chambers of Commerce AGM Registration

The Assiniboia Chamber Thanks our Major Event Sponsor

Red Cross Charity Boxing Event 
April 29, 2017 
RBC Convention Centre
A charity boxing event to raise funds for the Red Cross is being held April 29, 2017.
Featuring a 10 card celebrity match-ups including our past-chair, the bearded wonder - Marcel Tetrault.
Dinner, Casino Gaming, Auction and more are included with your ticket.
Book your table, limited seating available.
Member Profiles

As spring approaches and the temperature increases, the snow melts and the grass starts waking from its winter sleep.  I know the golfers out there are thinking about getting on the Links.  Consult the following members for tee times or practice swings, new equipment or equipment repairs or just for a relaxing meal.

Assiniboine Golf Club
2045 Ness Avenue
(204) 988-9313
Member since 2017

Glendale Golf & Country Club
400 Augier Avenue
(204) 832-1306
Member since 2010

The Golf Dome Ltd.
1205 Wilkes Avenue
(204) 489-7776
Member since 2012

Visit the chamber business directory to review the many varied members of the Assiniboia Chamber Directory
Enhance your Membership Profile 
Tip of the Week!

All Chamber members have access to the  Member Only portal of the Assiniboia Chamber website:
Pride in Membership - Upload a member badge to your website. Access your member login page and select Company Information from the left menu, select membership badge from drop down menu, copy or cut & paste badge coordinates to your website. It's that easy.  

Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce | | |
1867 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, R3J 3X7