Jewish Community Services
A Message from Our Executive Director

April 2, 2020
Dear Friends of JCS,

As each of us continues adjusting to our new reality, it helps to remind ourselves that although we may be apart from one another, we are not alone. 

One outcome of the ongoing social distancing guidelines and stay home orders has been to deepen our appreciation for the people in our lives.  Whereas we may have once inadvertently taken those relationships and connections for granted, our forced separation from people who comprise our family, social and professional circles has reminded us of just how precious they are to us.  

Throughout this unprecedented period, the entire staff of Jewish Community Services is working diligently to help community members navigate the continued challenges and uncertainty they are experiencing. 

There are many individuals in our community who have lost jobs as a result of COVID-19. Our Career Center has been busy working with individuals and employers to find new opportunities. In the last two weeks 7 of our clients have been hired in new positions. More individuals have been struggling just to provide basic needs for themselves and their families. In particular, we have experienced an increase in requests for emergency food subsidies. We know that there is a great deal of stress and anxiety over these uncertain times. We have been able to respond to callers and provide support for increased mental wellness concerns. Our staff who provide 24-hour on-site care to our residents in our group homes are continuing to ensure their safety and security in this very challenging time. 

In addition, there are also many JCS virtual resources for you and your family including the video library of our recent  brief lunchtime programs , our blogs and our ever increasing list of  community resources . Please visit our website,  to access these and other vital supports. 

We listened to community feedback and instead of the lunchtime webinars, we will begin offering small group discussion sessions, and several of our regular support groups, through video conferencing. Please help us create group sessions that are meaningful and convenient for you by completing a very brief survey HERE .

Our staff will continue to provide all our essential services through this crisis. Please call our community helpline or encourage others to do so at 410-466-9200 on Monday-Thursday from 8:30-5:00 and on Friday from 8:30-3:00.

The needs in our community will continue to grow. Jewish Community Services is a proud agency of The Associated: Jewish Federation of Baltimore. JCS is able to respond in times of crisis like this thanks to the funding and financial support it receives from The Associated’s Annual Campaign. Now, more than ever, our Associated network needs your support to continue meeting the growing needs in our community due to the current COVID-19 pandemic.  Please give generously  here .

Next Wednesday night, we mark the beginning of Passover (Pesach).  This year, our seders will look very different and in addition to the four questions posed in the Haggadah, we will be asking, “why is this year different from every other year?”   

Traditionally, Passover is a celebration of “z’man heyruteinu,” the season of our freedom. My hope this Pesach is that we are all soon free from the confines of this tragic pandemic and that we can soon join together in celebration.

On behalf of everyone at Jewish Community Services, I wish you a meaningful and healthy Passover.

Joan Grayson Cohen, Esq., LCSW-C
Executive Director
Jewish Community Services | 410-466-9200 |