June 20, 2020
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Dear AUHSD Parents and Students,
I am writing with an update following the Governing Board Study Session this week on the topic of 2020-2021 school year reopening. Our five workgroups (Learning, Wellness, Operations, Office Support and Governance) have been working hard on the challenge, and a summary of their work was presented to the Board.
At this point, we know there is still great uncertainty. We will continue to monitor and follow our public health officers' guidance, which has been gradually easing restrictions. (And we know they will reverse and tighten restrictions should a substantial COVID-19 surge happen in our County.)
Some brief summaries of the study session presentation follow. In general, we are hoping to get students back on campus as much as possible for the start of the school year while maintaining safe conditions for all. For your reference, here is the presentation and here is a nearly 2 hour video of the study session presentation for more information.
What comes next?
July 10 - You will receive a brief update on our status for reopening.
July 14 - Governing Board Study Session to review status and confirm or narrow the model for the school year.
July 17 - You will receive a summary of the Board meeting and direction for the start of the 2020-2021 school year.
July 20 - August 10 - Periodic updates as general and implementation plans are refined and finalized.
August 11 - Beginning of school
Hygiene and Protective Equipment
We will have an extensive educational program to promote good hand and general hygiene practices and ensure we have hand sanitizers in all spaces and well-stocked bathrooms. At this point, consistent with County and State orders, all students and staff will wear face coverings. We will ask students to bring their own appropriate masks and have disposable masks for those who do not bring to school. Public health officials indicate good hygiene and face coverings will be the most critical piece for maintaining safe schools, preventing COVID-19 spread, and keeping schools open.
Health Screening and Monitoring
We will be doing a passive health screening and temperature check process per the recommendation of our local public health officials. Passive screening involves all students (with support of parents) reviewing a checklist for symptoms and performing a temperature check prior to coming to school each day. Protocol will be developed and in place for staff or students who feel symptoms during the day to isolate and remove them from campus for COVID-19 testing. There will be a strong educational program to support these efforts. Flu vaccinations will be strongly encouraged. Sick staff and students staying home will be essential to our success.
Physical Distancing
The current County recommendation for classrooms is 4 to 6 foot separation between students and 6 feet between staff and students. We will be designing spaces with these parameters in mind. We will utilize outdoor spaces whenever possible. We will develop systems to stagger and direct flow in hallways. Bathrooms will have protocol to minimize density.
Cleaning and Disinfecting
Cleaning and disinfecting of classrooms will intensify with deep cleanings each evening. Students will be encouraged to assist in wipe-downs as classrooms transition. Protocols will be developed for specialty spaces (keyboards and other shared equipment). Bathrooms will be cleaned frequently throughout the day.
Instructional Scheduling Models
We are developing models for a closed campus, open campus with restrictions, and a blended model, which would reduce the number of students on campus at a time. The models are depicted and described in the presentation . The models will continue to develop as the public health guidance is refined and we work with our partner school districts. Again, we are will try to maximize student presence on campus as long as we can do it safely in accordance with public health guidance and orders.
Open with Restrictions
Students would attend schools 5 days a week with their normal schedule. Maintaining 4 foot physical distancing could restrict some scheduling options. We would work through our scheduling process to group students in cohorts in their schedule as much as possible (i.e., 9th graders taking English 1, World History, Living Earth, Math, and World Language together).
Distance Learning
A distance learning model is being prepared in case there is a surge and the schools need to close again or there is a surge prior to the start of the school year and schools are not able to open up for students. The program would be enhanced and much more robust with higher expectations, more structure, and more accountability than 4th quarter 2020. All students would have a case manager (either in person or virtual) to make sure they have access to and are engaging in learning. Here is an excerpt from the presentation describing the model.
Blended Schedule
The blended schedule is a combination of in person and distance learning. Students would be split in two groups (A & B) to reduce the number of students in a classroom and the school by approximately half. Students would be assigned to a group, probably by alpha, with the goal of keeping families together. Students would attend the physical campus two days a week at a minimum and their in person learning would be supported by robust distance learning with required attendance and participation. Here is an excerpt from the presentation describing the model.
Distance Learning Choice
If students are allowed to return to campus for instruction, parents may choose to not have their student return due to health risk in our pre-COVID-19 vaccine environment. These students will be given an alternative learning structure. More information on this option will be available in July.
Learning Management System
We will be transitioning from SchoolLoop to a learning management system: Canvas. The platform will support a much better learning experience and tools for parent support, whether we continue with in person learning or need to transition to distance learning. We plan to provide student and parent orientation sessions with Canvas at the beginning of the school year to prepare for successful use.
Social Connection, Mental Health and Social Emotional Learning
We did not fully anticipate the toll school closure and shelter in place would have on our students. Mental health assessments and services and opportunities for student connection will be a priority, whether campuses are closed or open. And we will be developing support through social emotional learning modules for the students delivered in the classroom and through Canvas. We also recognize a glaring need (and opportunity) and will further develop program to address racial issues on our campuses given recent events at the national and local levels.
Athletics and Extra-curricular Activities
We are expecting more updates from CIF regarding fall sports no later than July 20. Here is the announcement from CIF. Currently no contact activities are permitted, including sports or other extracurricular activities that involve the potential of person-to-person physical contact. Public health officials inform us that these may be some of the last restrictions to be lifted because of the high-risk nature. Currently, the District is allowing small and consistent cohorts to participate in summer sports camps in accordance with public health orders.
Public health officials state similar concerns about some extra/co-curricular activities. Because of the airborne nature of the virus and mask use limitations, choral and wind instrument groups are not allowed to gather unless conducted outdoors with proper physical distancing. We are exploring plans for this to happen.
We will prioritize the opportunity for other extracurricular activities (clubs, etc.) to happen with safety precautions in place.
Office Operations
School and district office use by students, parents and the public will be restricted with the implementation of tight protocols. Office workstations will be appropriately fitted with plexiglass screens, desks will be rearranged and traffic will be controlled to minimize exposure and maintain physical distancing. Alternative spaces will be utilized for meetings as needed. Services (meetings, forms, etc.) will be redeveloped to enable more touchless and remote procedures. Parents and students will be informed of the new procedures as they are developed.
Food Services
Food services will be functioning. Meals will be provided on a cashless basis via preloaded cards and be grab and go. We are currently developing systems for efficient delivery. Cafeterias use for eating will be restricted. Students will be encouraged to spread around a more open campus (i.e. field areas open with increased supervision) and small groups eating in hosted classrooms will be encouraged.
Positive Cases
We will be working with the County health officials to develop comprehensive plans and protocol for when (not if) we have a positive COVID-19 case in our school community. With a positive case, privacy would be protected, but students and staff could be put on 14 day quarantine. We will provide parents and students with detailed protocol and expectations after they are developed.
County Guidance on Reopening
The County released this FAQ document yesterday. The reopening guidance provides much more information on screening, testing, positive cases, PPE, physical distancing and more.
We certainly recognize that this communication probably raises as many questions as it answers and the uncertainty around the reopening of our schools is incredibly stressful. We want to assure you that we are working hard on this challenge throughout the summer with the interest to get our students back on campus while maintaining student and staff safety. We will provide our next update on July 10 with more information.
John Nickerson
Governing Board Members
Nancy Kendzierski, President
Christopher Severson, Clerk
Kristin Connelly, Member
Kathy Coppersmith, Member
Bob Hockett, Member

Charlie Keohane, Student Member

John Nickerson, Superintendent
Acalanes Union High School District