Weekly e-Epistle
St. James' Mill Creek
Wilmington, Delaware
From Father Kim,

Dear St. James’ folks,

Join us this Sunday in our parking lot for the blessing of palms. Please stay in your car and pick up a Palm branch at the end. The blessing begins at 9:30am and only takes a few minutes. Safe handling of the palms will be observed.

God bless!

God bless,
Fr. Kim
While we're not attending church services at this time, you can still read your bible at home and take this time to meditate and pray.
From Cindy Fauerbach:

When I was in England this summer, I found a beautiful prayer from the Episcopal Church in Liverpool. I say it as a prayer and form of meditation and I think some of our parishioners could also find it a way to center and find calm.


Feel the air in your nostrils

Hold your breath and then let it go

Use your breath as a rhythm of prayer

As you breathe in ask God to fill you

With life, energy and spirit

Preparing you for what comes next

As you breathe out let go of everything that
keeps you from God

Breathe in life
Breathe out death

Breathe in peace
Breathe out tension

Breathe in love
Breathe out hate

Breathe in the presence of God

Breathe in the presence

Breathe in


Message from Christiana Hospital

If you have a loved one in the hospital at the moment Christiana Hospital is asking for you to refrain from personal visits. Only phone calls or cards are permitted. There is more information on their website.
For Access to the News of the Diocesan Publications
St. James' Mill Creek
2106 St. James Church Road
Wilmington, DE 19808
