June 11, 2020
BioPharmGuy News
Sponsored By:
This week's sponsor is Cenetron. They offer clinical trial logistics management for both pharma and device companies. They are also a full service central laboratory with proprietary armored RNA testing for viral diseases like HIV, HCV, HBV, and COVID-19 and also offer their own custom specimen collection kits. Basically they can run either a segment of, or all your clinical trial logistics.


In case you somehow missed it everywhere on our website, we have deeper data available for the companies we list. Popular data fields are decision maker emails, number of employees & drug pipeline info, but we have even more, so take a look here: Data Available.

Our May funding summary for private companies is now available. COVID-19 is not slowing down the biotech money train just yet - we tracked $2.36B in private company funding this month. That went to 41 companies for an average of $57M each. Available for download here .

Addition & Attrition
We added 24 companies this week, and removed eight. Bunch of California startups included. Summary file available on our downloads page.
AstraGileaca ?
AstraZeneca has approached Gilead about a possible merger. Not sure there's much business sense here - seems like C-level people just trying to keep busy while working from home. And it also seems like it's dead on arrival, but currently AstraZeneca is worth $140B and Gilead is $96B so if it happened, it would be the biggest health care merger ever. 

See you next year
Former Harmony Biosciences CEO Robert Repella took a plea deal in the college admissions bribery scandal and will serve 10 months in the clink. He will subsequently serve a lifetime of awkward Thanksgiving dinners.

"Hey Dad, remember that time you went to prison for attempting to emulate some kind of 80s movie villain? That was awesome." -his daughter

The target school in his case was Georgetown as opposed to the much more common USC. The most astonishing thing about this whole scandal may be how many rich people were willing to commit felonies to get their kid into USC . It's a fine school, don't get us wrong, but #23 on the US News rankings doesn't really seem to be felony-worthy for the super-rich. Then again, it's a different world up there.

Larrk Bio
This is a stealth company working on skin health. How do we know they're a stealth company? It says so right on their home page . Guessing they aren't familiar with the definition of 'stealth'. Free lesson if anyone at Larrk sees this newsletter: 

Stealth (adj) - intended not to attract attention

Sorrento Therapeutics
In May, CEO Henry Ji made the groundbreaking announcement that Sorrento had found a 100% effective anti-COVID antibody and used the word "cure" to describe this feat. It was a ridiculous claim then and remains so. Their stock shot up over 100% instantly and has trended down since. Predictably, a class action lawsuit for those that bought into the company after the announcement has now been filed.

Still crickets on the rest of that phase 1.
Health & Science
President Trump visited a coronavirus swab production line in Maine, did not wear a mask, and the company threw away the entire day's production. Sounds like a sensational news piece, right?. Not really - the facility was not planning to run that day and only ran production as a backdrop for Trump's tour. So while they did throw away the day's entire production, that was like ten minutes worth. The Twitter crazies reacted to the headline and did not bother to read the article. Shocker.

Although, with swabs such a hot commodity, you do have to wonder why that production line wasn't scheduled to run on a Friday. 

COVID-19 Vaccine Status
WHO has a summary of all the major vaccine candidates in the pipeline. Kind of disappointing that only China is working on an inactivated virus candidate. Most vaccines throughout history have been either an inactivated virus, or a live, attenuated (unable to replicate) virus.

Most of the vaccines on this list here are using new and unproven technologies. Seems like the worst idea if you need something to work reliably and scale quickly. America's Operation Warp Speed is mostly supporting companies with fancy, unproven technology, so odds are China is going to have the first vaccine made at scale. 

If you were China would you be clamoring to share it with America?

U.S. COVID-19 Case Numbers
50 states is a large enough number that you can cherry-pick state-by-state evidence to either support or oppose lockdowns or any other theory you may have. That didn't stop us - one thing that looks interesting is to consider indoor states vs outdoor states. 

In winter, the northern states are indoor states where people are in closer contact more often. That's a part of why it made sense for the north to lockdown more so than the south when the pandemic first hit America. But now the opposite is true and Arizona, Texas & Florida are the major indoor states. Generally speaking we are seeing large, sometimes scary spikes in these hot weather states and continued drops in more moderate climes. 

It could just be happenstance that this indoor/outdoor split has arisen, only time will tell. But unlike the flu, people with COVID-19 usually don't know they have it and can spread it for weeks. So a lack of an indoor/outdoor trend for flu can't be totally translated to this new disease. If the northern states start to see a big uptick in case counts in a couple weeks, that should put our indoor/outdoor theory to rest.

Nationally, case numbers are plateauing at 20,000/wk, but with steep drops in the Northeast and Midwest it means steep increases elsewhere. This is a bad sign for southerners this summer (and probably for northerners this fall/winter.) Good luck re-implementing a lockdown anytime soon.

Antibody Testing
COVID-19 antibody testing is still an insane scramble of hundreds of shady actors. When a company pivots from vaginal dryness creams, orgasm-enhancers and erectile dysfunction lozenges to COVID-19 antibody testing overnight, beware. Fierce Biotech has a very good write-up on the current situation with antibody testing.
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