In the News  

The  Episcopal 
Diocese  of  Ohio
[June 7, 2020] The protests of the last ten days across our country and around the globe have expressed and elicited the range of passion and perspective that we have come to expect in a deeply divided United States and world. In the streets, in the media, and in my email inbox, the voices reflect passionate opinion, religious conviction, righteous indignation, and partisan politics.

[May 31, 2020] On this Day of Pentecost, we have awoken to incidences of widespread violence and injury across the country, including numerous places in our Diocese. I pray that you are safe and will do all in your power, by prayer and presence, to bring peace and reconciliation to our deeply divided communities.

As we take cautious steps forward into this new reality of living with Coronavirus and COVID-19, the physical and spiritual safety of God's beloved is foremost in my concerns and prayers. The desire to be with one another again in all the varied activities of life is great, and for many of us, the yearning to gather in worship, service, and fellowship is paramount. Our transition to in-person gathering must be careful and thoughtful, putting the well-being of others first, as Jesus taught us.

[June 1, 2020] This evening, the President of the United States stood in front of St. John's Episcopal Church, lifted up a bible, and had pictures of himself taken. In so doing, he used a church building and the Holy Bible for partisan political purposes. This was done in a time of deep hurt and pain in our country, and his action did nothing to help us or to heal us.

Opening Remarks from the Presiding Bishop
In the context in which we find ourselves, allow me to offer some opening remarks. Before I do that I want to say a word of thanks to Secretary Barlowe and the General Convention Office. Members of Council may note this is a massive undertaking to be able to enable us to meet this way. We are blessed and privileged to have a team such as this, to do this, and on your behalf I thank them and thank God for them.

Opening Remarks from the President of the House Deputies
Good morning. I'm glad to be with you all this morning and I want to to welcome, for the first time, people from across the Episcopal Church via live stream on YouTube. Twice in recent years, I have traveled to Cape Coast, Ghana, and both times, I visited Cape Coast Castle, where thousands of enslaved Africans were held and then forced to board ships bound across the Atlantic Ocean. Perhaps you know about this fort, which was home to an Anglican church built directly above the dungeons where enslaved African men were held. The women were held on the other side of the fort, closer to the sleeping quarters of the white men who enslaved them.

Amended Regathering Guidelines
The amended regathering guidelines (as of June 10, 2020) can be found  here .
Learn, Pray, Act
Resources addressing from the Episcopal Church for addressing racist violence are available. This is a growing list of litanies, learning opportunities, and suggested actions and connections from across The Episcopal Church and beyond. There are links to some specialized resources on the Diocesan website. As you are thinking about how to respond in your parish and community, please be in touch with the Rev. Margaret  D'Anieri, Canon for Mission, at  [email protected] .
Bellwether Book Club
As we continually adjust to new and evolving social norms, Bellwether Farm remains committed to its vocation to teach about environmental fidelity, physical and spiritual wellness, nutrition, local food sourcing, and social justice. In that spirit, we invite you to join our newest initiative: The Bellwether Book Club. Even while we are distanced socially and geographically, this is an opportunity to come together intellectually and spiritually, and further grow the Bellwether community. The first book club book is  Soil and Sacrament: A Spiritual Memoir of Food and Faith by Fred Bahnson. The book club will meet on July 28 ay 7:00 p.m. for a Zoom conversation with the author. Please register for that conversation by July 21. For questions, please email [email protected]. More information is available at
Resource Center Procedures Going Forward Due to COVID-19
Visitation:  Visitation to the Resource Center will be by appointment only. Both staff and visitors must wear facemasks. Hand sanitizer will be available.

Handling of CDs and DVDs: All CD/DVD plastic cases will be wiped down at opening of the Resource Center, with alcohol. The same will be done before lending and upon return after quarantine.  CD/DVD quarantine will be 72 hours upon return. Materials will be wiped down prior to re-shelving.

Handling of Books: When a book is requested it will be handled with gloves, quarantined for 24-72 hours and then sent to the requester. Upon return, books will be quarantined for 72 hours before being returned to the shelves.

All materials will be handled with gloves at the Resource Center. Separate quarantine locations will be available for plastics and paper resources.

These procedures are in place as a result of recommendations for libraries from the Ohio Library Council, Northeast Document Conservation Center, and the CDC .
An Update on Summer Camp at Bellwether Farm
This is normally the time of the year when all at Bellwether Farm are eagerly awaiting the arrival of your children to experience everything that Bellwether summer camp has to offer. It is, therefore, with great disappointment that we announce the cancellation of all scheduled camp sessions for the 2020 summer season.

Summer Youth Program Grants
Given the implications of COVID-19 for summer programs, we have not posted grant applications for youth programs and mission trips. If you have an idea for a distance-friendly youth program, please contact Margaret D'Anieri directly at [email protected].
Safeguarding Online
We are offering online access to the Safeguarding God's Children training. All vestry members, parish leaders, and anyone who interacts with children and youth in the church setting are required and/or encouraged to be trained. To receive login information for the training, please email Mary Ann Semple, Diocesan Safeguarding Coordinator, at [email protected]g with the name and contact information of your clergy person.
Sunday Night Compline
The Rev. Anna Sutterisch, Canon for Christian Formation, will hold Sunday Night Student Compline on Sunday nights at 8:00 p.m. Compline will be held via Zoom.
New Resource at the Resource Library
Bruised & Wounded, Struggling to Understand Suicide is a book by Ronald Rolheiser. It is a new way of understanding death by suicide with chapters on Removing the Taboo, Despair as Weakness Rather than Sin, and Reclaiming the Memory of Our Loved One, plus others. Please contact Mary Ann Semple at  [email protected] for more information .
Helpful Resources for Individuals, Families, and Congregations During the Pandemic

list of curated resources is available for individuals, families, and congregations during the coronavirus pandemic.

Focus on Stained Glass Livestream
Starting with our Annunciation window on the Feast of the Annunciation, St. Timothy's, Massillon, has been live-streaming each Wednesday at 12:30 p.m., featuring one of their treasured stained glass windows, accompanied by live music from one of the parish musicians. The streams are available on the parish Facebook page.
Job Openings
Youth Ministry Coordinator - Trinity Cathedral
Children's Ministry Coordinator - Trinity Cathedral
View all current   job openings.