A Message From Nurse Heflin, District Lead Nurse
Information for Employees or Students Who are Suspected, Presumed, or Confirmed as Positive Cases of COVID-19 or
Exposed to Positive Cases of COVID-19
⬜ Go home and remain at home, except to get health care.
⬜ Call your healthcare provider (HCP) for next steps.
⬜ If you have at least one symptom of COVID-19, you must not come to school,
or you must go home as soon as you recognize you have a symptom.
If you have a positive result from a RAPID or PCR COVID-19 test or do not test,
you must remain at home for 10 days since the onset of first symptoms, must be
free of *fever for 72 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medicine) AND
symptoms must be improved for 72 hours, including coughing and shortness
of breath before you can return to work or school.
If your RAPID COVID-19 antigen test result is negative, you must stay home until
your PCR (confirmatory) test results are known. If the PCR test is negative and
you are free of *fever for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medicine) AND
symptoms have been improved for 24 hours, including coughing and shortness
of breath, you can return to work or school. If the testing facility does not conduct a
PCR test, you must remain at home for 10 days since the onset of first symptoms,
must be free of *fever for 72 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medicine) AND
symptoms must be improved for 72 hours, including coughing and shortness
of breath before you can return to work or school.
If you receive written documentation* of a confirmed diagnosis other than
COVID-19 (for example: stomach virus, ear infection, sinus infection), you must
remain at home until you are free of *fever for 24 hours (without the use of
fever-reducing medicine) and symptoms must be improved for 24 hours before you
can return to work or school. *Written documentation does not have to specify what
the actual diagnosis is.
*Craven County Schools defines fever as a temperature of 100 degrees
Fahrenheit or higher, measured by any method.
⬜ If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, but have no symptoms, you must remain
at home for 10 days since the day you were tested (not the day you received
results).You may return on Day 11 after your test, provided you do not develop
⬜ If an adult or child has been determined to have been in close contact with
someone diagnosed with COVID-19, such as a child living in the home with a
COVID-19 positive family member or a parent living with a COVID-19 positive
child, the exposed person must remain at home for 14 days since the last date
of exposure, unless they test positive. In this case, exclusion criteria above
would apply. Otherwise, they must complete the full 14 days of quarantine,
even if they test negative
⬜ All household members (affiliated with the school system) of a person found to
be symptomatic must be sent home to quarantine for 14 days from the last
close contact with the symptomatic person, unless the symptomatic person is
cleared as noted above. Then all may return to work and school.
⬜ If you test positive for COVID-19, you will need written documentation of the
test results.
⬜ The RN at your school may require a telehealth visit (via Zoom) a day or two
before you return to work or school.
⬜ If you have any questions about COVID-19, please contact your health care
provider, the local health department or the school nurse at your child’s