CCS Staff In the Know
Annual ALICE Intruder Training

Next week staff will receive an automated email with a link to complete on-line annual ALICE training.  

The ALICE annual training is a three-year sequential training; if you have completed the annual training for first or second year training last year, you will receive the training module for the next year. If you are a new staff member you will receive the first year module.   

This is mandatory training for all who receive the email link. The training should take about one hour, please complete as soon as possible. 
MCEC Education Summit 2020
November 17-18, 2020

Full List of Sessions is LIVE

Join us November 17-18, 2020

You won’t want to miss the MCEC Education Summit 2020: Mission Steady, Future Ready- Meeting the educational needs of military-connected children in a changing environment. Join this two-day event for a unique opportunity to engage with senior military, government, education and thought leaders while absorbing in-depth analysis of the Military Kids NOW Survey findings and coverage of current issues relevant to military-connected children. Delivering sessions virtually from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm (EST) each day, #EdSummit20 promises to be a premier professional development training event for educators, youth-serving professionals from both private and public organizations, military parents, and all those interested in serving and supporting military-connected children.

There is no fee for this event, but you can still count on the same caliber of content you have come to expect from MCEC in-person events — expert speakers and presentations on issues relevant to all of us who serve and support military-connected children, even in this virtual space.  

Craven Canvas Chronicles

Check out this month’s Canvas Chronicles for the latest updates and information here: If you need more support, join us Wednesday November 18 at 10:00 am for in person updates from Kelly Williamson.
Digital and Blended Learning VR Headset Kit
EC Corner

Extraordinarily Exceptional Educators 
The Exceptional Children Division at NCDPI has created a new way for districts to recognize outstanding educators, related service personnel and special education support staff providing services to students with disabilities during this unprecedented time. 
We would like to congratulate our first of three Extraordinarily Exceptional Educators for CCS. Cathy Bodle has been recognized for Vanceboro Farm Life Elementary for going above and beyond to assist her students and their families with virtual learning and the navigation of virtual platforms for instruction. Thank you Mrs. Bodle!
 This can be found at:
During the month of November, we would like to express our THANKS to ALL of our stakeholders who have supported us during these unprecedented times. This is uncharted territory for all of us but one thing remains constant and that is your dedication and commitment to our students, staff, and families.
Our school nurses have always been an integral part of our school system and since the pandemic, they have been working around the clock to ensure our students and staff are safe and healthy. They are always very caring and empathetic, and are concerned with the physical, mental, and emotional needs of all in their students and staff. They are also great listeners and provide guidance to both children and adults about a variety of health issues and treatments.We cannot thank our nurses enough for all they have done and continue to do this year. We are so #thankful to have you as part of our school family.
If you would like to recognize an individual or team that you are #thankful for please send the details to
COVID 19 Communication Protocol and Dashboard
As part of our communication process related to positive COVID-19 cases, Craven County Schools will be updating a district dashboard to display the number of NEW positive cases three times a week. This information will be posted on the district website every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5:00 pm. In an effort to protect the confidentiality of our staff and students we will not release the name of the school.The dashboard is located at:
A Message From Nurse Heflin, District Lead Nurse
Information for Employees or Students Who are Suspected, Presumed, or Confirmed as Positive Cases of COVID-19 or 
Exposed to Positive Cases of COVID-19

⬜ Go home and remain at home, except to get health care.

⬜ Call your healthcare provider (HCP) for next steps.

⬜ If you have at least one symptom of COVID-19, you must not come to school,
or you must go home as soon as you recognize you have a symptom.

     If you have a positive result from a RAPID or PCR COVID-19 test or do not test,
     you must remain at home for 10 days since the onset of first symptoms, must be
free of *fever for 72 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medicine) AND 
     symptoms must be improved for 72 hours, including coughing and shortness
     of breath before you can return to work or school.

     If your RAPID COVID-19 antigen test result is negative, you must stay home until
     your PCR (confirmatory) test results are known. If the PCR test is negative and
     you are free of *fever for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medicine) AND 
     symptoms have been improved for 24 hours, including coughing and shortness
     of breath, you can return to work or school. If the testing facility does not conduct a 
     PCR test, you must remain at home for 10 days since the onset of first symptoms, 
     must be free of *fever for 72 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medicine) AND 
     symptoms must be improved for 72 hours, including coughing and shortness
     of breath before you can return to work or school. 

     If you receive written documentation* of a confirmed diagnosis other than     
     COVID-19 (for example: stomach virus, ear infection, sinus infection), you must    
     remain at home until you are free of *fever for 24 hours (without the use of 
     fever-reducing medicine) and symptoms must be improved for 24 hours before you
     can return to work or school. *Written documentation does not have to specify what
     the actual diagnosis is.

    *Craven County Schools defines fever as a temperature of 100 degrees    
     Fahrenheit or higher, measured by any method.
⬜ If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, but have no symptoms, you must remain
at home for 10 days since the day you were tested (not the day you received
results).You may return on Day 11 after your test, provided you do not develop

⬜ If an adult or child has been determined to have been in close contact with      
     someone diagnosed with COVID-19, such as a child living in the home with a
    COVID-19 positive family member or a parent living with a COVID-19 positive
child, the exposed person must remain at home for 14 days since the last date
of exposure, unless they test positive. In this case, exclusion criteria above
would apply. Otherwise, they must complete the full 14 days of quarantine,
even if they test negative

⬜ All household members (affiliated with the school system) of a person found to
be symptomatic must be sent home to quarantine for 14 days from the last
close contact with the symptomatic person, unless the symptomatic person is
cleared as noted above. Then all may return to work and school.
⬜ If you test positive for COVID-19, you will need written documentation of the
test results. 

⬜ The RN at your school may require a telehealth visit (via Zoom) a day or two
before you return to work or school. 

⬜ If you have any questions about COVID-19, please contact your health care
      provider, the local health department or the school nurse at your child’s
Families in the Know-This week's edition of Families in the Know was distributed on Friday, November 13th to all CCS families through email and text message. To view this publication click here.
We hope you are enjoying the Staff in the Know Newsletter. We would love to hear your thoughts or feedback on how we can improve your experience! We will use your feedback to help make sure this publication provides you with the information you need. Please click here to provide your feedback. Thank you!
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