06 September 2019

Brought to you by  Australian & New Zealand Olivegrower & Processor
Today's Top Story
Letetia Ware talks to Tino Carnevale during an episode of ABC TV's Gardening Australia program last year. (Photo supplied)
A Tasmanian garlic grower could face jail time after she illegally imported more than 2,000 garlic bulbils from Canada and the United States that could have contained a devastating plant disease. Letitia Anne Ware, 53, pleaded guilty to three counts of aggravated illegal importation of plant material and seven counts of importing conditional non-prohibited goods. The court has been told the varieties of garlic Ware imported were known hosts of Xylella fastidiosa.

VERY scary, and even more reason why all growers need to ensure A1 biosecurity practices in their groves.
An independent report commissioned by the Australian government recommended that olive oil's health star rating should not be improved due to its saturated fat content. Opponents said the report misses the bigger health picture.

The AOA issued a media release last week highlighting the issue and calling for an exemption of edible oils from the flawed HSR system until it is fixed and fit-for-purpose. Read it here .
It’s generating great coverage – like this Food and Drink Business article .

Industry partnerships with schools could be one step to ensuring food and fibre education is reaching the right audience, according to a panel at Growing the Future 2019.

We’re leading the way, it seems, with the olive industry’s AOA Olive Oil Young Judges Program being run in schools across South Australia. Contact AOA Director and program co-ordinator Kent Hallett to expand the program into your state -
Image: Waste from vegetable production can be manufactured into nutrient-rich powders and supplements. (ABC: Clint Jasper) 
The problem of waste has long plagued the horticulture industry.Up to one-third of our fruit and vegetable crops is discarded before reaching supermarket shelves. But now scientists, farmers and processors across the country say they're the closest they've ever been to solving the problem.

If they can market broccoli powder, olive powder would have to be a hit – and nutritional dynamite!
PIC@PEQ: innovation in action
Herbicide trials to assess the impact on cut flowers.
The Plant Innovation Centre at the Post-Entry Quarantine Facility (PIC@PEQ) has recently been re-energised, with a new team of dedicated scientists tasked with finding solutions to biosecurity challenges, improving operational outcomes and increasing efficiencies.
Among the important developments recently achieved are:
  • trialling new herbicides to treat imported cut flowers
  • testing new ‘point-and-shoot’ smart phone apps for insect identification
  • developing a new method to test cut-flowers to ensure they have received mandated offshore treatments
All important activities in the protection of Australian horticulture against an incursion of the olive scourge Xylella fastidiosa. ** And today’s Top Story shows why – Ed!
Get a piece of the $25 agribusiness billion pie 

Plant-based protein, foods for health and wellbeing, premium products and other emerging food trends could be worth $25 billion by 2030, new analysis by Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO predicts. Economists in CSIRO’s strategic advisory arm, CSIRO Futures, have released an economic valuation of the full range of opportunities identified in the 2017 CSIRO Food and Agribusiness Roadmap. 
Margi’s got packaging consumables, and Peter has olive equipment, that they no longer have use for – so they’re offering it for sale directly to their target market – OLIVE GROWERS AND PRODUCERS
Changes in circumstance mean producers sometimes have equipment and supplies they no longer need, so a great solution is to find someone who does. It’s easy to get together and do a deal through the OliveBiz Classifieds – THE intra-industry way to sell, buy and source. 
If you’ve got something industry-related to sell, our online Classifieds service is an easy and inexpensive solution to advertise your unwanted equipment, extra oil or even your grove. Like Margi and Peter, who are selling packaging consumables and olive equipment respectively. And if there’s something you’re looking for, it’s the ideal way to get the message out loud and clear to your peers and industry. 
Olivebiz Classifieds cost just $40 for AOA members ($100 for non-members), including a text ad and link through to either your web page or images hosted on our site. And you don’t need to be a tech-head: just send us your info and we’ll post it up for you.
Olivebiz Classifieds are online now at To arrange a listing, contact Gerri at
New Minimum Wage Rate announced
All growers and contractors should be aware that the Fair Work Commission (FWC) has handed down its 2018/19 Annual Wage Review decision. The decision has increased the national minimum wage and the Modern Award minimum wages by 3% from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2019.
Any employer who pays their workers at minimum wage rates should have increased their employees’ pay from the first pay period on or after 1 July 2019. More information here.
After months of planning, Registration is now open for the 2019 AOA National Olive Conference & Trade Exhibition, being held in Albury NSW, 17-19 October. This year’s focus is ‘Healthy groves, healthy businesses’ and the packed program is aimed at getting attendees and all aspects of their business in good shape. The information and skills shared will cover a broad range of topics relevant to producers at all stages and with varying business operations, with valuable practical take-homes.
The two-day plenary program includes the annual Conference Dinner and is followed by an optional ‘Super Saturday Workshops & More’ program. See the full program here.

Don’t miss the industry event of the year – Register now .

The Trade Exhibition will feature a range of leading olive industry suppliers and service providers. This is the ideal time to review your business needs and discover the latest olive product innovations, with experts on hand to nut out the fine detail. Check out the list of conference exhibitors here.
The National Olive Conference & Trade Exhibition is facilitated through the Hort Innovation Olive Fund. It is partially funded by Hort Innovation using the olive R&D levy, with in-kind contributions from the Australian Olive Association and funding from the Australian Government. The event is also supported by Destination NSW and a range of industry sponsors and exhibitors.
Listen and learn with Olive Wellness podcasts
The Olive Wellness Institute has added a great new elements to its information sharing platform, with a new podcast series launched this week. Like all of the OWI’s resources, the Olive Wellness podcasts are evidence-based, drawing on scientific knowledge from top health professionals from across the world. 
New podcasts will be added fortnightly and presenters will include nutritionists, dietitians, scientists, doctors and academics – including the first guest, nutrition scientist and dietitian Dr Joanna McMillan.
You can access the podcasts via Spotify, iTunes podcasts and Google podcasts, and listen live or download them and listen at your convenience – while getting through that tedious pruning or tractor work, perhaps!
Have your say on new agribusiness growth agenda
Are you a business interested in growing? The SA government wants to hear from you on what it will take to accelerate your growth in our food, wine and agribusiness sectors with the goal to achieve 3% growth each year.
Growth State: our plan for prosperity is the state government’s work plan to promote industry growth by responding to industry needs and leveraging South Australia’s competitive advantages. Key sectors with strong growth prospects have been identified as part of this plan, including the food, wine and agribusiness sector, and business owners and decision maker are invited to provide ideas on how the plan can help you grow.
A series of workshops is being held across the state from mid-September to late-October. Learn more and register here.
New Zealand
04-Sep-2019 By Pearly Neo 

A new New Zealand report has revived calls for the government to make the Health Star Rating (HSR) system mandatory in the country after highlighting that almost all leading food brands carried high numbers of ultra-processed foods. 

Let’s hope they’re also raising the issues around edible oil ratings.

The Nordic diet emphasizes eating whole grains, in-season fruits and vegetables, and fish. Adding olive oil can make the diet more flavorful and replace canola oil as the traditional cooking fat.
Olive oil should be poured lavishly and used up quickly. Experts say that freshness, more than color or price or place of origin, determines its quality. Credit: Okea/GettyImages
Don’t try to parse every word on the label: the keys to good flavor are seeking out the freshest oil and using it generously.

That’s it in a nutshell, really!
David Malosh for The New York Times
This recipe, inspired by the Greek horiatiki salad, illustrates the power of good, fresh olive oil to make a dish taste bright and rich - and never oily.

Likewise, the first line says it all …
Friday Olive Extracts – send us YOUR news
With 2019 now well underway Friday Olive Extracts  (FOE) continues to bring all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, our industry e-newsletter keeps growing in popularity and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them,  you can sign up here.
And please remember that FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!

Under the current conditions, the yield could exceed 315,000 tons - lower than the average of the last decade, but still better than in recent years.

And …
The Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture expects olive oil production this season to reach a record of about 350,000 tonnes, exceeding the record set in 2015 of about 340,000 tonnes.

And similarly …

Despite drought conditions across the country this past summer, Portugal is expecting a near-record olive oil yield in 2019. Mariana Matos, secretary-general of Casa do Azeite, the Portuguese Olive Oil Association said a 40% increase in olive oil production is expected when harvesting begins in October.
Olive oil at its finest quality is a product that brings alive the Mediterranean cuisine of which it is a staple. Unfortunately for many of us not fortunate enough to possess our own olive grove, commercial olive oils are frequently adulterated, diluted with cheaper oils such as canola. 

Hackers do constructive work too!
What's On

22-27 September
Sol d’Oro Southern Hemisphere – Tacna, Peru

24 September
2019 Taste of Excellence Awards, Sydney Fine Food Show – Sydney, NSW

4 October
Entries close, 2019 Hunter Valley Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW

12 October
ONZ EVOO Awards Dinner – Wellington, NZ 

12 October
Awards dinner- West Australian Olive Awards 2019 - WA 

12 October
TasteBook™/OliveCare® workshop - South Australia

18 October
Presentation dinner, Australian International Olive Awards – Albury, NSW

16-19 October
2019 National Olive Industry Conference & Trade Exhibition – Albury, NSW

27 October
TasteBook™/OliveCare® workshop – Hunter Valley, NSW

2 November
TasteBook™/OliveCare® workshop – Tasmania

12-14 November
Food & Hotel China 2019 – Shanghai, China

14 November
Awards presentation, 2019 Hunter Valley Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW

15 November
TasteBook™/OliveCare® workshop – Toowoomba, Qld

22 November
Hort Innovation AGM – Sydney

26-28 November
SITEVI – Montpellier, France 


7-8 February 
Sensory Masterclass – Geelong, Vic

9-12 February
World Congress on Oils & Fats – Sydney, Australia

23-25 April
2020 London International Olive oil Competitions – London, UK

To include your event, or update your existing event details, email FOE editor Gerri Nelligan at
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