Brought to you by Dairy's Professional Development Organization®
Apply today, deadline is tomorrow...
APPLY TODAY FOR CORNERSTONE DAIRY ACADEMY. Three tracks of leadership-development training and a full slate of world-class facilitators are at your access during Cornerstone Dairy Academy. The March 12-13 program is designed for those who want to build or polish communications, collaboration and leadership skills. Attendees also have the opportunity to put their new skills to work at the 2019 PDPW Business Conference. Apply on or before Jan. 31; learn more here.
Introducing PDPW Podcast Weekly...
PDPW'S DEBUT EPISODE marks the beginning of an every-Monday podcast designed to jumpstart your week and realign you with your purpose and passion for dairy. Packaged in 15 to 20-minute clips, the podcasts will speak to the choices you can make to enhance your life and business. The first episode features an active dairy farmer who takes us on an audio journey to a place where he made a life-altering discovery; he then turns the tables and asks listeners to think through what's really important. Click
to listen to the first episode.
Opportunities to learn...
at the one-day Social Media Strategy Workshop set for Feb. 7 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Madison, Wis. The training will help you plan and manage your dairy's digital content, monitor and measure performance, engage with influencers, community members and beyond. Learn more and register here or call 800-947-7379.
DAIRY WELLBEING WORKSHOPS SET FOR FEB. 12 AND 13 in Green Bay, Wis. Two repeating sessions will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. each day at the Tundra Lodge Resort Waterpark and Conference Center in Green Bay. Dr. Jennifer Van Os and Nigel Cook, DVM, will present sessions on animal welfare across the life cycle and share strategies with cow comfort in mind. A guided tour of American Foods Group and discussions with beef buyers, market experts and USDA inspectors will make an impression that forever changes your perspective on cull cows and how you make culling decisions. Learn more and register here or call 800-947-7379.
WHAT DOES MOTHER NATURE HAVE IN STORE FOR 2019? Join us on Wed., Feb. 27, from noon to 1 p.m. CT for the next PDPW World Class Webinar: "Forecasting 2019: What does the weather have in store this year?" Eric Snodgrass, Co-Founder of Global Weather and Climate Logistics will discuss long-range weather predictions and assess current projections for the 2019 growing season. After registering, participate live or listen to a recorded version at your leisure. Click here to register or call 800-947-7379.
MAKE PLANS TO ATTEND 2019 BUSINESS CONFERENCE scheduled for March 13-14 at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wis. The PDPW Business Conference is the premier educational event for the dairy industry, where active dairy farmers and agribusiness professionals from across the country assemble for the latest in research, innovations and education. Expert speakers will cover a wide array of topics in the areas of dairy production and health, business and finance, leadership and management, natural resources, human resources, food safety, consumer engagement and more. See program details here and register today.
DON'T MISS THIS ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY to travel with PDPW on the 2019 International Dairy Tour of Germany and Holland. The tour will include stops at some of the most recognized landmarks in Berlin, Münster, Rothenburg, and Munich in Germany, as well as Amsterdam and Rotterdam in Holland. In addition, we'll tour farms, CLAAS factory, Lely, and a one-of-a-kind agricultural university that inclu
des several research farms and halls for technical demonstrations. The tour will depart from O'Hare International airport on Sept. 14 and return Sept. 27. Learn more
. Reserve your spot today!
TAKE CREDIT FOR THE PROGRAMS YOU'VE ATTENDED. Once you've invested time and money by attending a professional development program, log your continuing-education credits with Dairy AdvanCE. Developed to find, track and report continuing education credits online, Dairy AdvanCE is free to dairy producers - and it's not exclusive to tracking PDPW programs. Set up an account today; get more details at
For your dairy...
Research published in PLOS ONE by scientists at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences mapped the body language of cows in three situations - eating, using a mechanical brush, and waiting for a robotic milker - to help determine how an animal's body posture might be an external indicator of emotion. Researchers hope that by identifying standard posture, they can identify animals that are aroused or under stress. Read more in this
Feedstuffs article
EAT-LANCET REPORT CALLS FOR REDUCTION IN red meat consumption. Their Jan. 16 report has drawn headlines and criticism; an article in "The Salt" points to agriculture as being responsible for up to 30 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. To the contrary, reports by the Animal Agriculture Alliance and - separately - University of California-Davis professor Frank Mitloehner show that the EAT-Lancet information is based on misleading data and incomplete comparisons. Read more about Professor Mitloehner's response to the
EAT-Lancet Commission report
. For facts about the sustainability of livestock production and the role of meat and dairy in healthy diets, check out the
"Climate, Food, Facts"
section of Animal Agriculture Alliance's web site.
by following a checklist provided by the National Fire Prevention Association. It's especially critical during winter months to inspect facilities and wiring before installing additional heaters. In addition, make sure to clearly mark pathways and exits, practice fire drills with employees, and ensure that everyone knows personal safety is the top priority in a fire situation. Inspect your facilities to ensure:
- Heat lamps and space heaters are kept a safe distance from anything that can burn
- Heaters are on a sturdy surface and cannot fall over
- Electrical equipment is labeled for agricultural or commercial use
- All wiring is free from damage
- Extension cords are not used in the barn
- Lightbulbs have covers to protect them from dust, moisture, and breakage
- Dust and cobwebs around electrical outlets and lights are removed
- Oily rags are stored in a closed, metal container away from heat
NEW ICE CREAM BETTER OPTION FOR NIGHTTIME SNACKING? Nightfood, a recently launched line of ice cream, is attempting to capture its share in the $50-billion nighttime-snacking niche. The "sleep-friendly" ice cream not only boasts minerals, amino acids and enzymes to aid sleep and reduce acid reflux, it includes a protein that's relatively low in lactose. Learn more in this Fast Company article.
For your business mind...
, not just in January to make progress toward your most important targets. Instead of relying on setting big goals once a year, incorporate goal setting into your daily routine. Here are five tips:
- Create your "big picture" of what you want your life or business to look like in five or 10 years
- Break your goal into even smaller steps than you think you need
- Surround yourself with your goal every day
- Set SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-based) goals and make sure they are connected to your heart - your values
- Schedule 90-day check-ins
to learn more in the Fast Company article.
can provide benefits to small businesses, but employers must understand rules and classifications. Companies like Uber and other ride-sharing businesses use independent contractors to avoid c
osts like employment taxes and insurance; this strategy also minimizes administrative and management tasks that go along with having employees. While hiring freelancers and contractors provides flexibility for specialized tasks, employers should first consult with accountants and employment lawyers to make sure they meet classifications to avoid audits or legal issues in the future. Read the Associated Press article for more details.
with employees. The annual performance review is an important part of providing feedback and setting goals for your team members, but without proper preparation, it can be a missed opportunity. Here are seven ways a manager can prepare for an annual employee performance review to make for a productive and painless discussion:
- Start with performance expectations and goals
- Provide regular feedback throughout the year
- Deal with performance problems swiftly and decisively
- Maintain documentation throughout the year
- Get feedback from others
- Ask for feedback from the employee
- Be prepared with examples
Click here to read the entire article.
Business Conference Speaker Profile...
In the weeks leading up to the 2019 Business Conference, we'll present a sneak peek of some of the world-class speakers lined up for this year's event.
Katrina Cravy
"Lights, Camera, Action"
will be presented by Emmy award-winning TV and radio personality and author Katrina Cravy.
What is a reporter looking for when they arrive on the scene of a farm accident? How can you best respond to media questions, while still keeping focused on crisis response? What can you do to prepare in advance for a possible crisis situation?
Get answers to these questions and more during Katrina Cravy's "Lights, Camera, Action" specialty session on day 1 of Business Conference. With more than 20 years of experience as an investigative reporter, news anchor and talk show host, Cravy is also an adjunct faculty member for University of Wisconsin-Madison's Center for Professional & Executive Development, focusing on crisis communications and media relations.
Katrina's mission is to help teams and executives communicate with confidence during both good and challenging times. The 75-minute specialty session she'll present will equip attendees with tips and strategies to navigate situations that attract negative publicity, including how to create a crisis plan to protect your reputation and brand. She'll also share strategies on how to best communicate on camera and over the airwaves.
Follow Katrina on Twitter or read her blog posts for tips on interacting with media - and attend her presentation in person at the 2019 PDPW Business Conference.
"The secret of a leader lies in the tests he has faced over the course of his life and the habit of action he develops in meeting those tests." --- Gail Sheehy
A BIG Thank You...
TO THE PDPW SPONSORS who are supporting your professional development organization! As a producer-led group, we extend a heart-felt "Thank You!" to those that stand alongside our nation's dairy farmers.
Their support allows PDPW to execute best-in-class producer training and has enabled us to become the go-to resource for unified outreach initiatives. If you or a company you know is interested in participating as a sponsor, please contact us at or call 800-947-7379.
See the full list of generous sponsors
PDPW Education Calendar
January 31, 2019 |
Cornerstone Dairy Academy Application Deadline |
February 7, 2019 |
Social Media Strategy Workshop: Madison, Wis. |
February 12, 13, 2019 |
Dairy Wellbeing Workshop: Green Bay, Wis. |
February 27, 2019 |
World Class Webinar - Forecasting 2019, What does the weather have in store this year?: On Your Computer |
March 12-13, 2019 |
Cornerstone Dairy Academy: Madison, Wis. |
March 13-14, 2019 |
2019 PDPW Business Conference: Madison, Wis.
April 6-7, 2019 |
Youth Leadership Derby: Kiel, Wis. |
May 21-23, 2019 |
Agricultural Professional Partnerships® (APPs) Training: Madison, Wis.
September 14-27, 2019 |
PDPW International Dairy Tour: Germany & Holland