March 2016
Public Health Matters

From Caucus Chair Tricia Piechowski-Whitney, MPH, MSW, MA

Public Health Matters. And the CBPH Caucus strives to  help improve health outcomes and reduce health inequities through meaningful and effective community-academic partnerships across the U.S. 

With this in mind, do YOU have a "CBPH success story" you'd like to share with your fellow caucus members through our e-newsletter and website? It need not be a fully fleshed out "story," per se. That's what our Caucus Communications Co-Chairs can help with. What we need from YOU are examples from the field about how community-based health efforts are making a difference in the world, right in YOUR community. 

So, if you have a story idea about something happening that you'd like to see featured in an upcoming newsletter, please send it to by Tuesday, April 5, 2016. Thanks! 

P.S. Please keep in mind that sharing a story need not be about "bragging." It's about INSPIRING esteemed CBPH peers about what we all can do to help make a positive difference in public health in our country, and beyond. We look forward to hearing from you. Please read below about another opportunity to contribute. 
policy review Want to take on a time-limited task that can help make a meaningful impact for the CBPH Caucus? If so, please read on. 

APHA members develop policy statements on key public health topics, from obesity control to breastfeeding to control of infectious diseases to eliminating health disparities. Proposed policy statements only become official APHA policy after approval by the APHA Governing Council at the Annual Meeting. Hence, we need YOU--members of the Community-Based Public Health Caucus--to review these recently submitted proposals on behalf of the Caucus. If you are interested in reviewing one or more of these policies, please click HERE to let us know which policy you can review. 

Once you have signed up for a specific policy(ies), visit: You will need your APHA member ID and password to access the policies under review. If you need the policy review form and/or policies under review, please email Tricia Piechowski-Whitney at

Please send us  your completed review form by Tuesday, March 29 at midnight EST. These review forms will be shared with the CBPH Caucus Steering Committee and sent to APHA on Caucus' behalf. With this in mind, on behalf of our Caucus Steering Committee,  thank you in advance to any and all of you who sign on for this important role. 
Journey to Justice: Creating Change Through Partnerships"

In case you missed it, we wanted to be sure you were aware that the Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) is holding their 14th Annual International Conference in New Orleans from May 11 to May 14, 2016. Titled " Journey to Justice: Creating Change Through Partnerships," the conference seeks to promote, support, and encourage partnerships designed to improve health by addressing social and racial justice issues. Keynote is Camara Jones, MD, MPH, PhD, APHA President. Click here to learn more

Continue to check out their website for regular updates on pre-conference sessions, workshops, and speaker information. This is a great opportunity to develop new partnerships and strengthen ongoing partnerships. Also, look for our CBPH Caucus table at this event to see what's new, renew your membership, and help support the Caucus! 
Learn more about the CBPH Caucus by visiting our website: