E-Light Newsletter
E-Light News is from the Heart and Soul of Spirit
Friday, April 12, 2019 edition

"Higher View"
Sunday, April 14, 2019

Rev. Maryum Morse gives the talk "Higher View" this Sunday. She will discuss how keeping your thoughts upon good things, your consciousness will naturally multiply this experience. Douglas Howard, RScP will be on pulpit.
George Friedenthal & Craig Thatcher will provide the music to frame this service beautifully.
Come out and join in this powerful gathering which sets the tone for your week by strengthening your faith and connection with other truth-seekers in your community!
Stay after service and have a bite to eat with us and make friends too.
We look forward to your presence here with us!
You Are Welcome here
This week's quote:
"Very little is needed to make a happy life. It is all within yourself in your way of thinking."               Marcus Aurelius
This Week's Affirmation
"I feel safe in the rhythm and flow of ever-changing life."










 this amazing day!






Reverend Maryum's Weekly Prayer


My Path is Illuminated with Light of Christ


There is one Infinite Mind, which infinitely creates and expresses its infinite joy in and through all creation.  I am made in the image and likeness of God.  I am a "light"-hearted product of the cosmos perfection shining through everything and all in unique and diverse ways.  

I Am Divine Light.


This Infinite Mind enjoys life by means of me as me.  Every conscious thought I think allows Divine creativity to unveil the light that illumines my path.  Every positive word I speak sparkles with the joy that seeks expression through me.  Every task I undertake is a fabulous opportunity to magnify the indwelling Source of my eternal happiness simply waiting to be revealed. Infinite Spirit radiates the warmth of unconditional acceptance and love within me and around me.  I let go of any sense of heaviness or negativity and allow my Divine self to bring forth harmony to every situation so my environment is an expression of absolute peace, love and Oneness.


In deep gratitude to the One Presence that blesses my world, I happily release my word to the Law of Mind, knowing my connection of Oneness is the beacon that lights the way for my joyful and abundant life experience.  It is done effortlessly with a knowing of faith and acceptance.  And so it is.  Amen.


   Rev. Maryum Morse






The Good Thought
Quotes About
A Higher View
"View others as unfolding beings in their journey towards higher consciousness."
Ken Keyes, Jr.
"And we're seeing a higher level of consciousness and many more opportunities for people to challenge their present ways of thinking and move into a grander and larger experience of who they really are." 
Neale Donald Walsch

"On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your power so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow." 
Frederich Nietzsche
Intuitive Card Reading just for You!
I am pulling a card from 
"Keepers of the Light"
Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray!
Sanat Kumara
Light Activation
"Shine your light. Your internal guidance is coming through loud and clear."
About: "Sanat Kumara, which means "Eternal Youth", is an advanced cosmic light being who is dedicated to helping the Earth rise up towards the light. he is, as far as I'm concerned, the leader of the Keepers of the Light.     He has been acknowledged as a god in Hinduism and in the Mahatabharata story, which has come down from heaven bearing God's divine plan.     In more recent times he has been acknowledged as coming from Venus and bringing through unconditional love.     He has eyes that are made of the cosmos, with the ability to penetrate the soul and activate its brightest light yet. He can seem otherworldly because his looks are beyond human. He is a being of the light, shining with the purest intentions. He is the twin flame of Lady Venus. Together they activate the heart and light of those who welcome their help so they can shine brighter than ever."
Extended Message: "You are here to light up the world. You may feel that you are being pushed or that there is a lot going on at once, and this is because your energy is magnetic to others and they want it in their life. Take the time to listen to your inner voice. Remember the cosmic light of heaven and draw it to you. That is all you need to inspire the world."
What stands out for me with this card is "listen to your inner voice" and "draw the light of heaven to you, it is all you need to inspire..."
When I read these messages from this card, there was a relaxation that spread through my entire being.
Lately things personally have been amazingly hectic for me. I've taken on a new challenge and the settling down into it has been - Well..my inner Diva is like "Oh HELL naw!"...Let's just say, I've been kicking and screaming the whole way. My old vision for my life is going up in flames and my old expectations of myself just don't fit in with the new self that is emerging. This new self requires me to cross over into realms that I didn't even want to pass over into. Like being organized, assertive, placing up hard boundaries - or even learning something new. You know that requires more effort. In response to this all this newness, I have been having a wild, no holds barred, full out temper tantrum inside of me.
My Big Mama inner voice has been whispering "QUIET, Sweetie".. It's also been saying "Chile you are so busy trying to do things your own way and keep the status quo, that you aren't even living! You are DOING instead of BEING. You are BLOCKING instead of FLOWING."
Well, I've had many lessons along the way which taught me that if I didn't slow my roll pronto, then the Heavenly 2x4 would step in to give me a smack to regain my focused attention.
Sanat Kumara to the rescue. This is a Light Being I have never before heard of but after meeting him in this spread I'm like - "OK, Thank Heaven, your energy babydoll is just what the doctor ordered!" .
Sometimes the doingness of things is a trick we pull to hide how uncomfortable we are leaving the safety and security of the KNOWN.
Sanat says, and I paraphrase here - "You only need to reconnect with the Allness inside of you and everything will be alright!" It is an illusion that we are separate. Through our divine connection, all that we ever need for living and being will shine through as inspiration.
OOhh Chile...This is what I meant by relaxing into this message with the relief of a cold and aching person slipping into a hot bath.
What if I stopped doing the Wile E. Coyote dance over the chasm and surrender and reconnect with the I Am presence found in the stillness of inactivity? Would I find peace enough to rely upon my inner reserves of faith and allow the newness of my path to wash over me graciously, delighting in the variety and igniting a passion that heretofore had been missing in my life? Hmmm....
Here's some questions to ask yourself:
  • In this moment, what does my soul need experience peace?
  •  If I don't do every item on my to-do list, will I be any less loveable? Is there a kinder way to undertake my tasks?
  •  What would happen if I chose to nurture and honor myself right this very moment? Do I need a nap?
  •  Would my soul have designed this part of my curriculum if I was not truly able to do this?
Sanat says we are here to shine the glory of creation by being our authentic, unvarnished selves. By being that light of wholeness, beauty, strength and calm - we light the path for ourselves and others.
Every experience you take on, you have a choice to endure it miserably or to exalt in its freshness and novelty.     
You can be grateful or petulant.     You can be joyous or a curmudgeon.
How many times do we forget this truth?     LOL
Well hold on, dear heart. If you change your thoughts about your experience and you take on a God quality like serenity, peace, love and humility - it will be a game changer. This is promised.
Here's quote to help bring this point on home:
"Although you appear in earthly form ; Your essence is pure Consciousness.
You are the fearless guardian
of Divine Light.
So come, return to the root of the root -- of your own soul.."
Rumi is da man okay? If ever I need a crumb of wisdom to dine upon that fills me up as if I had a ten-course meal, Rumi is the one to serve it up.
I'm digging this Sanat Kumara card and I am grateful to be a messenger of his Light. Much love.
Here's an affirmation to use and let the peace from within flow:
"I receive nurturing from the abundance of life. I hold peace and serenity in my being."
  And so it is.
And So It Is.
Namaste & Peace - Roxy Angel Superstar
If you are interested in having a reading by Roxy, please call  (805) 636-4217  or email me at  [email protected]
Our Mission:
Center of the Heart is a loving spiritual community that empowers all people to live passionate, successful and joy-filled lives.
Our Mantra:
Miracles follow miracles;
Wonders always increase;
I give thanks for this amazing day!
Prayer Intention for Center:
We are a thriving spiritual community. We claim our personal growth and healing now for the betterment of the Planet, our lives & everyone.
We are committed, supportive and joyful friends   We come together to celebrate our uniqueness and our Oneness in this safe & loving space.
E-Light News Link for
Friday, March 29, 2019:

Video Links:
04 07 19 Center of the Heart Solo George Friedenthal MOONDANCE
George Friedenthal sings "Moondance"
04 07 19 Center of the Heart Solo Eje Lynn Jacobs AS
Eje Lynn-Jacobs sings "AS"
04 07 19 Center of the Heart Darrolyn Invocation
04 07 19 Center of the Heart RevMaryum Meditation WorldPrayer
04 07 19 Center of the Heart RevMaryum Morse talk Healing Grace
04 07 19 Center of the Heart Rev Maryum Giving Prayer
What Brother Ernie said:

Though Retards or Quickens

Everything our thought rests upon is either retarded or quickened by the power of that thought.
Everyone is a law unto himself under the great law of cause and effect governing all things.
When we constructively praise and creatively bless, life abounds with love, peace and joy.
"There is no god dare wrong a worm."
Let goodness shine forth. Let us learn to see in everyone an evolving Christ. Let us so live and think that we may retire at night in peace, knowing that no harm can come to the soul; that we may rise in the morning renewed in body and in mind, with a brighter outlook, a happier expectation and a clearer joy, looking upon all with love, condemning none and blessing even those who seek to injure us. Let us learn to be perfect even as that Divine being, residing in the heart of all and overshadowing eternity, must also be perfect. If we think we can guide our brother aright while our own feet still walk in darkness we are mistaken. We must first clarify our own vision, then we shall become as lights lighting the way for others.
But can we teach a lesson we have not learned?
Can we give that which we do not possess?
To suppose so is hypocrisy, a thing to be shunned.
Jesus tears the mantle of unreality from the shoulders of hypocrisy, winnowing from the soul of sham and shallowness its last shred of illusion.
We cannot see reality until our eyes are open; until the light of eternal Truth has struck deeply into OUR own souls.
Excerpted from
The Bible in the Light of Religious Science by Ernest Holmes
In need of spiritual support?
Let our licensed Practitioners pray with you! 
A licensed Practitioner of Religious Science is a spiritual coach trained to see the absolute Truth in any situation, whether it is physical or mental health, finances, relationships, career issues, etc.  They serve individuals privately in person, by phone, or sometimes by e-mail assisting them to see the Truth behind their present situation.
Our Practitioners have completed 4 to 5 years of training and classes accredited by Centers for Spiritual Living to answer their Spiritual calling. A practitioner's license is renewed every two years with their minister's recommendation after having met service and continuing education requirements.

A licensed practitioner will pray with you after church service regarding any situation, circumstance, or goal you desire. These services after church are offered free of charge.

Below is a list of our licensed practitioners who serve this community  
Bev Berry,  RScP (Outreach)
Darrolyn Fennelly , RScP
Denise Foxwell,  RScP
Douglas Howard,  RScP
Ejé Lynn-Jacobs,  RScP
Lily S. Cree, RScP
Muriel Gilbaud, RScP
Roxy Angel Superstar, RScP
Shar Ybarra, RScP
Sibyl Piediscalzi,  RScP (Outreach) 
Trish Jahnke,  RScP (Outreach)
Brian Bailey (Prayer Warrior)
Susan Rice, (Honorary Practitioner)
email us at  [email protected]  
or telephone office  (805) 964-4861
  Or catch one immediately after service for prayers
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Food for Thought...

8 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

1. Become conscious of your thoughts.  
Everything you think, say or feel becomes your reality. Every single thought that comes into your head has an impact on you. For example, I spent most years of my life saying "I have to have 8 hours sleep every night or I'll become a rabbit in headlights". I had that (limiting) belief cleared during a
CTC Session and hey presto! As long as I get minimum 6.5 hours I ain't no rabbit! When you change those thoughts for the positive, your reality is likely to become positive too.
Easier said than done in the face of adversity though right? How 'bout this, the next time a negative thought shows up in your head, take the time to acknowledge it, thank it for showing up, and then dismiss it and turn it around for the positive.
2. Find something beautiful and appreciate it.  
Beauty is all around us, yet so often we walk around with our blinkers on. Stop rushing for a moment and take the time to stand in the sun and appreciate your surroundings.
3. Be conscious of the foods you eat. 
Some foods vibrate at high frequencies, and some lower (broccoli has a high vibration as do blueberries; Big Macs don't vibrate at all ;-). If you are consuming foods covered in chemicals and pesticides, or foods found within plastic packaging, it will leave you vibrating lower. Conversely, consume good quality organic produce, food as nature intended it, and feel the high vibrations disseminate throughout your body. Most importantly, pay attention to how eating certain foods make your body feel.
4. Drink water.
Always ensure you drink plenty of water (filtered is best) to assist your body to flush out toxicity day to day. Toxicity has a marked impact on our vibration so we must do what we can to reduce it's impact within us and around us.
5. Meditate.
Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and breath in and out. Too often we rush through our days with a scattered brain leaving us in a state of anxiety and stress. Meditation helps to calm your spirit down and put you in a peaceful state of mind. Just 10 minutes of meditation a day can change your life forever.
6. Be grateful.
Making a gratitude list shifts your vibrations from focusing on what you don't have to what is already abundant in your life. There is more to be grateful for than you could possibly imagine. For example, every night when I go to bed I write down (in a little gratitude journal) 5 things I am grateful for that day. It's such a beautiful exercise.
7. Practice acts of kindness.
Giving to someone else (without expecting anything in return) shifts your thinking from "I don't have enough" or "Woe is me", to "I have more than enough to give to others." Abundance is a high vibration. In the same vein, being kind (as opposed to being mean) puts you at a high vibration. Gossip or treat others badly and your vibration will suffer.
8. Get your blood pumping.  
Vibration requires movement, the more you move the better your vibrations move. So Get Active! Dance! The happier you feel, the more you will draw happy experiences to yourself because you are operating at different frequency.
Article Excerpted:

  Yes, You are loved
Center of the Heart
487 N. Turnpike Road, Santa Barbara, California 93111
(805) 964-4861
Office Hours : Tues - Thurs 2:30pm - 6:00pm

Meditation Serice @ 10:00am
Celebration Service @ 10:30am

Center of the Heart is a Center for Spiritual Living in Santa Barbara California. Lead by Spiritual Leader & Senior Minister Reverend Maryum Morse for over ten years.  Our Center is non-denominational, non-judgmental, where we give total acceptance, allowing for spiritual growth and healing of your emotions so that you can become happier, experience more joy, miracles and release fears. You will  find a healing spiritual community to embrace your creativity, celebrate your individuality, learn laws of prosperity and abundance and the tools to deepen your connection with Spirit