March 25, 2020
Daily Devotions this week are being provided by our St. John’s Certified Lay Ministers. Today’s devotion is from Gina Rivera.


“Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!”
Philippians 4:4

Max Lucado, in his book Grace for the Moment says:

Go with me back in history a couple of thousand years. Let’s go to Rome. . . to a rather drab little room, surrounded by high walls. . . Inside we see a man seated on the floor. He’s an older fellow, shoulders stooped and balding. Chains are on his hands and feet. . .

It is the apostle Paul. . . The apostle who was bound only by the will of God is now in chains—stuck in a dingy house—attached to a Roman officer. . .

He is writing a letter. No doubt it is a complaint letter to God. No doubt it is a list of grievances. . . He has every reason to be bitter and complain. But he doesn’t. Instead, he writes a letter that two thousand years later is still known as the treatise on joy—Philippians. . . .

Why don’t you spend some time with it?

Spiritual Practice:
Read Philippians 4:4-13 slowly, stopping after each verse or two and reflect on whether these verses speak to your situation today and apply the verses to your circumstances, to the place you find yourself because of coronavirus—your job, your finances, your health, your family, friends, community. When you are finished, go to God in prayer, speaking aloud these truths:

I am not anxious or worried about anything; I continue to make my requests known to God, and the peace of God which transcends all understanding stands guard over my heart and my mind. You are my Peace.

I will fix my thoughts on You, Lord, and all that is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely and admirable. You, O Lord, are my Peace.

I have learned to be content and satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or uneasy, regardless of my circumstances. I am at peace.

I can to all the things God has called me to do through Him. He gives me peace.

I will rejoice in the Lord always. I will delight and take pleasure in Him. His peace gives me joy.

Return to these truths throughout the day when you find you need His reassurance.

-- Gina Rivera, Certified Lay Minister
As part of our outreach during this unsettling time, the Music Ministry has launched “Music From St. John’s,” a series of video performances by local musicians. This is an effort to continue to provide beautiful music to our congregation and community, and also to provide work to local musicians who have been severely affected by cancelations. New videos will appear daily for the foreseeable future, and they are being created by Shea Perry.

We hope you’ll enjoy and share the videos, and also consider making a donation to the New Mexico Musicians Relief Fund.

The easiest way to view the videos is to go to the St. John’s Music Ministries Facebook page at the link below. Check back daily!

Zuni Elementary is one of the Free Grab & Go meal locations providing lunch M-F from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm to children 18 and under during the current APS school closure.
Please come to pray in the labyrinth any time of day. Park in the east parking lot near the front doors of the sanctuary/narthex doors. Our prayer labyrinth is directly to the south of the front doors. It is advisable to have one person on the labyrinth at a time. Enter the prayer labyrinth with a personal prayer and then quietly and contemplatively experience what God has to share with you during this time.
Office Administrator, Debbie Brown, will be answering the phone at St. John’s every weekday from 9:00 am-2:00 pm. Please call the office if you have any concerns or pastoral care needs. Debbie will get messages to Pastor Pam and Pastor Kelly. The office number is 505-883-9717.

The St. John's staff includes a licensed mental health counselor who is available to meet virtually (using a smartphone or computer) in a secure online platform during these anxious times. If you or someone you know is struggling emotionally, counseling is available. Click here or contact Susan Brumbaugh at 505-506-6717 or for more details about session and cost information.
Contact Us
(505) 883-9717
2626 Arizona St NE | Albuquerque, NM 87110
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Questions? Contact Shea Perry at