Interested in developing skills to maintain a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment? Mindfulness training provides participants with research-backed impacts, including reduction in toxic stress, improvement in job satisfaction, emotional regulation, focus, and executive functioning.

Mindfulness Fundamentals is an online self-paced program where participants learn to develop basic mindfulness skills. This course is perfect for beginners.
Upcoming courses:
       October 6th through November 16th
       November 3rd through December 14th

Mindful Educator Essential is an online self-paced program that will help participants develop strong improvements in job satisfaction, connecting with youth, delivering school curriculum, and student behavior (attention, self-regulation, engagement, compassion). This course in more in-depth and includes K-12 curriculum.
Upcoming courses:
       October 19th through November 29th