2019-2020 President Bill Thorp with his amazing family

March 25, 2020

It feels weird to be sending out this eNews when I know I won't be seeing you all this week. Having Rotary on Wednesday is sort of a foundation for the week. I do my thing on Monday and Tuesday and then there's Rotary which defines the week. I miss seeing all of you. I miss Bill's inability to ring the bell properly.I miss our outstanding students. I miss Chris Mecca's corny jokes. (Okay, they are not nearly as corny as Pat Fahey's jokes.)

Last week, on Wednesday, I called a Rotarian friend. Why not do that too. Think of someone who usually sits at your table and give them a call. We still have the phone and we can connect. Try it!

One of the bennies of being the newsletter editor is that District Governors and sometimes their spouses stay in touch with me over time. Bob Strubing (husband of Judi Beard Strubing - the first woman District Governor for 5110) sends me cool stuff now and then. This is a group of students singing together in cyber space because their school is closed. Very inspiring.
Song for the Day
Neil Diamond was always a favorite of "my" generation. Here's a very fun song using "Sweet Caroline" as the melody. Take heed! AND wash your hands!
District 5110 has cancelled RYLA for the first time in 30 years.
Rotary International has cancelled the Yearly convention, which should have taken place in Hawaii.
Board Meeting Reminder (Monday)
Apr 21 at 4pm at the Chamber of Commerce - but it will actually probably happen in cyber space. For those involved - stay tuned!
On the third Wednesday of each month there will be a meeting after the meeting - specifically to help integrate Red Badge members into the club. Anyone is invited to attend. The next meeting is cancelled.
Other clubs in the area
(for visits and makeups)
Rogue Gateway 
Thursday at noon
Wild River Pub 
Greater Grants Pass 
Fridays at 7:00 am
Tap Rock Grill 
Illinois Valley  
Tuesdays at noon
Wild River Brewing
Cave Junction 
District 5110 eClub 
State of Jefferson eClub
Rotary eClub One
For most other District or Club resources, click the DACdb logo above.
All meetings are cancelled until further notice.

BUT if you want to be entertained and enlightened for a while - check out Gary Hoover's website. He is an amazing historian and you will be fascinated with some of his posts about American Business.
(I promise)
If you have a new person who you think would make a good member of our club - you can download a fillable proposal form by
Once you have filled in the form you can bring it to Secretary Ron Eichorn, membership chair Dennis Webber, or President Bill Thorp
Being a Rotarian Booklet

Financial Expectations as a member of the Rotary Club of Grants Pass CLICK HERE
I have recently discovered "My Mountain Huskey" on YouTube. The videos are a total smile! Here's one about "the last cookie"! (Careful, these are addicting - not the cookies - the videos.)
Okay, I can't help myself - here's another one - about stealing food when no one is looking. Kind of reminds me of the marshmallow kids!
And for those of you who are too young to know about the marshmallow kids - here's what it's all about!
Editor Hyla Lipson  The Rotary Club of Grants Pass