Public works building renamed for former city manager
The City of Round Rock’s newly opened utilities and transportation administration building was renamed in honor of former City Manager Bob Bennett second from right, above, following a vote by the Round Rock City Council on Thursday, Jan. 23. 

The new building, located at 3400 Sunrise Road, opened in September 2019 and brought public works employees from the City’s Utilities and Transportation Departments under one roof. 

Bennett began his career with the City of Round Rock in 1976, when he was hired as the City’s first Director of Planning and Zoning. He later served as City Manager between 1979 and 2003. 

City Council calls May 2 election
The Round Rock City Council called an  election  for May 2 for three City Council seats and seven proposed amendments to the City Charter. 

Voters will cast ballots for Mayor, Place 1 and Place 4 on the City Council. Mayor Craig Morgan and Place 4 Councilmember Will Peckham have filed for re-election. Current Place 1 Councilmember Tammy Young is not seeking re-election to the City Council to run for U.S. Congress. Local business owner Michelle Ly has filed for Place 1. The candidate filing deadline is Feb. 14. 

A Charter Review Commission met last year to review the  City Charter  and submit suggested amendments to the City Council, which finalized a slate of  proposed amendments   for voter approval. 

Early voting will run from Monday, April 20, through Tuesday, April 28.
Police hire two new victim advocates through grant
For victims of crime in Round Rock, more help is on the way. 

The Round Rock Police Department’s Victim Services staff grew by two paid positions in late 2019, doubling the number of full-time victim advocates to four. The one-year positions are funded by a grant from the State of Texas General Assistance Direct Services Program. The Police Department plans to apply for an extension of funds for future years. 

Victim Services staff is available 24/7, every day of the year to help victims and survivors of crime or traumatic events like domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse and homicide. 

Rain barrel sale
The City’s Water Conservation Program is selling rain barrels at a discounted price to encourage residents to conserve water resources and protect water quality. 

50-gallon, black barrel costs $72.50. City of Round Rock water customers can combine this deal with the City’s rainwater rebate; however, you do not have to be a City water customer or resident to purchase barrels. 

Barrels may be pre-ordered through Sunday, March 29 at roundrock. P ickup will take place Saturday, April 4, at the City’s Utilities and Transportation Building, 3400 Sunrise Road. 
Baca Center wins best of award for seniors
For the fourth year in a row, the Allen R. Baca Center for Senior and Community Activities has won the Senior Resource Guide’s Best of 2019 Award in the Leisure & Lifestyle category. The adult activity center features social, recreational and educational programs specifically for adults ages 50 and up. The building includes a cardio/weight room, meeting spaces, banquet room, kitchen, library, billiards and an arts and crafts room. 

Meet online buyers at safe exchange zones
In 2019, about one third of robberies in Round Rock occurred during person-to-person transactions when the victim arranged to meet with the suspect. As online shopping becomes more popular, so does this type of crime. Avoid becoming a victim by conducting these exchanges at the Police Department lobby and parking lot 2701 N. Mays St. Both are well-lit and video-monitored and the parking lot is open 24/7. 

Shape your future — participate in the Census
Look for a mailing from the U.S. Census Bureau in March and respond to the survey online, by phone or by mail. The 2020 Census marks the first time you will have the option to respond online. Everyone living in the United States is required by law to be counted in the 2020 Census.

You will be asked a few simple questions, like age, sex, and the number of people who live in your home, including children. Your personal information is confidential and cannot be shared with anyone, including any government agencies or law enforcement. The Census will never ask you for your social security number, money or donations, or credit card numbers. 

Census data are used to adjust electoral districts and shape how federal money is spent for roads, schools, health clinics, student loans, housing and fire departments.

Round Rock commemorates Black History Month
February is Black History Month, an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. history. From art receptions to a movie screening and bus tour showcasing local historic sites, the Round Rock community will come together for several events throughout the month.
Celebrate Black History Month with an art reception honoring the photographs of Melissa Fontenette-Mitchell at the Round Rock Public Library. Join us Thursday, Feb. 6 from 6-8 p.m. as the artist speaks about her black-and-white photography exhibit,  From Slavery: Through Civil Rights to the White House , which will be on display in the library gallery throughout the month.
The Round Rock Black History Organization invites you to celebrate Black History Month with the 5th Annual Historic Bus Tour.  The tour will take place on Saturday, Feb. 15 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and feature stops at the Sweet Home Mural and the African-American Experience in Waco.  Tickets are $25 and include a light breakfast and lunch.
Community Tax Center
4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday
through April 15
Round Rock Public Library
216 E. Main St.
Foundation Communities is hosting a free Community Tax Center at the Round Rock Public Library   through April 15 . Generally, free income tax preparation is available for households earning less than $55,000 annually. If there are more than four people in your household, then your income eligibility increases by $5,000 for each additional family member.

Drive-in movie theater debuts Feb. 28
Opening Friday, Feb. 28
Old Settlers Park
800 Harrell Parkway

Nostalgic good times, here we come! Blue Starlite Drive-in has officially announced plans to bring a boutique drive-in movie theater to Round Rock. The first showing will feature a 35th anniversary screening of The Goonies.

Well, Well, Well: Heart-to-Heart Talk with Cardiologist Dr. Craig Siegel
6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Wednesday, Feb. 12
Round Rock Public Library
216 E. Main St.
The Round Rock Public Library, in partnership with St. David’s HealthCare, kicks off Well, Well, Well: Timely Topics for Your Health and Wellness with a talk on heart health. 
Free weekly classes featuring medical leadership from St. David’s Round Rock Medical Center will provide health information to attendees in a fun, interactive way. 

Master Gardeners at the Library: Wild Critters
6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 11
Round Rock Public Library
216 E. Main St.
The Texas Master Gardener Association, a volunteer organization of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, is presenting a free monthly gardening program, Green Thumbs Up, at the Round Rock Public Library. 
In this free workshop, you will learn about: 
  • Snakes—good and bad 
  • Beneficial spiders 
  • Pesky critters—raccoons, possums, armadillos, feral cats 
  • Living and dealing with these critters 

Round Rock Classic Baseball Tournament
F riday, Feb. 21 through Sunday, Feb. 23
Dell Diamond
3400 E. Pa lm Valley Blvd.

The Round Rock Classic will bring four of the nation's top NCAA Division I baseball teams to compete over three days in a round robin format. This year’s tournament features the Houston Cougars, Stanford Cardinal, Tennessee Volunteers and Texas Tech Red Raiders. It’s the best tournament experience outside of the College World Series in Omaha, Neb.! Tickets are available now at

Upcoming board, commission meetings

Wednesday, Feb. 5, 6 p.m.

Thursday, Feb. 13, 6 p.m.

Thursday, Feb. 27, 6 p.m.