AG Logo 2020
Annual Giving Pledge Campaign
FY 2020-2021
26 March 2020
Pledge Now!
We ask that all members submit a pledge no later than April 6. The generosity of our members will direct our budget for FY 2020-21.
It's hard to believe that a little over two weeks ago many of us sat in the church sanctuary and listened to a reading that proclaimed “we are not isolated beings, but connected." Who would have thought that only a few days later we might begin to feel like "isolated beings" due to imposed social distancing? How ironic. But, the truth is that we, as members of UU St. Pete, remain very much connected.

There have been so many examples in the past two weeks of individuals reaching out to needy members of our congregation. Rev. Jack has also continued to meet individually with congregants, and he and other devoted servants put together a meaningful and uplifting service online last weekend.

 We are truly fortunate to belong to this loving community. We must keep it going! One way we can do that is to make a pledge to support our great covenant of dwelling together in peace, seeking the truth in love, and helping one another.

The Board of Trustees strongly endorses the goals of the pledge campaign, because we recognize and value the integral role your funds play in carrying out our covenant. Without your generous contributions, our mission cannot be achieved. Please pledge what you can to keep our wonderful community aglow with love and service.
Pledging online will help our volunteers and staff significantly. Please use the online pledge form if at all possible.

Steve Benton, President, Board of Trustees
Cynthia Patterson, Member
To watch video, click on play-button on image!
Look for links to click on to see more!
The ideals of the UU faith or movement have always appealed to me, but it is through the work of the local congregation that I became aware of it. The ministers over the years, all have brought something, and the many members I have known have been, to me, some of the best of humanity that I have encountered in my voyage through life. Virtually all have been introspective, independent thinkers. I like UUs.

Here at UU St. Pete, in various settings, I have been encouraged to honestly and publicly express my thoughts on what matters, my values, and why I feel as I do. That real freedom is non-existent in any other "faith community" format that I am aware of.

The Church gives me an opportunity to demonstrate my own ideals of justice for all human beings. Discussions, marches, demonstrations, letter writing campaigns. And all of it with an emphasis on love and compassion while we seek truth together.

Now, with a great minister, wonderful leaders among us, and a swelling membership, I am joyful to be giving in a way that I can.

Tim Flaherty, Member
To watch video, click on play-button on image!
Look for links to click on to see more!
Many thanks to Courtney Allen for his expertise in creating the online form and gorgeous video of our beloved congregation.
• The amount of your pledge is annual, renewed each year prior to the start of our fiscal year, July 1.
• For new members joining after Jan 1, your annual pledge will continue into the following fiscal year.
• You can always change the amount of your pledge by notifying the financial secretary.
• There is no minimum pledge. 

How Much Can I Pledge? (Click to find out!)
Questions? Contact Carol Ulmer at or Michael Killoren at
Thank you to those who have pledged so generously during these challenging times. Your responsiveness is greatly appreciated.