The Seventh Sunday
after Pentecost
at St. Paul's
Join us on the
The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
(July 11) at 10am
in our church building
Be sure to
download the order of service
St. Paul's gathers Sunday mornings at 10am to celebrate the Eucharist (Mass)

Our worship continues in our church building as COVID restrictions relax and new diocesan protocols are implemented. Registration is no longer necessary. Just show up on Sunday morning as we have done in the past. While masks are not mandatory for those who are vaccinated, CDC and diocesan guidelines still require them for those who are unvaccinated. Also, bathrooms will now be open, but please do not use the chapel as a throughway. That should be a place for quiet prayer and reflection.

At the same time, people are still asked to observe social distancing. Communion will continue in one kind, but administered at the front of church as before. Follow the ushers' directions during the time of distribution. Coffee hour and childcare provision are still on hold

Be aware that we remain in the midst of a continuing health crisis and in-person worship is not for everyone. If you are not feeling well for any reason, please join worship online. If someone at home is unwell, please join worship online. Do you have any ongoing health issues? Worship with us from home. Our service will be live-streamed on our Facebook page.

If you and the members of your household are feeling well, we hope you'll join us.

If you have any questions, please contact Fr. Luis.

You can find full diocesan protocols here.