Purple Iris
Less is More

An Occasional Newsletter from
The New England School 
of Homeopathy
Warmer Days Ahead!

Spring 2019
Seminars: US and Abroad
8 Weekend Course starting early 2020
Teaching the Art & Science of Homeopathy Since 1990
Dear Homeopathy Friends Near & Far,
We are happily embracing spring, after some wonderful winter travels. The longer and warmer days ahead are welcome and will be filled with clinical care, teaching, writing, and digging into the garden!

I wanted to share some of my thoughts about treating patients during conventional medical care for cancer. We have come a long way in the treatment of cancer in our lifetimes and many people go on to live healthy and productive lives post treatment. Of course, we still have a long way to go with regard to primary prevention, early detection, effective treatments, and supporting patients post-treatment.

In addition to the article below, you might also enjoy a Ten Part Series I am writing for the online platform Medium entitled You Finished Treatment, Now What? I hope you find these pieces useful for yourself, your patients, family, & friends.

We hope to see NESH alum throughout this year at our east and west coast clinical classes. We chose the topic of Chronic Disease as this is where we find the promise of homeopathy unfolds and where we have the ongoing opportunity to work with patients where conventional care falls short. We have a lot of fun in these classes and learn so much from our patients and from you, practitioners who keep pushing us to teach more deeply, to model accurate and compassionate case taking, and to methodically go through repertorization, differential materia medica and the fine art of the follow-up visit.
May this spring bring moments of joy and peace to you and yours, as we continue from one season to the next,

Amy (& Paul)
Vital Support for People in Conventional Cancer Care:
How to use Homeopathy and Why it Matters
by Amy Rothenberg ND
One in three people in America will get cancer at some point in their lifetime. That’s a lot of people! As a cancer survivor/thriver I’ve been very public about my 2014 diagnosis and treatments, which included surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, AND all the natural medicine approaches I have known & used for decades. Because I want to demystify and destigmatize the whole experience of cancer, I keep sharing my thoughts.

Yes, many people get cancer, but many will go on to live productive, healthy, vibrant lives after treatment. I am thrilled to be alive, contributing to my various communities and just as committed to my healthy lifestyle as ever.
I especially want to spread the message: homeopathy has much to offer people going through conventional cancer treatment. As a homeopathuc and naturopathic physician for over 33 years, I’ve seen this demonstrated again and again in my practice, but there is nothing like firsthand experience as a patient to shed further light on the subject.

Click here to view Dr. Rothenberg's various articles about working with cancer patients during and after conventional care.
Interested in furthering your understanding of homeopathy or improving your clinical skills?
January 2020 through May 2021
Friday night, Saturday, & Sunday every other month

Take this course if you want to ... 
  • Nourish your love and passion for homeopathy regardless of your current level of experience. 
  • Understand homeopathic remedies in a concise, yet robust and clinically relevant way without the memorization of long lists of symptoms. 
  • Learn a streamlined approach to case taking and analysis to bring efficacy and efficiency into your prescribing. 
  • Confidently integrate homeopathy into your current or future practice.
  • Enroll in a quality program of study paced to work with your busy life. 


In addition to our 8 Weekend Course,
other opportunities to hear
Drs. Rothenberg and Herscu speak are:

June 28, 2019 : Joint American Homeopathic Conference in Baltimore, Maryland
Drs. Amy Rothenberg and Paul Herscu are the invited keynote speakers:

August 15-17, 2019 : The American Association of Naturopathic Physician's Annual Conference in Portland, Oregon.

NESH Students
Our Recent Featured NESH Alumni
We are delighted to highlight the work and other passions of our wonderful NESH alumni. We are thrilled to have been part of their education and training. Our goal is to keep creating and supporting members of our NESH family and to generate ongoing opportunities and exposure for the people we love whose work we admire. Enjoy!
Marnie Frisch ND
Rebecca Principe
Rebecca Principe ND
Amherst, Massachusetts and Portland, Oregon

For NESH Alum Near & Far - The Learning Goes On! 

Meet and find support & friendship 
 with other Cycle & Segmentarians

The Topic this Year is:
The Ins & Outs of Chronic Disease

There are many challenges to treating those with chronic illness and multiple complex diseases. From where to focus your attention, to how to establish realistic prognoses and to how to handle patients over time, we will tackle your questions and challenges illustrated through the patients we see.

April 26-28, 2019 (MA)
November 9-10, 2019 (OR)
November 15-17, 2019 (MA)

For logistical information on our clinical classes, click here .
NHC Office
Our satellite office of Naturopathic Health Care opened Feb 1st at
369 Pleasant Street in downtown Northampton, MA. Patients are welcome to continue working with us at our Enfield, CT office where we’ve been since 1986! With the issuing of our ND licenses in Massachusetts imminent, we are thrilled to finally offer natural, integrative medicine to patients in the Pioneer Valley.
Drs. Rothenberg & Herscu accept new patients in person and via Telemedicine Services.
To schedule an appointment: call 1.860.763.1225
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