1. What instrument do you play?
Guitar lessons with Ms. Kelsey.

2. How long have you had lessons?
For 3 months!

3. Why do you play?
Because it's a really cool instrument. I want to learn the real thing!

4. What is your favorite music?
Rock n' roll!

5. Favorite food?
There are a few, but my #1 is broccoli mac & cheese.

6. Hobbies besides music?
Chess, running, and I competed in the geography bee.

7. Coolest thing you've learned in lessons?
Being able to play Ode to Joy.

Teacher Shout Out
From Riya - "Ms. Kelsey is a funny and enthusiastic teacher!"
From Ms. Kelsey- "Riya is one of the fastest learners I've ever had. She continues to grow every lesson. I look forward to seeing her every week!" 

Family Shout Out: 
From Riya - "Thank you mom & dad for putting me in lessons!"
From mom & dad - "Keep up the great work!" 

Special School Dates
for April 
April 15:
Teachers turn in Spring Recital Forms. Please confirm with your teacher if you are participating.  

April 25:
Guitar Master Class - Free class for all students enrolled at WMS. Thursday April 25th at 6pm-7pm.

April 27:
S aturday Student Open Mic at 12PM. This is a great opportunity to practice performing your recital piece in front of a crowd!

Every Tuesday at 7pm-8pm we have a Free Parent Guitar Class with Mr. Chris. Must have a child enrolled in lessons to attend.  

Contact Us
Westchase Music School
11301 CountryWay Blvd
Tampa, FL 33626
(813) 925-0102
Mon-Fri 3pm-8pm
Sat 9am-Noon