March 22, 2 020
Dear Parents:

Good afternoon.
I want to keep you abreast of what we are doing to try to maximize the current educational environment.
We are going to make an adjustment to the current schedule and let me tell you why. Preparing for a few snow days is one thing, but maintaining a rigorous academic schedule for weeks, maybe even the possibility of a month, is an entirely different challenge.

The feedback I was getting from many of the students and teachers was that they were being put into a position of having to make a decision as to which class they were to attend. For example, a teacher tells the students that "Tomorrow at 9:00 a.m., we are going to have a test or quiz" and they have a test or lesson in another class at the same time. This puts the student in a predicament that none of us wants. We have to eliminate this "silo" mentality and develop a more comprehensive plan.
All that said, we are going to implement a new schedule which I am going to send out today to all the students. This plan is devised to allow each of your children to have a dedicated time with their specific teachers, with the hope of reducing the student stress and anxiety. Teachers will still be available anytime during the day to respond to student requests, or be available to those students who need additional help.
The new schedule will be as follows:

8:00-9:45:      World Languages               
9:45-11:30:    Math 
11:30-1:15:    English 
1:15-3:00:      Social Studies 


8:00-9:45:      Fine Arts & Business/Computer Science
9:45-11:30:    Science
11:30-1:15:    Theology   
1:15-3:00:      P.E. & Health


This is a day to provide the students with the time to do their work or catch up on other assignments.  In an effort to give you them that time, no tests, quizzes or synchronous activities can be assigned on Fridays.  Have them check their PSL for daily assignments as usual.  
I want to thank each of you for becoming an involuntary member of our teaching faculty. I am sure you are enjoying (?) this opportunity to refresh your memory of all the subjects you had previously in your lives. I am confident that you all appreciate teachers more than ever and you are more than ready to send them back to us! Know that we miss them and want them back as soon as possible.  
Each year as we begin a new school year, we start with a faculty Mass. As I wait for Mass to begin, I have always said a silent prayer that God will give me the courage, wisdom and understanding to be able to handle something that will arise that I have never faced in my entire career. No one could have imagined this current situation, but hopefully together, we will conquer this current challenge.
I personally feel we will emerge as a better country, state and educational institution as a result. That is my prayer.
For now, Pray, stay healthy and know we can't wait to return to "normal" school operations.

Warmest Regards,
Steve Spellman 
St. Pius X Catholic High School
2674 Johnson Road, NE
Atlanta, GA 30345