April 2019 | Volume 1
Whom do you trust? The veracity of evidence, knowledge and expertise are constant themes in healthcare and the patient always seems to be dependent on the actions and integrity of others — from government policymakers to their individual clinician. Efforts to put patients in charge of their data and decision making are notable and needed, but slow to take root. Patients and caregivers are the real experts in care and in defining what health really means to them. Are we listening?
Name the much-criticized federal program that has saved the U.S. $2.3 trillion. Hint: it starts with Affordable
Even before the Affordable Care Act became law, about 90 percent of the conversation and criticism of it was about coverage. Little has been said about its ability to control costs.
A Model for Public Access to Trustworthy and Comprehensive Reporting of Research
The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) was authorized by Congress in 2010 to fund comparative clinical effectiveness research. The legislation required the institute to guarantee peer review of all research results and to make those results publicly accessible within 90 days of their receipt, requirements that were the first of their kind for a US-based research funding organization. 
A Framework for Increasing Trust Between Patients and the Organizations That Care for Them
Trust matters in health care. It makes patients feel less vulnerable, clinicians feel more effective, and reduces the imbalances of information by improving the flow of information. Trust is so fundamental to the patient-physician relationship that it is easy to assume it exists. But because of changes in health care and society at large, trust is increasingly understood to be at risk and in need of attention.
Why Physicians Should Trust In Patients
Most of the existing literature on trust between patients and physicians focuses on whether patients trust their clinicians. When medical paternalism was the dominant model in health care, this focus may have been logical: if the physician knows best, the main role of patients is to trust and follow the guidance of physicians.
App Store Quality Claims for Mental Health Apps Rarely Backed Up
Behavioral health is a medical specialty that has been touted as a  good fit for telehealth settings , but self-managing such issues could be risky if patients rely on ineffective apps. Patients and their doctors need a good way of determining which apps to use and recommend.
How Can Doctors Be Sure A Self-Taught Computer Is Making The Right Diagnosis?
Some computer scientists are enthralled by programs that can teach themselves how to perform tasks, such as reading X-rays.

The technology has great allure, because computers could take over routine tasks and perform them as well as doctors do, possibly better. But as scientists work to develop these black boxes, they are also mindful of the pitfalls.
Understanding The Burning Platform Of Health Care Spending Growth
I n January, we were honored to co-chair the inaugural meeting of the  Health Affairs Council on Health Care Spending and Value . This diverse group of  22 health care leaders  has come together to stimulate a national discussion about whether we should—and how we could—constrain what feels like runaway health care spending.

Passion + Quality = Change That Matters
I embrace the powerful opportunities in our evolving health care landscape. I founded Momentum Health Strategies to be a catalyst for change through continuous learning, diverse engagement and thoughtful policy and practice initiatives. I deliver innovative, strategic thinking and a passion for improving the patient experience. My personal drive and dedication to high-quality results will help you navigate the competitive terrain you face and convert your vision to action.

Momentum Health Strategies

Jennifer L Bright, MPA
(703) 628 - 0534