There is no denying that the Covid 19 outbreak is a worldwide problem, and we must all do whatever we can do to lessen and contain this monster.
Having said that we must avoid drowning in the information tidal way of doom and gloom being heaped upon us.
Whilst the is no medical cure for it, just like any other sickness or tragic happening there are things we can do to help us get through it.
We can still enjoy sunshine, fresh air and exercise in whatever format you can do.
There is also the love you feel for and from others. Whether they are close or far reach out and tell them how much they mean to you.
Just as importantly there is fun and laughter.
Don't dwell on sadness, focus on the good thing in our lives.
The simple act of smiling has an amazing effect not just to people you know but to everyone that you pass on your travels.
It will also make you feel good.
With that in mind Seniors 101 has created a new page: -
The world needs more laughter and we will do our best to share a new reason to do just that every day.
Please help us do that, by sending any that you come across to     [email protected]

But above all else 

Do you have a concern, a question or a problem regarding a friend or a loved one? 
Ask us, we may be able to help.

We would  really appreciate any comments, suggestions or questions 
you may have. Please contact us at [email protected] or 