Fall 2020
Remembering Esther McCready

Esther E. McCready, DPS (Hon.), DIN ’53, UMSON’s first African-American student, a Maryland civil rights pioneer, retired nurse, and educator who helped pave the way for generations of aspiring students of African ancestry in Maryland and across the world, died Sept. 2, 2020. Read more.

Baltimore Sun photo by Karl Merton Ferron
P-TECH Mentors Motivate New Nursing Students

Volunteer nurse mentors have joined UMSON’s collaborative effort to support P-TECH students navigating their nursing career path from high school to community college and beyond. Read more.
65 Years of Psychiatric Nursing

Always on the cutting edge, UMSON’s psychiatric nursing program’s trajectory since its founding in 1955 closely follows shifts in the health care system, public opinion, and policy. Read more.
Stress Linked to Addiction Vulnerability 

An UMSON researcher found evidence that stress may cause an increase in addiction vulnerability — but not everybody reacts the same way to different experiences and stressors. Read more.
Educating Nurses for the Future

UMSON's associate dean for the baccalaureate program writes about how the ongoing pandemic and national conversations about racism have shifted the landscape of nursing education. Read more.
32 nurse leaders
from Anne Arundel Medical Center have been inducted into a newly chartered Pi at-Large Chapter, UMSON’s expanded chapter of Sigma international nursing honor society.