On behalf of the WASHAA Board and our community, we know that you are being blasted with urgent information about the novel coronavirus and COVID-19 and it can feel overwhelming.  As a health advocacy resource, we want to connect with you to let you know that we are here. We want to share what we are doing and talk about what you can do to stay active in learning and exchanging resources related to health advocacy during this very challenging time. 

First, we want to connect with our community.
We will be hosting a virtual gathering of local advocates at 4 pm, March 24 to survey our community to understand what questions people have and where there are gaps in education and action.  We will be looking for strategies that are working for patients in terms of navigating care and staying connected in this time of social distancing and cancelling of non-essential medical care.

We are also considering hosting a  community Zoom call - where individuals and families can connect  to health advocacy experts to address questions, share resources and support one another.  Please let us know your questions and  if this would be of interest to you! You can join us by Registering Here.

Second, we would like to continue to offer relevant and unique information. 
Please connect with us on  social media:
Tell us what type of information is missing that we can provide.  Watch  our social media channels to learn about virtual presentations and health advocacy skill-building.

We are thinking of our WASHAA community. We  WILL get through this TOGETHER.  Let us know how we can better serve you!  We are listening.



Robin Shapiro
WASHAA Board Chair
Do you have something you would like to share with the WASHAA community?

Please submit ideas to 

Washington State Health Advocacy Association
E-mail us  | Call us: 206.377.3000 |  Visit Our Website
See what's happening on our social sites: