Courage & EnCourage Annual Conference
July 25–26, 2020
Now Online!

Join us as we celebrate four decades of pastoral care, fellowship, and prayerful mutual support …
… and "have some good appropriate fun."*
Registration Now Open!
This year's conference will be held virtually using Zoom. Talks and live Q&A will focus on the Five Goals of Courage established by our founding members back in 1980. Please see the conference page for speaker details.

As fellowship is a key component of our conferences, we are looking at different ways for attendees to interact with one another. Please consider how you might be able to participate in this virtual event as a chapter. Virtual community will also be made available for those who have no local connections or prefer to participate in that way.
In these trying times, we know that cost may be an obstacle. We are happy to announce, for this year only, a "pay what you can" conference fee. Let's not let this situation take the reunion out of our Courage/EnCourage family event!

* Quote is from the voicemail greeting of Fr. James Lloyd, C.S.P., longtime Courage chaplain.
A Message from Our Director
On the feast day of our patron saints, a message from our Executive Director, Fr. Philip Bochanski, with an appeal for your support, was mailed to everyone on our mailing list. We'd like to share it with our email subscribers, too.
3 June 2020
Feast of the Ugandan Martyrs

Dear Friends,

It is a pleasure to greet you on the feast day of the patron saints of the Courage apostolate, the 22 Catholic martyrs who gave their lives for the Faith in what is now the nation of Uganda, between November 1885 and January 1887. They are not very distant from us, geographically or in time: we even have photographs of many of them. In these days, it seems to me that they are closer to us than ever, and have many lessons to share. [ ]  |  | 203.803.1564 |  Contact us