Gathering Together From Afar
It's the 13th month of 2020 - or at least it feels that way to us!
While closures and physical distancing can be difficult, they're essential to our safety and we are all making it work. We're finding ways to weave connection, community, and even entertainment throughout this new world we find ourselves in.
Thanks to those making it happen - healthcare providers, teachers, school staff, grocery store employees, delivery people, and more.
Read on for stories about our ongoing connection and community in the midst of changing times.
As of October 26th, some students, teachers and staff have returned to the classroom, but the majority are still engaged in remote learning.
For students returning to the classroom, they'll spend two days a week in class while learning from home the other three days.
Schools are maintaining a 1 to 5 teacher to student ratio in accordance with state Public Education Department guidelines.
Image from ArtWorks workshop prior to 2020.
ArtWorks teachers, staff, and teaching artists came together for a fun and relaxing gathering last week!
Meeting online, we all came together to learn more about each other, listened to a beautiful poetry reading by Santa Fe poet laureate Joan Logghe (2010-2012), and even got expressive with a group creative writing session.
Thanks to all who attended - it was great to see everyone's faces! We're looking forward to working with our amazing ArtWorks teachers this year.
Photo by Angela Abbate, 6th grade teacher at
Chaparral Elementary
The Arts & Trauma-Informed Instruction
Join ArtWorks for a public workshop on Wednesday, November 11th, from 4-5:30pm.
This workshop will explore how using arts education and creativity can effectively reach children affected by trauma. Learn more and register with the link below.
Open to the public, but space is limited!
This event is generously funded by the City of Santa Fe Arts & Culture Department.
Writing prompts for an ArtWorks lesson.
SOS Fund: $15,000 Strong!
As you know, the Support Our Students (SOS) Project is raising funds to help families who can't afford internet service and school supplies.
We've raised over $15,000 out of the $50,000 needed! But we need your support to ensure all families have the internet access they need.
Follow the link below, and be sure to designate "Support Our Students Project" from the drop-down menu.
Thanks to the Santa Fe Community Foundation, Los Alamos National Laboratories, and several private donors for helping us get off to a great start!
What do Bandelier National Park, the Georgia Aquarium, and the Great Wall of China have in common?
They're all on our Virtual Field Trip page!
Partners has compiled a list of virtual field trip opportunities for the home-weary to explore. Check it out and travel near OR far, all from the comfort of your own home!
Photo from Bandelier National Park
Partners in Education has been supporting teachers in our public schools for 32 years. That's all we do. We invite you to read on to see how our programs help teachers to make a difference in the community. Your donation can be directed to a specific program or to Partners in Education in general.
Have you ever seen a big yellow school bus outside the Lensic or a museum? Each year, donors like you provide the funding for buses for nearly 600 public school classes to go on transformative educational adventures.
The Teacher Warehouse is a resource for teachers to "shop" for free and take great things back to their classrooms. Local businesses and individuals donate office supplies, art supplies, books, and more.
Due to the pandemic, The Teacher Warehouse is currently closed until further notice. We will update you when we're able to reopen.
ArtWorks is an aesthetic education program that builds critical thinking skills and frees young imaginations. ArtWorks makes the arts personally meaningful to over 1,800 public school students and teachers through an integrated program of art-making, viewing live performances and exhibits, and achieving understanding through inquiry and reflection.
Through the generosity of donors like you, classroom teachers receive grants for innovative, curriculum-based projects. Partners in Education awards over $50,000 to about 60 teachers each year.
Partners in Education also honors seven Santa Fe Public School teachers each year with the Teachers Who Inspire awards.
The mission of ArtWorks is to make the arts personally meaningful to children and elementary school teachers through an integrated program of art-making, viewing virtual or live performances and exhibits, and achieving understanding through inquiry and reflection.
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