City of Cumming
July 2021
City Celebrates July 4th on the 3rd
The City of Cumming will celebrate Independence Day in a big way this year! Join us on Saturday, July 3rd for all the festivities:
64th Annual Thomas-Mashburn Steam Engine Parade, 10 a.m. to Noon: These antique giants lead the way for this 64-year Cumming and Forsyth County community tradition! As in years past, the parade will journey down Castleberry/Tribble Gap Road from Forsyth Central High School to the Cumming Fairgrounds (steam engines will enter the parade at Webb Street). Typically featuring more than a dozen of the antique engines, the parade is one of the nation's largest gatherings of these unique throwbacks to days gone by. The parade also features plenty of other vehicles, such as classic and modern cars, emergency service vehicles, motorcycles and floats, as well as all types of entries from local civic groups, government organizations, churches, schools, and businesses, among others. (Don't forget to stay hydrated and bring ear plugs, especially for little ones!)
Cumming Fairgrounds Celebration, 4 p.m. to 10 p.m.: The Fairgrounds open at 4 p.m. with plenty of family-friendly fun, including vendors, music, kids' games and activities, and more! Don't miss the Pizza Eating Contest at 5:30 p.m. and Hot Dog Eating Contest at 6:30 p.m. Thank you to our Fairgrounds Celebration sponsors: Andean Chevrolet and T-Mobile!
Fireworks Extravaganza, 9:30 p.m.: Be sure to stay at the Fairgrounds for the grand finale - the Fireworks Extravaganza! Cap off all the day's excitement by viewing the City of Cumming's annual fireworks display. The best seats in the house are on the grounds, but the display can be seen pretty much all over town. Thank you to our Fireworks Extravaganza sponsors: The Forsyth Chamber of Commerce and Discover FOCO!
City of Cumming Honors Fallen Holly Springs Officer
In light of the horrible tradegy involving Holly Springs Police Officer Joe Burson, Mayor Troy Brumbalow requested that the City’s "Cumming Home" water tower, near Exit 14 off Ga. Hwy. 400, be lit blue from June 21-30 in Officer Burson’s memory. At only 24, Officer Burson was tragically killed in the line of duty on June 16th after being dragged by a suspect's vehicle during a traffic stop. The City of Cumming offers our sincere condolences to Officer Burson’s family, friends, and fellow officers at the Holly Springs Police Department, as well to all our neighbors to the west in the Holly Springs community.
Catch Up with Mayor Troy in His Mayor's Memo
The Second Quarter 2021 Mayor's Memo is now is available. In this edition, Mayor Troy Brumbalow provides highlights from the spring and early summer of 2021, and shines a spotlight on some of the great things going at the Cumming Police Department!
Cumming Arts Center 'Open Studio' Returns
The Sawnee Association of the Arts is again offering Open Studio space and times for local artists at the Cumming Arts Center (111 Pilgrim Mill Road). If you are an artist looking to join a group of artists who work together to inspire creativity, or perhaps one who just needs space to be able to work outside of home, the Arts Center Open Studio may be just what you need! Open Studio returns on July 8th. For complete Open Studio information, click here.
City Council Honors Nursing Assistants
Mayor Troy Brumbalow and City Council presented a proclamation to Jennifer Hines-Burdette, chairperson of the National Network of Career Nursing Assistants, during their regular meeting on Tuesday, June 15th. The proclamation declared the week of June 17-24, 2021 as "Nursing Assistants: Kindness in Action Week" and recognized all the care that professional nursing assistants provide to patients in hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, in-home care, and other long-term care agencies, as well as their close collaborations with other healthcare professionals.
During the June Work Session and Regular Meeting, City Council also:
- Awarded a contract for construction of a pavilion near the Fairgrounds' skybridge and ticket booth. The pavilion, which was first approved in 2019, had to be delayed due to the pandemic and cancellation of Fairgrounds events in 2020. It will be named Lewis Ledbetter Overlook in honor of Councilman Lewis Ledbetter, who retired at the end of 2019 after serving 49 years.
- Approved a change order for concrete at Buildings A, B, C and D at the City Center to remove the current wall footings for the four buildings and replace them with helical piers. The change order was necessary because of soil conditions that could not be detected at the time when plans were drawn.
- Approved a proposal from North Georgia Pipeline for installation of a storm sewer drainage line to remedy an ongoing flooding issue on Oakwood Drive.
- Approved advertising for bids for an additional 900 HP Vertical Turbine Pump for use by Forsyth County Water and Sewer. The total cost of this project will be paid by Forsyth County.
- Approved a bid from Jasper Grading and Pipeline for installation of a Storm Drain Pipe at the old Kelly Mill Landfill site, which is used to discard soil waste from construction projects.
- Adopted the 2020 Audit Report as presented by the City’s Independent Auditors, Rushton and Company.
- Adopted an Intergovernmental Agreement with Forsyth County to continue allowing the County's Voter Registrations & Elections Office to manage all City of Cumming elections.
- Approved bids from Billy Howell Ford and John Megel Chevrolet for purchase of a total of four new pickup trucks for the Utilities Department Water Distribution Division.
- Approved Councilmen Christopher Light and Joey Cochran to serve as the City's two representatives on a newly created Forsyth-Cumming Land Bank Authority.
- Approved an Alcoholic Beverage License for Max Fine Wines & Spirits, located at 928 Marketplace Boulevard.
- Approved a bid from Edge Roofing for renovations at the Utilities Department Water Distribution Shop.
- Approved a bid from Jet-Vac Co. for purchase of a sewer line camera, and from Gainesville Motor Sports to purchase an all-terrain vehicle to carry the camera to areas that cannot be reached via a regular vehicle.
Holiday Closure
City of Cumming non-essential departments and facilities, including City Hall, will be closed on Monday, July 5th in observance of the Independence Day holiday. (The Cumming Aquatic Center will be OPEN normal hours on July 5th, and from 1-6 p.m. on July 4th.)
City Council Work Session - July 6 at 6 p.m.
Planning & Zoning Board Meeting - July 20 at 5 p.m.
Regular City Council Meeting - July 20 at 6 p.m.
All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance.