February 3, 2020

Coronavirus Update 2
Good afternoon, San Marino Unified Families and Community,

We remain committed to staying in communication with you with any updates we can provide on the developments related to the novel coronavirus. We are continuing to work very closely with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and other county and state health and education officials to monitor the very latest. While there are no new cases or developments unique to our San Marino community or Los Angeles County at this time, we wanted to send an update reaffirming that we are continuing to stay informed and will continue to notify you should we receive any new information. 
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Update as of 2-3-2020
In its most  recent update today , the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health said, "In LA County, as in counties across the US, the threat to the general public for contracting coronavirus remains low." LA County still has only one confirmed case of novel coronavirus.
Continued Steps for the San Marino Unified School District
We are still advising parents, as we always do, please do not send your children to school if they may be sick . Keeping your sick child home will be a great benefit for the health and wellness of all of our students and staff. If children are sent to school sick, please note that they can be removed from class and school as deemed appropriate by our staff and nurses. If you, your child, or family recently traveled to or from China, we also ask that you take extra precautions and seek a medical evaluation from your doctor before returning to school. 
San Marino Unified will actively maintain its focus on our number one priority, which is the health and safety of our students and staff. We will continue to closely monitor this matter and will communicate with you all we can should we receive any updated information.
Accurate information, including announcements of new cases in LA County, will always be distributed by Public Health through official channels in the form of a press release and will also be available on the Public Health website and social media accounts @lapublichealth.
If we all continue to work together and follow these important guidelines, we can keep our students, staff, and community healthy. Please share this information with your family and caregivers. We truly appreciate your partnership in this and greatly appreciate your support for our students, staff, and community. 
If you have any questions, please contact District Nurse Bob Judge or District Health Coordinator Joanne Javier at (626) 299-7000 x1385. We thank you for your cooperation and support. 
San Marino Unified School District
Be sure to  follow us on Facebook for the latest school and district news



洛杉磯縣公共衛生部在 今天的最新更新 中說:"和全美國的其他地區一樣,在洛杉磯縣普通民眾感染冠狀病毒的威脅仍然很小。"洛杉磯縣仍然只有一例冠狀病毒的確診案例。

聖馬力諾學區如往常一樣建議父母, 如果您的孩子生病了 請不要讓他們上學。 將生病的孩子留在家裡對我們的學生和教職員工的健康非常有益。如果將生病的孩子送到學校,學區指派的工作人員或護士可以將他們從課堂和學校帶走。 如果您本人、您的孩子或家人最近去過中國或從中國來回,我們還要求您採取額外的預防措施,並在返回學校之前尋求醫生的專業評估

準確的信息(包括洛杉磯縣新病例的公告)將始終由公共衛生局通過新聞發布的形式以官方渠道進行發佈,也可以在 洛杉磯縣公共衛生局的網站 和社交媒體帳戶@lapublichealth上獲得此類信息。


如有任何疑問,請致電(626)299-7000,分機1385與學區護士BobJudge先生或學區衛生協調員Joanne Javier女士聯繫。再次感謝您的合作與支持。

請在 臉書 上關注學區的最新動態