Volume 10, Issue #12 - March 19, 2020 

In the name of Christ, we embrace all people to be nourished and empowered by the Holy Spirit to love and serve the world.
From Peter's Pen
Today I find myself tremendously grateful. Though we are in new and somewhat unsettling circumstances (school, church, and business closures; social distancing; etc.), we are abundantly blessed with thoughtful, calm, and prayerful leadership. Especially as I listen to Bishop Van Koevering and to Governor Beshear, I am impressed by their peaceful demeanor and active work to lead us into wise action and care for all, especially the most vulnerable among us. Please keep them and their staffs, and our legislature as well, in your prayers as they work to lead us in this journey through uncharted territory.

At Ascension, we continue to respond prayerfully and thoughtfully to changing circumstances. For this Sunday (March 22), we will not have services at the church. 

Instead, I will lead Morning Prayer at 9.30 a.m. through our Facebook Group Page. Please log in if you're able and invite others to "attend" as well: we can all use a little prayer and community during this time!

Also, each evening at 5:00 p.m. I am leading Evening Prayer on our Facebook Group Page as well. You can tune in live to either service, or watch it later as your schedule permits.

On Facebook, go to

I am also working on continuing our Sunday morning Bible study (the Gospel of Mark) through ZOOM:  please text or email me if you are interested in participating.

ZOOM is an online meeting program (like FaceTime or Skype): the church has a subscription, so it is free for you to participate. Once I have a list of interested people, I'll send out an email invitation with instructions and the meeting time. You will be able to sign in using your smart phone, tablet, PC/Mac, or even with a "plain old telephone."

Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Please let me or the Deacons know if there are specific things for which we can pray during this time. 

With Love,

cell 502-661-2742
P.S. Do you have a Book of Common Prayer at home? Would you like to have one? We are removing some well-loved and worn copies from circulation in the pews, replacing them with crisp new copies that have been recently donated. The old books have been blessed and so must be burned to be destroyed, but in most cases are still perfectly usable... if you could use one, let us know!
COVID-19 Coronavirus Crisis

Due to the current Coronavirus pandemic, direction from government officials, and leadership from our bishops, there will be no church services or group meetings in the church building until further notice.

2020 Holy Week and Easter Services are also cancelled.

This situation is unprecedented, and churches across the globe are facing similar challenges. Please read:

Bishop Curry states,
"It is important to emphasize that suspension of in-person gatherings is not a suspension of worship. I very much encourage and support online worship."

Curry continues, "In the Gospels, the teachings of Jesus about the way of love cluster during Holy Week and Easter... The primacy of love in the Gospels is given its fullest expression in the shadow of the cross. This way of unselfish, sacrificial love, the way of the cross, is the way of God and the way of life. It is out of this love for our fellow humans, our neighbors, that we forego the blessing of being physically together for worship. In so doing we seek to promote health and healing needed at this time."

Ascension has some new and evolving capabilities for creating online content, such as videos and live streaming with Facebook and YouTube, as well as the ability to conduct group meetings/teleconferences with an online tool called ZOOM. Watch this space for updates about remote/virtual meetings and broadcasts, as well as suggestions and resources for alternative forms of worship, ministries, and outreach as they develop.

If you have questions, concerns, ideas or suggestions to share, or if you have needs that your church family might help to meet, please contact Father Peter to discuss (email , or call 502-661-2742 ).

You may also email Deacon Rebecca Saager ( ) or Deacon Sue Kurtz ( ).


Father Peter will be live streaming/broadcasting Evening Prayer on Ascension's Facebook Group Page at 5:00 p.m. daily, and Morning Prayer on Sundays at 9:30 a.m., for the duration of this closure, and occasionally at other times. Check it out, and comment to let him know you're watching!

Also watch for updates to Father Peter's VLOG and Ascension's new YouTube channel , featuring short, topical videos produced by Father Peter and Taylor Lunsford. The first video was posted recently, featuring Father Peter discussing, "What is Lent?"

Online Resources

Find more resources listed on Ascension's web site, here:

For families with children, consider having them create a scrapbook or journal about this historic event. Teach them to pray, to look for the helpers, and to express their questions, their fears, and their gratitude.

Godly Play is offering some resources for free or at a reduced cost around the theme of Courage and Kindness .

Ascension's Godly Play teacher, Laura Buffenmyer, says, "I love the first paragraph about the story of this time in our lives, “I wonder what your favorite part might be?” or the one that I have thought about most if I were teaching during this pandemic is, “Where do you see yourself in this story?” Those two “wonder” questions are generally the same with every story, along with, “I wonder if we could leave out any part of this story, and have everything we need?”

The responses to those questions are always so interesting from a young person’s point of view. This is a trying time for everyone. I can only imagine the questions the young members of our congregation have at home right now. This is a great way to keep Godly Play going on the home front during Lent. This precious time of reflection is so important."


While the church is closed, our tradition of serving breakfast on Sunday morning is also suspended. However, there are still other ways that we can continue our mission of outreach.

First to mind is Simon House , which we work to support throughout the year. Here is a letter from Simon House directors:

We are in Lent, the season that prepares us for Easter. And this 2020 Lenten journey is challenging for all of us as we watch the coronavirus unfold around us. Simon House is committed to helping our community during this COVID-19 pandemic. We have already seen an increase in need as businesses have started to close. As the saying goes, "Most people are only a paycheck away from being homeless." This can now be a very real situation. We have heard many heartbreaking stories, worries and insecurities expressed in the last few days.

With that said, like everyone we are in desperate need of sanitizing items, cleaning supplies, soap and other hygienic items, baby formula, baby food, diapers, and wipes. We currently have almost 20 people in the shelter, and so it goes without saying that we need toilet paper! 

We know that these are all items people are worried about running out of at home, but at this time we are dealing with those who cannot even afford to go to the grocery store to get these items. All are most grateful for any help you can give.

Donations, both monetary and material, may be brought to our NEW administrative office and community service location at 101 St. Clair Street in Frankfort, from 9:30 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please call 502-223-2138 in advance to schedule your visit with us. We will meet you at the door since we are avoiding any traffic in the office.

(Simon House is a 501(c)3 agency. Donations are tax-deductible.

John Martin, Chair, Simon House Board of Directors
Rachelle Foley, Simon House Executive Director

Simon House is also being overwhelmed with applications from the community for food boxes, and their residential house full of adults and children all need to eat. Residents do have their own kitchens to prepare food, and Simon House also works to help feed others in the community in cooperation with the Food Pantry, Men's Shelter, and other organizations. Food items including fresh meat, non-perishable foods, single-serving easy-open foods, breakfast supplies, drinks and snacks for kids would be helpful.

Note: During this critical time, all donations should go directly to Simon House. Note the delivery location of their new office, next to the Singing Bridge. To avoid delays and complications, remember to call ahead; DO NOT take items to the residence house on Campbell Street OR to Ascension, and do not "drop off" items without handing them directly to someone. (If desired, you may put "from Ascension" in the check memo field to let them know a donation is from an Ascension parishioner.) Thank you!

Group meetings of three or more people should NOT be held on church grounds during this time. Investigate using cell phone conferencing, Facebook Live, ZOOM, or other remote meeting options.

Having a key does NOT mean that you are authorized to enter/use the building during this period of mandatory closure. If your group "needs to meet" - CHECK FIRST with Father Peter for authorization or options.

Regular office hours are suspended until further notice.

Father Peter, Mona Proctor, and other clergy and staff may sometimes be working from home, or may be in and out of the office periodically. Our Sexton, David Gierlach, and cleaning person, Anita Rogers, will continue their duties, on their own schedule.

Other people are asked not to visit the office/church building without prior authorization from Father Peter. If you do enter the building for any authorized purpose, remember the six-foot social distancing rule at all times. Soap and hand sanitizer is readily available throughout the building - use it!

Our clergy team continues to work to stay in touch with our members who are sick or homebound, but in-person visits will be kept to a minimum during this time.

Please note: Our antiquated phone system will not allow us to update the 'outgoing announcement' voicemail messages! We hope to have the problem corrected at some point, but even if the message you hear is outdated, you may still leave a message. We will hear it the next time we are in the building, whenever that may be. If your message needs immediate attention, please contact Father Peter directly (email , or call 502-661-2742 ).
3/1/2020: $4,886
3/8/2020: $2,721
3/15/2020: $5,934

Here it is. You know it's coming. The Plea.
Please, please keep your donations coming regularly.

During this critical time, Ascension's bills continue. We have obligations for payroll, utilities, upkeep, insurance and more, that simply must be paid so that our mission may continue and our doors may reopen when this crisis is eased. Our 2020 budget is already quite lean, and a steady level of income is crucial to our survival.

In recent years we worked and prayed together to meet and master a serious financial challenge. Now we are debt-free, and it is crucial to continue our commitment to each other, to our community, and to our historic and beloved church. Please send your payments by mail to Ascension at 311 Washington Street, Frankfort KY 40601.

Y ou may also drop payments or other paperwork, contained in an envelope, into the locked church mailbox. It is a brass box located on the parish hall porch that is nearest the main church door, mounted on the brick wall to the right of the steps.

If you would like to give "automatically" by authorizing a regular monthly deduction from your bank account, contact Mona in the office to get that started. If you are out of envelopes or stamps to send a paper check, Mona will be glad to mail you a supply. Email or call 502-223-0557 .

If you have questions about the church budget or expenses, talk to any 2020 Vestry member, or to William Legg, Treasurer, or Mike Oder, Assistant Treasurer, or Jim King, Finance Committee Chair.

 Do take care and shepherd your resources well; please keep Ascension as a priority as you are able.
THE BROTHERHOOD OF ST. ANDREW meetings are currently suspended. (Normally meets every other Saturday, in the parish library at 10:00 a.m.) Contact William Legg ( ) for details.
CENTERING PRAYER meetings are currently suspended. ( Normally meets every Saturday morning, 10:00 - 10:30.) For more information, contact Scott Kimbel,
THE DAUGHTERS OF THE KING meetings are currently suspended. (Normally meets (FIRST Sunday of each month, in the parish library after the 10:30 service.) Contact Judith Spencer for details ( )
Find the Diocese of Lexington online at 
March 22, 2020
Daily Office Lectionary
Week of 4 Lent, Year Two - BCP 955
OR go to and choose by calendar date
Intercessions for the Church: Diocese of Haiti and the Diocese of Guatemala, Historic Companion Dioceses - The Right Rev. Jean-Zache Duracin, Bishop of Haiti, The Most Rev. Armando Guerra Soria, Bishop of Guatemala; Small Church Ministry Consortium 

Recently in need of prayers: Barbara; Bill; Bob & Angela; Candy & Tony; Daneen; Donnie; Edith & Marion; Gus; Heidi & Ian; Greg; Jon; Josh; Linda; Marie.

Continuing concern: Betty; Carrie & Shawn; Collin; Dan; Darlene; David; Debbie; Dillard; Doris; the Duncan Family; Erika; Faye & Steve; Gillian; Ginni & Vic; Holly; Isaiah; James & Stella; Janet; Janice; Jean; Jinks; John; Julia; June; Lara; Linda; Mac; Marilyn; Mary; Melissa; Mike & Susie; Natalie; Polly; Scott & Kathy; Sherri; and Tom. We also pray for those on active duty in the military: Daniel, Houston, Mary Jo, Nick, Seth, Tanner, and Walter.

Birthdays: 3/22 - Roy Stivers; 3/25 - Rena Bartlett, Carlee VanHouten; 3/27 - Scott Mello, Lisa Perkinson.

 Part of the strength of this congregation is our care and concern for each other. Please help us to do this by letting the church office know when you are ill, hospitalized, or otherwise in need of prayer and/or visitation. We especially want to serve you during these times.  Also, if we don’t have your birthday or anniversary on file, or if it appears incorrectly, please let us know!  Call the office at 502-223-0557 (messages are checked periodically), or email
Pre-Planning for End of Life

Rite I or Rite II? Eucharist or no? Burial service in the church, or only a graveside committal? Special music, songs, readings, people? Please consider writing your preferences on a “Funeral Information and Burial Instructions” form, for secure long-term storage in the parish office. This confidential information will serve as a guide to the church and your family after your death. A 'Kentucky Living Will Directive and Health Care Surrogate Designation' Form is also available.

Ask in the office or one of the Deacons for a blank form, or download from our web site at:

Return the completed form(s) to Deacon Rebecca, Deacon Sue, or to the parish office.
Clergy and Staff

  • The Rev. Peter Doddema, Priest
  • The Rev. Dr. William G. Brown, Associate Priest Emeritus 
  • The Rev. Deacon Rebecca A. Saager, Curate
  • The Rev. Deacon Susan E. Kurtz, Deacon
  • Mr. John B. Martin, Director of Music & Organist
  • Ms. Mona Landrum Proctor, Parish & Financial Administrator 
  • Mr. David Gierlach, Sexton

Copyright © 2020 Church of the Ascension. All Rights Reserved.