Throttle Up!
Martin took this picture at 8:30 a.m. with hopes I would post on Facebook "Throttle up on day two with the Dive Pirates... " well the whole day has been full throttle, just catching up at the end of another great day in Key Largo!
group photo key largo gregg boat
Tropical Destiny...
Well we didn't get to name the boats this trip, they need some pirate influence around here!

Board member Gregg Wentworth is leading the crew with two new recipients and three returning... I can tell you it's great for our new recipients to be around pirates Kelly Talamantes, Matt McCollor and Kiah Hodges.
Kamron never lost his hat!
Diving with hat on (can't wait to see the under water pictures) Kamron Lopez wanted to make sure he wasn't missed. Supported by his crew from Las Vegas (Instructor Lee Craver and wife Ivy and Doug Deak) He's all smiles. Thanks for your service Kamron, your smile is infectious!
Scott and Jennifer are naturals...

Besides taking right to diving, Scott Wilson is posting amazing pictures to the group and we will be including many of them in our trip photos. A commissioned artist, he is loving the vibrant colors underwater, and as a new diver he's shooting photos like a seasoned pro! Losing an arm in an oilfield equipment accident a week before entering the marines, he continues to build and live an amazing life, now adding diving to the mix!
Reef Environmental Education Foundation
Tonight we had a great presentation from REEF, thanks to board member Janeen Judah who is an avid fish counter. It was also a great time for us to get together and bring the store to our wonderful travelers! We were so busy with the store and the presentation I never took a picture, however I encourage you to go to, as much this group likes fish bingo, this may be right up your alley!
Once they are gone they are gone!
We only have two more days to purchase one of a limited number of tickets for this diver's edition watch with backplate dedicated to Dive Pirates. Trip goers seeing the watch jumped in for tickets tonight.

Thank you crew members everywhere supporting this effort,
Theresa the Terrible
*Unable to accept donations from Pennsylvania
P.O. Box 1564
Wellington, CO 80549
Phone: 877-EYE-DIVE