Branching Out Newsletter
 Weekly News
March 18th thru March 25th, 2020
Sunday Worship Services
Services will be streamed on Facebook and posted to YouTube until further notice
Choir and Praise Band practice suspended until further notice
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Join us virtually at 9am on Facebook

    Psalm 1:1-3
Romans 12:2


“Loving God with your Mind”
Given by Brad Johnson

Stay Fed! A Note from Pastor Stella

Cast your anxiety upon the Lord, for he cares for you. - 1 Peter 5:7

This season of the Corona virus outbreak is difficult. Know that God is with you. Please stay connected and let the church help care for your soul.

Gather by participating in worship by tuning in to Facebook Live during our regularly scheduled worship time of 9am, or watch the video feed on Facebook or YouTube later in the day. Or, if you prefer, simply set aside time at 9am Sundays to pray, knowing we are together in spirit.

Check In if you need contact. Our drive-by station at the Blessing Box will be open every evening from 5-7 pm (or at the door if it’s raining). You can drop off non-perishable food donations or simply share a greeting and a prayer from a friendly face. Call a church friend or your pastor. My cell number is (512) 415-6708. I am scrambling, but I am NOT too busy for you.
Know that we have prepared and things are under control. Our tech wizards are keeping us updated, our care team is supporting the homebound and those who aren’t online, our prayer team is managing prayer needs and covering us all with prayer, and Allied Services of Kyle is keeping us connected to the community. I was on a conference call with Mayor Mitchell on Monday, who assures us that our police will keep patrolling and we will all pray for one another. He may be calling on us as a resource, so stay tuned.

Use your Resources: We will keep sending out this newsletter. If you know someone who does not receive it, encourage them to subscribe. We are actively using Facebook, and I will keep posting a devotional weekly on my blog, . Check out our website for the latest information related to Covid-19 outbreak.

Remember: Easter is coming . We don’t know what that will look like yet, but we’ll celebrate somehow. Right now, we’re looking at a drive through worship on Palm Sunday with music and planning a drive through pilgrimage for Holy Week with groceries on the Wednesday we would normally have dinner church. We may be able to do outdoor worship on Easter. Stay tuned.

Give . Volunteer to help with one of the efforts listed above. We know this is a time of financial stress, but please give to your church electronically or by mail if you can so that we can continue to pay staff and keep the building going.

Be a Christian . We had a lesson at dinner church on knowing your neighbors. God has perfect timing. Let’s use that lesson and check on those nearby. Have patience with others – those in line at the grocery store, that person who is being annoying online, and especially those in your family who are in close quarters with you. Show grace. Show love. This is hard for all of us.
Take Care of Yourself . Put down your phone, turn off the news, take a walk, pick up your Bible and read it.

God is in charge. All will be well. – Pastor Stella
As of 3/17/2020, we are suspending all meetings, gatherings, and classes taking place in the church buildings . This includes the Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, and the Family Life Center. We are working hard to make sure all persons who normally use the buildings are aware of this change. This includes:

-- Sunday School (for all ages)
-- Youth Group
-- Bible On Tap
-- Faithful Heart Yoga
-- UMW and Cheer Circle Meetings
-- Coffee Group
-- Prayer Ministry Meetings (will meet virtually)
-- Easter Egg Hunt (cancelled)
-- Pray Ball (cancelled by City of Kyle)
-- VBS Planning Meeting
-- All Building use for outside organizations and events
All Sunday School and children's ministry activities are currently suspended until further notice. But this is a great opportunity to build that family faith formation at home! Check our KUMC Children's Ministry Facebook page for resources!
Sunday Night Youth Group- suspended until Further Notice

We want to keep our Youth healthy and Safe! We will not meet in person until further notice. Check our KUMC Youth Facebook page for faith formation activities you can do at home!
Our purpose is to serve God by dedicating ourselves to pray each day for each person, need and concern as listed in both the confidential prayer list and the persons named in the church bulletin and newsletter. We welcome anyone who would like to join us. For more on joining, contact Natha Caldwell.

Prayer request slips are available in the sanctuary pews and may be placed in the offering plate on Sunday to be given to the pastor. Persons may also contact Natha Caldwell (512-618-3908) , Joann Runkle (832-741-7237) or Pastor Stella Burkhalter (512-415-6708) with requests (please include both email and phone info for us).

Current Prayer List

P rayers for Our Homebound
Craig Christiansen, Alice Herzog,
Jack Nipper

For All God’s People
Erik Curtis, Melanie Tiemann,
Margaret McGuiness, Cody Childress,
Jean Moser, Lorene Whitten, Lisa Starlin, Natha Caldwell, Olga Parker, Kathryn Roark, Addison Johnson, Dave Brown, Shirley LaFleur, Curtis Rosenthal

Prayers for Military
Andrew Klemme, Jon Vahl

Online Giving Opportunities

We know this is a time of financial stress, but please give to your church electronically or by mail if you can so that we can continue to pay staff and keep the building going.

Online: Click the button below or go to and click the online giving button at the bottom of the home page.

By Mail: PO Box 69, Kyle, Texas 78640
*We will not be in the office regularly at this time.

Please leave a message on the office phone at 512-268-2331 or email

You may contact Pastor Stella at 512-415-6708 or

Alissa Villarreal is available
at 361-441-4206 or
In an attempt to keep our community healthy and safe, we have decided to cancel our Easter Egg Hunt for this Year. If you have already donated filled Easter eggs, they will be placed in the Blessings Box for someone to enjoy!

We're encouraging you to LIGHTEN YOUR LIFE FOR LENT!

Go through those extra closets and dresser drawers and pass on what you no longer need. 

On April 25th, we're doing our Annual Free Garage Sale. We have seen in the past that this is a church-wide event, and we're getting some extra help from partner agencies this year. 

We're doing it a little differently this year. When you bring your items, please have clothes items sorted by gender (in a perfect world, also by size, but we know how hard that can be), and household items sorted together. We'll be receiving items for donations from Sunday, April 19th through Thursday the 23rd at the church. Please hang on to them until then because we simply don't have the space at church.

We've done this twice in the past, and we've heard testimonial after testimonial about how helpful it is for our community. God has moved mountains for people through this act of service, and people are already asking about this year's date. Please prayerfully consider what you're able to donate and know that it matters. People receive help they desperately need, and they see Christ moving. 

Please contact Shannon with questions. 
If you would like to submit something for the weekly newsletter, you need to submit on Mondays, so we can send it out by Wednesdays. 

Here is the information/suggestions we need:
What is happening?
What committee or group is doing it?
What day? Time? Location? Deadline?
Who to contact (name, phone, email)

Please send submissions to
|Kyle United Methodist Church| 512-268-2331 | |