All proceeds support the Pat McGuire Scholarship Fund
Dear Friend of Opus Peace...

Would you help us make a difference in the lives of hurting people and have some fun all at the same time? Here's how:

On Saturday, April 25 in St. Petersburg, FL a leadership square off will be set in motion when Opus Peace Founder and Co-Founder, Deborah Grassman & Pat McGuire and Opus Peace Board President and Vice President, Angie Snyder & Leann Thrapp participate in the annual St. Anthony's Triathlon .

Which Team will be victorious?...The Founders (or) The Board? Use the buttons below to CAST YOUR VOTE TODAY!

All proceeds support the Pat McGuire Scholarship Fund!

For a limited time, any donation of $10 or more receives a complimentary copy of the audio book, "The Hero Within...Redeeming the Destiny We were Born to Fulfill" by Opus Peace Founder, Deborah Grassman!

Vote today! Every dollar helps people reckon with the unassessed wound of Soul Injury, thereby liberating unmourned loss/hurt and unforgiven guilt/shame in order to restore personal peace.
T o participate in the annual St Anthony's Triathlon, visit the website at: