NHSBA Update: COVID-19

Dear NHSBA Members -
As another hectic week winds down, NHSBA provides this email with an additional update providing some general recommendations and considerations as school boards, administrators, school staff, parents, and students get used to remote learning and alternative learning opportunities during this emergency.
Included with this email is a letter developed collaboratively between NHSBA, NH School Administrators Association, NH Association of School Principals, NH Association of Special Education Administrators, NEA-New Hampshire, and NH CTE-Directors.  This letter is being sent to our respective members.
The purpose of this joint communication is to provide unified and consistent recommendations to school boards, superintendents/central office administrators, teachers, school principals, school special education staff, support staff, other district staff and most importantly, to public school students and their parents.
Our letter can be viewed here.
Please note that these recommendations are just that - recommendations.  NHSBA recognizes that responses to COVID-19 and the implementation of educational and other services will likely be addressed on a district-by-district basis.  This letter is intended to provide broad, general suggestions.

NHSBA Website - COVID-19 Updates

NHSBA has updated its homepage to include a link to all COVID-19 updates, documents and resources.  We will be adding to this page regularly.  Please check back or follow us on Twitter for more information.

We will certainly be providing additional information as it becomes available.

Thank you for your service and leadership on your local boards.
Barrett M. Christina, Esq.
NHSBA Executive Director
(603) 228-2061