March 20, 2020
11:30 a.m.

Dear Families

As we close out the first week of digital learning at TCHS, I want to wish all of you a VERY happy Friday! Although my daily commute has gone from 55 miles to 20 feet, I must say this has been a very
long week as we all try to adjust to what is being called the “new norm”. I also want to add that, as they always do, our students are really rising to the occasion and this week’s learning plan has been largely successful. 

I have no new updates but wanted to reach out to you with some important information and reminders:

End of Quarter 3:
·      Quarter 3 closes on April 1 st
·      You can expect report cards to be mailed out after April vacation (We will update you with a specific
date once we have a better idea when the building will re-open).

Academic Standing:
·      Currently, the vast majority of students are completing all assignments.
·      Grades, class ranking, & pass/fail status is contingent upon their completion of assignments.
·      PLEASE make sure your student is logging in daily and completing their work. 
·      There will be NO exceptions for missed work without just cause. Students not completing their work
will NOT get credit for grades, participation and attendance. This will seriously jeopardize their ability
to pass to the next grade.

I want to end by thanking all of you. As I said, the vast majority of our students are completing their work and doing a great job under these extreme circumstances. The hardest part for me is not being able to watch their achievements and converse with them as I walk about the building. Please share with your student that I am proud of them and they are in my prayers!   

I will continue to keep you updated as new information comes in. Have a wonderful weekend. God bless all of you!

Be safe & be well,

Scott E. Smith