See what is happening at Grace Lutheran!
November 12, 2020
This is a quick weekly reminder of what is happening at Grace in worship
and in ways to connect and serve.
Pastor Update
A Note From Pastor Joanna Mitchell
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 
Hebrews 11:1 NRSV

Dear People of Grace:

About a month ago, our Stewardship Team gathered in one of the classrooms at Grace. Our agenda was to finalize material that has been set out and to plan Stewardship Weekend. We wore masks and the fatigue of the pandemic was palpable, when one of our members said this: “Let’s stop thinking about what we can’t do and start to think about what we can do. What would be fun to do that weekend that might create energy and fun?” Pretty soon the brainstorming started: a dance party, a raffle, treats to share, a pie in the face. As the list grew, so did the energy in the room. All we needed was a little push, an invitation to think differently than we had before, to see new possibilities that we hadn’t quite imagined yet. We left that meeting excited and energized. 

Our life at Grace has changed remarkably in the last year, and yet there is still vital ministry going on. God is calling us to new things: to expand our care for our neighbor, to grow in our connections through small groups, to have a unique ministry for young adults, to communicate with our neighbors through a new sign and to update our building for safety reasons. I am excited about these ministry initiatives. They are ways we will expand our capacity to share our faith with others and to grow in our relationship with God and one another.

This Sunday, November 15th is our 2021 Hopeful Expectations Stewardship Sunday. From 9:30 am until 10:30 am you can personally, safely and confidentially drop off your statement of intent to me and members of the Stewardship team, at the church just like you would give your offering during the parking lot worship services.  There will be several things happening at that time on Sunday – music, people to greet you, and an opportunity to enter a raffle simply by returning your commitment card. Prizes include: a quilt from the Grace quilters, baked goods, the chance to select a hymn or a song for worship on a Sunday, or a Grace t-shirt. You can also come and pray with me or pick up some of our pre-filled mini chalice to use for Holy Communion at your house. I hope you will come by and say "hi" and not leaving us standing alone in the cold. 

Last year we received 67 statements of intent, and this year our goal is to increase that to 125. Everyone who submits a statement of intent (online at, through the mail, or in person) by Monday November 23rd will be entered in our drawing and counts toward our goal of 125 people. Statements of Intent were mailed out earlier this week and should be arriving in your mailbox soon. We have had 5 families pledge to each give a $10 donation for every statement of intent received up to 125 as a way to inspire others to give financially to support the ministries at Grace.  Could you help us meet this goal?

I know these past 8 months aren’t what any of us expected and yet God has been faithful, and God continues to lead us to have hope, and to find life and joy in unexpected places. Thank you for the many ways you have witnessed to me during this time. Thank you for joining with me as we move forward in hope. 

Pastor Joanna Mitchell 
Ministry Moment
2021 Hopeful Expectations Stewardship Appeal
Learn about our new ministry initiatives and how you can play a role in expanding our ministry in 2021.
By Scott Christianson

Grace's Virtual Worship
Virtual Service Availability

Throughout everything we will continue to provide worship online. We will be streaming worship through Grace's YouTube account. We encourage you to join us and listen to God's word through virtual services. Worship will be posted by 5pm on Saturday evening, allowing you to worship at the time you prefer.
Upcoming Activities
2021 Hopeful Expectations Stewardship Sunday
November 15th from 9:30-10:30 am

This Sunday, November 15th is our 2021 Hopeful Expectations Stewardship Sunday. From 9:30 am until 10:30 am you can personally, safely and confidentially drop off your statement of intent to me and members of the Stewardship team, at the church just like you would give your offering during the parking lot worship services.

There will be several things happening at that time on Sunday – music, people to greet you, and an opportunity to enter a raffle simply by returning your commitment card. Prizes include: a quilt from the Grace quilters, baked goods, the chance to select a hymn or a song for worship on a Sunday, or a Grace t-shirt.  We have 5 families pledge to each give a $10 donation for every statement of intent received up to 125 as a way to inspire others to give financially to support the ministries at Grace. You can also come and pray with me or pick up some of our pre-filled mini chalice to use for Holy Communion at your house. Letters were mailed out earlier this week, and should be arriving in your homes soon. I hope you will come by and say "hi" and not leaving us standing alone in the cold. If you do need a "statement of intent" we will have extra in the parking lot.
Thanksgiving Worship Video
Submissions Due Nov. 15th

We will be having worship on Thanksgiving Eve virtually this year. Because of this we wanted to make the service include as many of you as possible. We are going to make a video about what we are thankful for this year. We hope this will brighten our days and yours as well. Please film yourself in a well lit, quite space. Use the camera on your phone in a horizontal orientation so all of the videos match. Begin each video with this phrase: I am thankful for... then fill in the blank with one specific thing you are thankful for. We want these to be as specific as possible. Please submit your videos by emailing them to ASAP and no later than November 15th. 
The Sand Creek Elementary Kiddos Need Your Help!
Beginning November 15th

The cold has set in and with COVID-19, many of the children at Sand Creek Elementary are in desperate need of WARM winter mittens, gloves, and hats. Beginning this coming Sunday, November 15th, let’s see how many we can collect! A container will be placed at Grace outside of the KIDS ENTRY doors, so you don’t even have to come into the church to drop off your donation! 

Various sizes are needed for boys and girls in grades K-5. If possible, waterproof mittens and gloves are preferred so the kids can play in the snow to their hearts’ content. And please - NO light-weight mittens/gloves, as they just do not work to keep the kiddos warm and dry. Any questions can be directed to Ann Lange 763-438-5623. 
Thank you for your loving generosity
to the Sand Creek children in need! 
“Conversations on Race”
Wednesday, Nov. 18th from 7-8:30 pm

Please join us for our next “Conversations on Race” on Wednesday, November 18th from 7 to 8:30 pm via Zoom. Whether you have participated in the past or not, you are invited to engage in this conversation as we listen and learn together on the topic of people of color and policing. We will watch a video of an honest and respectful conversation between white police officers and a black man. The link to join the zoom meeting can be found on the Grace website under “Church Online”, then “Zoom” and then “Conversations on Race” or click on the button below.
Thanksgiving Supply Drive for ACBC Food Shelf
Now through November 20th

Grace is one of several churches in Anoka County that will be collecting food and various supplies for ACBC Food Shelf. Please note that other churches will be collecting food, and Grace will be collecting these items: 

Toilet paper
Paper towels
Diapers - all sizes, but size 5 and 6 are most needed
Feminine pads and tampons 

Please bring your donations to church during regular office hours (Monday-Thursday, 8-4 and Friday, 8-noon) no later than Friday, November 20th. 

Thank you for your generosity!
Saturday, November 21st - 9:00-11:00 AM

Thank you to everyone who has registered for the FMSC food packing event on November 21st. However, please note that due to rising COVID-19 numbers in Anoka County, Grace Lutheran is suspending all in-person events, including groups that meet both on-site and off-site. This means that Grace will no longer be sponsoring the FMSC packing event. Of course, millions of hungry kids across the world still need to be fed, and FMSC meals are literally saving their lives. So if you’re comfortable packing food at FMSC, please do! But if not, know that you can still support this organization through your prayers and financial contributions. In fact, Noisy Offerings later in November will be directed to FMSC. If you have questions, please contact Debbie Jorgens. 
Children & Youth News
Sunday School is going virtual!

Parents and kids look for emails each week containing a video and Sunday school activities. If you attended Sunday school last week, you took home an activities packet with supplies for upcoming lessons. If you did not receive a packet and would like one, we encourage you to pick one up at the church on Sunday, November 15th from 9:30 am-10:30 am, while dropping of your stewardship commitment cards. If this time doesn't work for your family, please email Sunday School lessons will be emailed weekly arriving on Saturday evening or can be found on Grace's website under children's ministry. In addition to weekly Sunday School lessons that you can do on your own time, we will be offering a zoom gathering Sunday Mornings at 9:30 am. These kid zoom calls will be around 15 minutes long and lead by different Sunday School leaders! We want to know how you and what you have been up to! We want to see your faces even though we cannot meet in person at church. And we want to have fun! This time will be a combination of conversation, learning, games, and fun! 

Thank you, 
Pastor Maria Markman
A Virtual Christmas Program 

We are excited to announce this year we will be creating a virtual Christmas Program! Our program is called: Do Not Be Afraid! And centers around Jesus’ birth stories found in Matthew and in Luke.

Children’s Ministry and Grace’s Music Ministry are combining forces to tackle this year’s virtual program. We need as many children, families, and individuals involved as possible! There are roles for adults and for kids. Opportunities for special music too!

If you would like to participate in this year’s program, please sign up on GraceLink under Christmas Program (Virtual) 2020. The registration will include instructions on how we will cast parts, record scenes, and use your musical gifts all to make this program come to life! If you are a part of the Grace Choir or Praise band look for emails with more information on your parts. Emails may go to your spam so make sure you are checking for this email and reach out if you haven’t received anything. 

Program will air in worship on December 12/13. Invite your friends and family to attend Grace Virtual Worship that weekend. We plan to host a watch party as well via zoom!
Giving of Grace
Grace Lutheran's
 "Till All Are Fed"
Food Shelf Needs

Here is a list of current needs for Grace's Emergency Food Shelf. If you are able to donate, please drop the items at the church office.

cream and chunky soup
boxed mac and cheese
boxed potatoes
boxed pasta 
pasta sauce
canned tomato products
canned stew or beefaroni
Family Promise Donations


Family Promise is looking for donations of gently used crock pots to give to our families who are living in hotels. If you have one you'd like to donate, please let me know. Please feel free to forward this message. Thank you! Gayle Pacholl
2 Nightstands and 2 Lamps

What do these things have in common? They are the last items needed by a family who has graduated from Family Promise and has now moved into their own home - a wonderful accomplishment! Do you have a gently used lamp or nightstand that you’re no longer using? If so, please contact Alden Riley or Debbie Jorgens and we’ll arrange its transfer from your home to its new home! 
Noisy Offerings - Grace 4 Rakai

Malaria is the leading cause of death in Uganda. In fact, 70,000-100,000 Ugandan children under the age of 5 die of malaria every year. But because the Ugandan government has been primarily focused on containing COVID-19 since earlier this year, malaria medication is in dangerously limited supply. Ugandans across the country are at risk - including the vulnerable women and children in Rakai. But the good news is that malaria is not difficult to treat IF medicine is available. 
The cost of treating one child is $35. And we can help! Noisy Offerings received through November 19th will be directed to Grace 4 Rakai to be used toward the purchase and distribution of malaria medication that can literally mean the difference between life and death. Please give what you can - whether it’s $5, $35, or $100 - every dollar makes a difference! 

Would you like to share God’s grace in a very tangible and REAL way this Christmas? If so, please consider “adopting” a local family who will be truly blessed by your generosity. Through our Faith & Community Partnership with Sand Creek Elementary School, we will connect families, individuals, or groups from Grace Lutheran with local student families in need.

If you choose to adopt a family, you will receive a list of family members, with genders and ages, but no names. Historically, adopters have shopped for gifts and added gift cards at their discretion. But this year, because of COVID-19, buying and distributing gifts will be risky. Therefore, we are asking adopters to purchase ONLY gift cards to whatever vendor and in whatever amount the adopter chooses. If you are interested in adopting a local family this Christmas, please contact Jan Margotto at 763-434-4617.    
Ways to Give Electronically
Consider electronic giving on GraceLink. It’s a convenient way to give consistently throughout the year. If you have any questions, contact Frances or Marie in the Church Office or Click on the GraceLink logo below.

If you are wondering where your giving is for the year, please log in to GraceLink. Find Giving on the tool bar. Then select My Giving History.  
Text to Donate
We’re updating our website to also include text and QR code as ways to give electronically.

For these, the system will request the user a ONE TIME SETUP to include their name, credit card # etc. – this will be required only the first time. After that, when the user texts to give or uses the QR code to give it will just ask the amount to confirm. The users will be able to select funds to allocate their giving to as well – operational, capital, noisy.

The number to give is 73256 – text key word: GRACEANDOVER
Grace's Resources
Administrator's Corner
By Frances Fernandez

Hello Grace! What a beautiful weekend we had! It was so nice to see so many familiar faces at our parking lot worship last Sunday!  We miss having you over! I hope you had an opportunity to view the Realm system’s introductory video. Our church is moving to a new kind of church record keeping solution called Realm®. It primarily serves the administrative needs of our staff, but it also offers some exciting opportunities to support the way you are involved in our church. Not only will this improve work life for our ministry staff, it will make it easier for our church family to connect with each other, keep up with what’s going on, and grow as a connected community of believers. Are you as excited as we are? Let’s find out how easy it will be to get involved in the events going on at Grace! View the video here:
Prayers of the Church

Give light to those walking in darkness, and healing to those who are suffering in body, mind, or spirit. Johnnie Tillery, Charlotte Montei, Rachel O’Brion, Gladys Vanquekelberg, Eric & Candace Mahowald & their unborn twins, Bill, Sr. & Barb DeVries, Sue Barker, Linda Breyette, Linda Christiansen, John Malecha, Joe Bailey, Julie Swedberg, Judi Wold. We pray for all those with COVID-19 throughout the world. Lord, hear our prayer.
God of promise, grant comfort, peace, and the hope of Christ’s resurrection to all who grieve. We pray especially today for Shirley Christenson & family upon the death of her sister, Iona Muehlhauser; Bruce Arnevik & family upon the death of Bruce’s mother, Lois; Mark Kempenich & family upon the death of Mark’s mother, Darlene; Mike & Haley Seide and family upon the death of Mike’s Grandfather, Ray Harris. Lord, hear our prayer.
December Grace Notes Articles Due
Nov. 20th

If you would like to put an article in the December Edition of Grace Notes, please have your articles in to Marie Kolar by 5:00 pm on Friday, November 20th. Please have them in Word format and send them to
Virtual Connections

During this time of high COVID-19 cases, we encourage you to connect with Grace and others! If you are looking for ministries and groups to connect with please visit our web site at and click on Church Online to see opportunities to connect.