What's Happening
at First Parish -
Our Weekly Newsletter

April 3 - 13, 2019

 We aspire to be a beacon
of liberal religion, strong community,
and transformative service.

We aspire to be a Beacon of…..
 … Liberal Religion
Sunday April 7   In Debt to Life
In this last of our series exploring Jesus' parables, Pamela Barz will reflect on the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector.
The choir will sing Circle of Life. Cathie and Mike M. will usher, and the Parish Committee is hosting the coffer hour. We are in need of greeters.

Easter Flowers
Please see the attached form for ordering Easter Flowers for the church for Easter Sunday. Orders are due by Sunday April 14. Order form for Easter Flowers
Read last Sunday's sermon by Anne Robertson here:

Sign up to greet: 

Sign up to host coffee hour:
A Change in Church Communications
With today's What's Happening we are trying an experiment. Instead of sending out the monthly Sloop's Log supplemented by weekly What's Happenings , we are only going to send out the weekly newsletter. It will contain a little more than it did in the past, but not as much as the Sloop's Log . This change is in response to feedback that with so much going on at First Parish, the Sloop's Log was getting too long. Columns from the monthly newsletter will be distributed among the weekly communications with the addition of a new column from the Parish Committee which appears today. Members who received the Sloop's Log by mail will be mailed the weekly communication. This is an experiment April-June. Let us know what you think.
Synergy Sunday Sunday April 7, 2019
Please join us after worship on Sunday, April 7 ( 11:50am - 1:00pm) , and help us to Create Strong Community at our second Synergy Sunday meeting. The Parish Committee has spent a lot of time this year thinking about how to build a stronger church community and how to improve communication, teamwork, and church leadership. 

Synergy Sunday was conceived as a way for members and friends to gather together (perhaps three times a year), to discuss the work of the church in order to identify opportunities for collaboration, partnerships, and synergies that will enhance our programs and ministries. Our first meeting in January was well attended and well received.  Many people, both old and new, involved in church governance or not, commented that they learned something interesting about the church as a result of the conversation.  

Anyone who is currently involved in, who is interested in becoming involved in, or who is simply interested in learning more about the work of the church is welcome to attend the second meeting on April 6.  We specifically encourage each committee, organization, and team of the church to send a representative to share information about their group’s activities, accomplishments, goals, and challenges. Please feel free to join us for Coffee Hour and either stay for the discussion or slip away when you need to. We will have enough food to sustain you, and childcare will be provided. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to any member of the Parish Committee. - Jean S., Synergy Sunday Committee
Theatre and the Spirit: 
Broadway and Faith
Because of scheduling conflicts with Town Meeting, Broadway and the Spirit will not meet again this spring. Look for it to return in the fall.
Parables Discussion
The final discussion for our sermon series on Jesus’ parables, will take place tonight, April 3 at 7 p.m. at the church. Pamela Barz will lead a discussion of the story of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, on which she'll be preaching this Sunday Come contribute your ideas for her sermon! 
New Brene Brown Discussion Thursday Evenings
A new Brene Brown discussion will begin on Thursday April 11 at 7 p.m. and continue for 5 sessions. This program uses video clips from talks by professor of social work Brene Brown to talk about vulnerability, fear, and change. Kim D. will facilitate the conversations. If you would like to be part of the group, please contact Kim or the church office by April 10.
From the Parish Committee
At the end of the church year last year, the Parish Committee set a goal of building a stronger church community by improving how we govern ourselves. Specifically, we have been assessing our governance structure and plan to eventually propose revisions to the church bylaws in order to make the structure more effective. Additionally, we are developing policies and adopting technologies to make our decision making processes more efficient and to improve institutional memory. Our goal is to make sure that church leaders are able to focus on the church's vision and mission. We hope to make the ministry of leadership more meaningful and to find ways to celebrate the inspiration and joy that is First Parish.

The Parish Committee has worked with Pam, building off of her surveys of members' and friends' interests, to match people up with ministries, service, and leadership opportunities. Synergy Sunday has been conceived and implemented as a way for members and friends to gather together to discuss the work of the church in order to identify opportunities for collaboration, partnerships, and synergies that will enhance our programs and ministries.  

The Parish Committee has also focused on supporting Pam in this year when she is taking sabbatical leave and also undergoing surgeries and treatment for cancer. The Parish Committee is very grateful to everyone who has assisted in ministries of worship, pastoral care, and community building.

Parish Committee Members:
Sheri N., Mark M., Alma M., Marche K., Brian S., and Jean S.

Parish Committee meetings are open to all members of the church. If you have any questions about the church or church governance, suggestions for improvements, or if you have an idea for an activity or ministry that you would like to spearhead, please reach out to the Parish Committee with your question, suggestion, or proposal!
... Strong Community
Around the Parish
We extend our sympathies to the family of Nancy Crafts who died on March 30 in Vermont, where one of her daughters lives. Nancy was a long-time member of First Parish. She was involved with bringing the Erdman Pre-School to First Parish and taught there, taught Sunday School, and was quick to invite newcomers to Scituate to come to First Parish. A memorial service celebrating her life will be held at the church on Saturday April 27.

Thank UUs:
To Vicki D. , Chuck J. , Cathy K. , Richard K. , Frank K., Cathie M. , Honora and Kim S. for assisting our guests on Sunday.... to Honora and Kim for ushering that morning... to Mark M. and Lin H.-S. for hosting coffee hour... to Lily D. , Win L. , and Elizabeth D. for a beautiful concert on March 31.... to Jenn M. and Carol S. for selling Anne Robertson's books on March 31... Jean S. for filling the front pots with flowers...and to Dave B. for fixing the church computer.
Pizza and Game Night - Friday April 26
Come enjoy a night of pizza and games, 6-9 p.m. at the church. Bring a game or two that you enjoy or a deck of cards. We’ll order pizzas (pass the hat), or you can bring whatever you want to eat. Soda will be provided, but if you prefer, please bring other non-alcoholic drinks.
... and Transformative Service
Men's Ministry
All men and boys are invited to gather for breakfast on Saturday April 6 at 8 a.m. at Alan D's home. After breakfast they will help clean Alan's yard and clean out the garage at the church to prepare for Robbie M's Life Scout project of building shelves for the garage. If you have questions or ideas or would like to be on his reminder list, please contact Chuck J or the church office.
Calendar for April 3 - 14

Wed. 3rd 10:30 am Fididdlers
7:00 pm Parables Discussion

Sat. 6th 8:00 am Men's Ministry

Sun. 7th 9:00 am Choir Practice
10:30 am Worship and RE
11:45 am Synergy Sunday
5:00 pm OWL Meeting

Mon. 8th 7:00 pm Meditation

Wed. 10th 10:30 am Fididdlers

Thurs. 11th 7:00 pm Brene Brown discussion

Sun. 14th 9:00 am Choir Practice
10:30 am Worship and RE
5:00 pm Youth Group -
Channing Church Rockland
Save the Date

April 26th Game Night

April 27th Blue Boat Coffeehouse

April. 28th Kite Flying

May 8th Unity Spring Dinner

May 18th Plant Sale
Our Mission
Liberal Faith: We commit to participate side-by-side across generations  in worship, religious education, social activities, environmental protection,
and social justice work—learning, sharing, and growing together. 

Strong Community : We commit to care for one another, nurture the light that shines within each of us, and support each other’s individual search for truth and meaning.
Transformative Service: We commit to pursue diversity, justice, equality, reason, and discourse;
provide inspiration through music, creativity, and the arts;
and work cooperatively to affect positive change in our community and beyond.