March  26, 2020
Daily Update

The hospitality committee met last night (Dan Young, Dora Dallas, Nancy Dearing, Angelica Beltran, Joyce Sparks) and seemed to be having more fun (online) than the finance committee did the night before.  But with the wonderful response of people sending in their offerings and dropping their pledges by the church, I think the finance committee may have more smiles next month!

The hospitality committee will be organizing our congregation into 15 different groups and assigning a person to "shepherd" each group, as a way of keeping us connected through these weird times.  

Jiafeng Yan was at the church today to record both piano and organ music for future worship services.  We also got the video taping done for this Sunday's worship services. It was a long day for those helping.  But we're excited to offer you these productions and can't wait for the weekend to share with you.

We are finally getting things worked out with the post office to get our mail.  Dora has had some sickness in her family (strep throat) this past week, so we have only let her in the church on a very limited basis.  Unless someone is there when the mail carrier arrives, (since our doors are locked, and there is no outside mail receptacle) we usually have to wait to get mail when everyone happens to be there at once.  But that's an easy problem to solve, and Dora got things worked out with the post office today.  So, the mail is coming through! 

I got to talk to the Northam family today (Lea, Josh, Caleb) while they were out walking their dog.  They go right past my house.  Each time I see someone (from a distance of 6 feet!) it is so wonderful to talk and catch up.  Lea shared this note from her mom:

Just had the most heartwarming thing happen.  I saw a car going very slow out front honking, and I went out on the porch and it was a parade of about 25 cars honking and waving with homemade signs that said "miss you", "hang in there" etc.  Cars had kids and dogs, and everybody was waving!  Brought me to tears.  I could hear them driving all over the neighborhood.

Another great note I saw this week came from Mona Buckley.  She said that last Sunday was a dream come true for her:  to go to church in her pajamas and spend the whole worship service eating fresh oatmeal cookies just out of the oven.

Finally, I just want to thank EVERYONE for all the encouraging calls, text messages, and emails I have received during the past two week.  As we are trying to find ways to serve people through this odd time, I am very touched by the kindness and support I have been hearing from every quarter. Thank you all so much for the encouragement.  


Today, March 26, is Spinach Day.  I actually like spinach, and think I'll put some in a quiche I'm baking tonight for our supper.

Today is also Good Hair Day and Purple Day.  So, hats off today to Dora, our purple-haired church secretary.  At least... I think her hair's still purple, I don't pay much attention to those type of things.  I would have never noticed if some of you hadn't pointed it out to me in the first place.