November HMIS Updates
November 12, 2020
Is your project done with LSA Corrections?
Outstanding Reviews and Corrections are now overdue.
Please help us submit your data accurately!
  • Confirm errors if they have been reviewed and either cannot be updated or are accurate.
  • Write in when corrections are made to the data.
  • Let us know when you think an error is wrong.

When to expect Report Updates
The Data Center is pulling new reports for all three CoCs every Monday, and updated lists can be expected once a week. HUD is allowing us extra to time to clean, but has started to review

We're tracking all 5,000 errors (or so) and need everyone's help to know when the data is ready for HUD!

Email Helpdesk ( to let us know your status!
Out with the old, in with the new reports!
Software updates for the LSA (Longitudinal Systems Analysis) included a few other updates.

Entry/Exit Report on the Dashboard was retired.
This report had not been updated to current data elements for a few years, but it will be missed for it's approximate inflow/outflow calculations. Our software vendor WellSky has told us they will not recreate it. Please let the Data Center know if you need an alternative report for your work!

Data Quality Report on the Dashboard introduced!
This is a new report that will ultimately replace the ART report called the 0640 Data Quality Framework used for System Performance Measures.
Upcoming Training and Resources
Your next HMIS Users Meetings
Your next HMIS Users Meeting will review HMIS updates, Federal Reporting, and field your questions. Join this discussion and learning session for your CoC!

System Updates - Annual Privacy Training, CE Data Elements
How Can We Help - LSA Corrections, How to add a client to a household's entry (i.e. Babies)
What's Next - HMIS Checklist, Calendar
Demo & Troubleshooting - Audience requests for review

Dates & Links
Computer screen with comment boxes
Materials from your last HMIS Users Meetings are posted
Slides and Recordings are posted for your most recent HMIS Users Meeting. Reference this information for updates on reporting schedules, tips and training, and answering your questions about HMIS!

Back@Home HMIS Support
Field Support Trainings includes HMIS and Back@Home Rehousing Agencies are welcome to join the 3rd Tuesday session for open 'Office Hours'. A few topics have been suggested, but sessions will take questions too!
Reminders and notes
CRF (Coronavirus Relief Funding)
CRF funded Homeless Prevention (HP) or Rapid Re-Housing Services (RRH) services may use and co-mingle with your State ESG-CV HMIS project. Make sure that all clients funded with even a drop of ESG-CV funding are entered into an appropriate HMIS project.

CRF funding by itself does not require HMIS data entry. However, it is recommended for community coordination, system gap tracking, and 'HMIS coverage' rates used in CoC Applications.

Let us know if you need a separate project for separate client tracking!
Missed a meeting?
For each month's HMIS Users Meeting, a recording will be posted later on the page along with slides for reference. But, we hope to see you there! Remember, Agency Admins are expected to attend/review the HMIS Users Meeting recording to stay up to date with HMIS tools and reporting.

We also want our monthly meetings to be as constructive for you as possible. What do you need for HMIS to be better utilized in your work?

Thank you for all of your hard work to make sure all of our neighbors find their home. And a happy belated Veterans Day to our colleagues and clients who have served our country!
NCCEH Data Center | 919.410.6997 |