Throughout this publication, you will see the following
color-coded dots accompanying each article. They represent which
strategic goal the article addresses.
Focusing on Learning
Connecting the Community
Securing the Future
Board expected to approve new superintendent contract on April 1
The District 58 Board of Education plans to appoint District 58’s next superintendent during a special public meeting on
Monday, April 1 at 7 p.m. at O’Neill Middle School,
635 59th St. The Board invites the public to attend and meet the new superintendent, who will be publicly named during the meeting.
The Board of Education worked with executive search firm BWP & Associates to conduct an extensive nationwide search to identify District 58’s next superintendent.
Have a happy and safe spring
Have a happy and safe spring break, District 58! All schools will be closed
Monday, March 25 through Friday, March 29
for spring break. School will resume
Monday, April 1
In addition, the District's Administrative Services Center and Longfellow Center will be closed on
March 28-29
Enjoy your time off!
Save the date: Registration opens April 9
District 58 will open registration for the 2019-20 school year on
Tuesday, April 9.
Like in previous years, the District will offer online registration, and parents will receive private, individualized "snapcodes" to aid with the registration process.
New this year, student fees will be paid using the PushCoin online payment portal. Parents/guardians will receive an invoice from PushCoin after their child's registration is submitted for the 2019-20 school year. District 58 will email all parents and guardians with registration information on Tuesday, April 9.
District 58 calendar updates
This month, the Board of Education approved the
revised 2018-19 school calendar
Provided no additional emergency days are needed, the last day of school will be
Tuesday, June 11, 2019.
June 11 will be a half day of student attendance. The middle school promotion ceremony will be held Monday, June 10.
- First Day of Student Attendance: Thursday, Aug. 22, 2019
- Thanksgiving Break: Nov. 25-29, 2019
- Winter Break: Dec. 23, 2019-Jan. 3, 2020
- Spring Break: March 30-April 3, 2020
- Weekly Early Dismissal: Students will be dismissed at 2 p.m. on Mondays to provide teachers with professional learning time.
Students will take IAR in April
This April, students in grades 3-8 will take the Illinois Assessment of Readiness, which replaced PARCC as the state-mandated assessment.
Read about professional learning in District 58
District 58 engages with elected officials at event
The Legislative Committee hosted its annual Legislative Breakfast on Friday, March 15. The event featured a panel discussion among local legislators regarding education issues.
Learn more.
Calling kindergarten parents for 2019-20!
Register for Summer School
Parents are invited to enroll their child in District 58 Summer School and Extended School Year programs now through Friday, April 12.
FYI: School board elections will occur April 2
Four School Board members will be elected during the upcoming April 2 election day. District 58 encourages community members to inform themselves on the candidates and
Books celebrated during annual Reading Games competition
The Sixth Annual Reading Games reading competition was a huge success! District 58 thanks the many students who participated, as well as the many volunteers and sponsors who helped make this event a wonderful and fun learning experience!
Congratulations to this year's top scoring teams:
List 1:
Thunder Books - Hillcrest School
List 2:
Blast from the Past Readers - Hillcrest and Highland School
Fairmount School donated $800 and 1,286 items to the Lydia Home, an organization for children who have experienced trauma. The Fairmount Student Council led an impactful Lydia Home fundraiser in conjunction with the school's 2019 One School, One Book project.
Learn more!
• Forty-one
Lester students -- named the
Baldy Bros -- raised more than $24,000 during their St. Baldrick's fundraiser this week. In exchange for the donations, the boys had their heads shaved at the annual Ballydoyle St. Baldrick's event. This funding will support childhood cancer research.
March Board Meeting
The Board of Education held a regular meeting on Monday, March 11.
The meeting featured a strategic plan update and a Hillcrest presentation. The Board also approved the final 2018-19 school calendar and the proposed 2019-20 school calendar, which includes a weekly Monday 2 p.m. early dismissal to provide teachers with needed professional development time.
April Board Meeting Preview
The Board of Education will hold a special meeting Monday, April 1 at 7 p.m. at O'Neill Middle School to approve the new superintendent's contract. A brief reception will follow. The meeting agenda will be posted Friday, March 29 on
The Board will hold a regular business meeting Monday, April 8 at 7 p.m. at Downers Grove Village Hall. The meeting agenda will be posted on Friday, April 5 on
Community e-flyers
District 58 emails parents relevant e-flyers on the
first and third Monday of the month.
Learn more about e-flyers. Here are the
March 18 e-flyers.
Friday, March 22
Spring break begins!
March 25-29:
Spring break. District 58 schools are closed.
Monday, April 1:
School resumes
Illinois Assessment of Readiness testing window opens
7 p.m.: Special Board Meeting at O'Neill
Tuesday, April 2:
Election Day
Monday, April 8
1:30 p.m.: Kindergarten Roundup at Whittier
7 p.m.: Regular Board Meeting at DG Village Hall
Tuesday, April 9
2019-20 registration opens
Wednesday, April 10
6 p.m.: Kindergarten Roundup at Kingsley
Thursday, April 11
9 a.m.: Kindergarten Roundup at Henry Puffer
9:30 a.m.: Kindergarten Roundup at Indian Trail
7 p.m.: South 5th and 6th Grade Orchestra Concert at O'Neill
Friday, April 12
9 a.m.: Kindergarten Roundup at Henry Puffer
Downers Grove Grade School District 58, 1860 63rd St., Downers Grove, IL 60516
Community Relations Office: 630-719-5805 I |