Looking for ways increase your numbers?
  • Sign up for the College Cash Campaign/Governor's FAFSA Challenge.
  • If your school is signed up for the College Bound Michigan Initiative you are already signed up to participate in the College Cash Campaign. 
  • Complete the MiSSG Data Use Agreement.
  • The Data Use Agreement gives counselors and advisers access to Student Level Data for: FAFSA completion, SAT scores, TIP eligibility rosters, student look-ups and MCS eligibility.
  • The form must be returned from a school principal's email to mistudentaid@michigan.gov.
  • Utilize the MCAN FAFSA Tracker to stay up to date on your school's completion rate.
  • Meet 1-on-1 with every senior to discuss FAFSA and the college going process
  • Have weekly open office hours for parents to drop in and work on the FAFSA with support. (Example: FAFSA Fridays, Money Mondays, etc.)
  • And be sure to check out the additional resources below!