The Green Digest
A Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care Initiative

The Green Digest gratefully acknowledges project
support from ENERGY STAR ® Canada.

February 3, 2020
Green Hospital Scorecard
You Are Invited
The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care is pleased to announce the seventh year of the Green Hospital Scorecard (GHS) program and extends an invitation to all hospitals to participate! Last year we had submissions from across Canada and internationally.

The Scorecard provides meaningful measures of hospital operations, management, and policy adoption in the energy and environment sphere. It benchmarks environmental performance for hospitals alongside de-identified peer data and is an excellent way for hospitals to demonstrate commitment to environmental sustainability.

Last year, the program collected data that reflected environmental performance in 10 categories: Energy, Water, Waste, Pollution Prevention, and Corporate Leadership, along with the addition of Transportation, Food, Climate Change and Energy Behaviour.
Benefits of participating
The GHS supports hospitals by:
  • Providing your facility a personalized Scorecard, which is an annual report to assess and communicate your performance relative to your peers. A sample scorecard can be viewed here.
  • Offering the opportunity to be individually recognized through annual Gold, Silver and Bronze-level achievements.
  • Encouraging excellence in environmental performance by honouring select participating organisations with annual Green Health Awards. Click here to review the recent recipients.
This year's survey collects data for 2018 (January – December). Submission deadline is Monday March 30 th , 2020.

The Coalition will host a free educational webinar that reviews the layout, navigating, saving and sharing the survey on February 20 th , 2020. Click here to register.

Information on how the Coalition will handle data confidentiality can be found at FAQ , or you can email .

Participation in the GHS for hospitals is free . To help cover program delivery costs we encourage all participants to become members of the Coalition. Information on becoming a member with the Coalition can be found here or contact .
We thank Save on Energy for their continued financial support of the Ontario Green Health Care Energy Award.
Sustainable Transportation
Something Awesome This Way Comes
We can't tell you what ... YET! But its on its way and we hope you will find it electrifying. We will be gathering benchmarking data, sharing an amazing new greening document, holding webinars, and asking for your input into a completely new and exciting initiative for us.
Coalition Receives Donated Software from TechSoup Partners
The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care just received donated software from TechSoup Canada and you can too! If you are a registered nonprofit, charity or public library in Canada, you may be eligible to get donated software from up to 30 companies such as Microsoft, Symantec and Intuit. All you have to do is sign up with TechSoup Canada and get qualified. They also have amazing resources to help you learn more about how technology can benefit your organisation. More HERE .
Sustainable Buildings
Greening Blocks: Practical Design Integrates Health and Climate Resilience Co-Benefits
It is increasingly evident that exposure to green landscape elements benefits human health. Urban green space in cities is also recognized as a crucial adaptation response to changes in climate and its subsequent effects. The exploration of conceptual and practical intersections between human health, green spaces, and climate action is needed. Evidence-based guidance is needed for stakeholders, practitioners, designers, and citizens in order to assess and manage urban green spaces that maximize co-benefits for both human health and climate resilience.
Download the full text and learn about the eight proposed interventions that provide strategic green space enhancement at the neighbourhood and block scale. More HERE .
CSA Releases CSA Z317.2-19 Special requirements for heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems in health care facilities
The fifth edition of CSA Z317.2, Special requirements for heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems in health care facilities, has been released by the CSA Group. This edition of the standard continues to cover all of those things that make HVAC systems in health care facilities unique. There are several areas where the standard has been updated to account for changes in the industry and the research that continues in this dynamic topic area. Learn more HERE . CHES members can access this standard by signing in on the CHES website ( ) and logging onto the CSA portal.
New Humber River Hospital showcases Sustainability w/Vegetated Roof
The new Humber River Hospital, North America's first fully digital hospital, is a green and digital showcase facility with some of the latest medical technology available today integrated throughout to support excellence in care. For example, three-quarters of in-hospital deliveries are automated and the building features 100% fresh air. In line with Humber River Hospital’s Green Vision, the project set an aggressive target for energy reduction. The project team developed a building design that will use 40% less energy than the standard set out in the Model National Energy Code for Buildings. At 1.8 million square feet, it took 43 months to build and has achieved LEED Gold certification. More HERE .
Safer Chemicals
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Reducing Patient Exposure
We have known for decades that certain hazardous Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) leach out of medical devices; Bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates (notably DEHP) are examples of hazardous substances often found in medical devices that are of particular concern due to their endocrine disrupting properties. Several concerns have been raised about patients’ high risk of exposure to such chemicals during medical treatment and the detrimental long-term effects on patients’ health. Many health care facilities around the world are already switching to safer and more cost-effective medical devices that do not contain PVC, DEHP, and BPA. More HERE.
Climate Change
England's National Health Service Charts Course to Net-Zero Climate Emissions
Health Care Without Harm applauds England’s National Health Service (NHS) for its bold declaration that it will chart a course to net-zero climate emissions. NHS chief Sir Simon Stevens announced on Saturday that it would establish an expert panel “ to chart a practical route map this year to enable the NHS to get to ‘net zero’, becoming the world’s first major health service to do so.” Get the full story HERE.
Low-Carbon Health Care in Mediterranean
HCWH Europe’s latest Climate-smart Healthcare project will help develop the Mediterranean as a best-practice region for low-carbon healthcare in Europe supported by progressive environment and health policies. The Low-carbon healthcare in the Mediterranean Region project will help participating hospitals to establish internal carbon management teams and plans, facilitate knowledge and best practice sharing, and also encourage replication across the Mediterranean region through a low-carbon healthcare toolkit that can be used by other hospitals. More HERE .
Climate Change Resources
The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care has the resources you need to help your facility take action on climate change.
Green Hospital Scorecard
The Green Hospital Scorecard (GHS) is the only comprehensive health care benchmarking tool in Canada measuring energy conservation, water conservation, waste management and recycling, corporate commitment and pollution prevention.

In addition, sector-wide responses to the questions on Transportation, Food, Energy Behaviour and Climate Change will be shared through our sector report. Responses to the Climate Change questions in particular will reveal what climate-related impacts are affecting health care facilities, and help prepare for future actions.

The Coalition is currently receiving data for the Green Hospital Scorecard. Register for the free educational webinar (February 20th, 12:00 PM (ES T) here . Learn how the Scorecard can help you improve your organisation's ecological footprint. If your hospital site is interested in participating, email Dan Ritchie at
Publication: Health Care's Climate Footprint
Health Care Without Harm has recently made available a new publication from their Climate-Smart Health Care Series available HERE . Get this free download and learn how the health sector contributes to the global climate crisis and what opportunities are available to you to take action.
Resiliency Toolkit
The Health Care Facility Climate Change Resiliency Toolkit was developed to help health care facilities become more resilient to climate-related risks. Co-developed with support from the Nova Scotia Department of Environment and Health Canada the Toolkit includes a checklist with questions in many areas, such as: emergency management, facilities management, health care services and supply chain management. Completion of the assessme nt checklists by officials with knowledge and experience in these areas will increase awareness and inform resiliency activities. Download HERE .
CPHA Policy and Position Statement
The Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) provides a Policy and Position Statement on Climate Change and Human Health, which also provides an overview of the issues and actions in Canada. More HERE .
Climate Change Resiliency Profiles
The Coalition's case studies showcase the resiliency efforts and disaster responses of some leading health care facilities from across Canada and the U.S. Click HERE to download your free copies and share them with your Green Team members and fellow resiliency advocates.
OTHER Coalition climate change resources also available HERE .
Join the Coalition's Q&A ListServ
The Coalition is pleased to offer an online Question and Answer ListServ giving you access to some of the most brilliant and engaged green health care practitioners in Canada. Have a question about greening your health care organisation? Join by s ending an email to: or Email to be added or share a question.
Do you tweet? We do.
Please join us in the wonderful world of Twitter as we share the latest in Coalition news and initiatives. Find us at @CCGHC
WEBINAR - Public engagement in development of the global chemicals & waste platform beyond 2020
DATE: February 13, 2020
TIME: 2:00 PM ET
What might a post-2020 framework on chemicals and waste look like and how should stakeholders report on their work on chemicals and waste? What should criteria for issues and chemicals of concern include?
Please join Health and Environment Justice Support for their next webinar. Register HERE .
SABMag Canadian Green Building Awards
The Awards recognize excellence in the design and execution of all types of sustainably-designed, high-performance Canadian residential and non-residential buildings and interiors, both new and renovated. Projects need not be certified under a green building rating system. Register now to receive your Entry Kit.
Submission Deadline: March 13, 2020
Adaptation Canada 2020 Conference
Raising our Game on Resilience (Call-to-Action)
Vancouver - February 19-21, 2020
Why Adaptation Canada 2020? No part of our lives as Canadians – and no part of our social structure, economy or environment – is immune to the impacts of climate change. Adaptation Canada 2020 is Canada’s national adaptation conference and there are so many reasons to attend. The Coalition will be participating in the Poster Session with fellow green and resilient champions Angie Woo (LMHO) and Edward Rubinstein (UHN) with the poster entitled "Measure What You Manage: Climate Impacts and Resilience on Health Facilities." Plan to attend. Learn more HERE.
CHES Ontario Conference
Engineering Sustainable Healthcare Facilities
May31-June2, 2020
Caesars Windsor
Join colleagues from across Ontario at the 40th annual CHES Ontario Trade Show and Conference.
Learn from some of Canada's brightest facility and engineering minds at this year's two-day educational event. Details HERE . Register NOW !
CHES 2020 National Conference
September 20-22, 2020 - Halifax
"Enriching Patient Experiences by Optimizing the Environment". / "Optimiser l'environnement pour améliorer l'expérience patient"

The 2020 National Conference will be held at the Halifax Convention Centre, in Halifax NS, September 20-22, 2020. / Le congrès national 2020 se déroulera au Centre des congrès d'Halifax (N.-É.)

CHES 2020 Webinar Series

Online Registration is open for the 2020 Webinar Series.  
The 2020 CHES Webinar Dates and Topics are listed below.  
Wednesday February 19, 2020 - Move Your RFP From a Grade C to an A+ and Five Things You Can Do Today! Speaker: Jake Smithwick, PhD, MPA
Wednesday March 25, 2020 - Isolation Room Design
Speakers:  Jessica Fullerton, B. Sc. M. Sc., CIC; Nick Stark, P. Eng., CED, LEED AP, ICD.D
Wednesday April 15, 2020 - Commissioning in a Health Care Facility
Speaker:  Wayne Stokes, CET Arch, FMA, RPA.
Wednesday May 20, 2020 - An Overview of Smoke / Fire Doors and the 2015 NBC 
Speaker:  Ben Coles, M.Sc.E., MBA, P. Eng., PE
Wednesday June 17, 2020 - Optimizing Design with Virtual and MIxed Reality (AR/VR)
Speaker:  Daniel Doherty, BTech, C.E.T., CM BIM
Wednesday October 21, 2020 - CSA Z317.13-17 Role of the Multi-Disciplinary Team - Pros and Cons
Speaker:  Wayne Stokes, CET arch, FMA, RPA
Wednesday November 18, 2020 - Awareness / Update on Med Gas Qualified Operators
Speaker: Roger Holliss

Visit the website for more details as they become available or to register!    

The Green Digest was brought to you by ENERGY STAR ® Canada.

If you have inspirational greening stories or photos to share with Green Digest readers, please send them to Kent at
The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care is Canada’s premier green health care resource network, leading the evolution of green in Canada’s health sector as a national voice and catalyst for environmental change.  
Some articles referred to in the Digest make reference to services and/or product offerings from specific suppliers. The CCGHC recommends that readers research the service and product offerings available through a wider range of suppliers for comparison purposes and in keeping with public sector purchasing guidelines. These articles should not be interpreted as an endorsement of any product or service.