14th International Family Nursing Conference Information
In This Issue
Conference Registration
Hotel Reservations
Call for Late-Breaking Abstracts
Social Media Toolkit
Honor Families and Family Nurses
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Conference Registration

Conference registration is now OPEN. A preliminary conference program will be available in the near future.

There is a significantly reduced fee for IFNA members AND for registering early for the conference. Please plan accordingly to take advantage of the least expensive registration fee as possible.
All Conference Registration fees will be collected in US Funds.
Hotel Reservations 
IFNA has contracted with the conference site, Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill, for hotel rooms.
Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill 
400 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington D.C., 20001 USA
There are a limited number of rooms at the hotel; please make your reservations early. 
IFNA Group Room Rate:
Single/Double: $189.00++
Triple: $214.00++
Quad: $239.00++
Click here to make your reservations. 

Click here for more information on IFNC14 hotel reservations. 
Call for Late-Breaking Abstracts
If your work is a novel contribution to family nursing practice, education, or research, or policy,

If your data are now available to include in an abstract,

If your methods reflect an emerging and cutting edge approach,

If your work addresses emerging family policy development on 
a local, national, or international level,

We welcome you to submit a late-breaking abstract for a poster or oral presentation for the 14th International Family Nursing Conference.
Abstracts will be accepted via the online Oxford Abstract System.

Deadline: Monday, April 8th at 11:00 p.m. EDT
(No extension can be granted due to the need for a quick turnaround time for the abstract review process)
Click here for more information on submission guidelines, evaluation criteria and the conference objectives. 
IFNC14 Social Media Toolkit

Please share IFNC14 news and your participation in IFNC14 through all of your social media channels.  
Honor Families and Family Nurses
Honor Families and Family Nurses is an initiative of 
IFNA's Resource Advancement Committee  to raise funds for supporting student participation in International Family Nursing Conferences. 
For our last conference (IFNC13, Pamplona Spain) we raised almost $10,000 through this program - money that will be directed to supporting student attendance at the upcoming 14th International Family Nursing Conference. 
Application guidelines will be available early in April. 
With your support of this program, we will be able to provide even greater support for  
students in the years ahead.